Death of a poor soul

"Uncle, did you see a girl around my age who was here with me before? We were buying your bracelet," Elsa questioned the shopkeeper because at that time this was the man who was explaining the authenticity of the jewelry and it was quite attractive for Elsa and Iris to hear, which led them to a long conversation.

"Yes, girl, I saw her going there. I think she was looking for you, on that narrow road, look there, but be careful it ended in front of the Red River," suggested the shopkeeper.

"Thank you very much, sir," after thanking him Elsa turned back to her mother and said, "Mother, let's go."

Elsa and her mother were walking together holding hands. She saw that only two vendors were selling on that road, and the road in front of her gradually narrowed. Jasmine pulled her daughter closer to her as she felt some sort of restlessness going on inside her as if something was not right there.

Elsa could hear the nearby river. Once it was a calm flow, then suddenly it became loud and violent as if it was crushing everything in its path.

After walking for a while, the narrow road finally came to an end. Elsa saw the Red River, it was red but when you look closely at it, you can see that the water was clear as glass.

Elsa stood by the river for some time and admired the beauty. The air of this river seemed completely fresh to him. Slowly Elsa closed her eyes and placed this beautiful picture inside her head so that whenever she closed her eyes, the beauty of this river would float.

At the same time, she heard his mother's voice. "Let's go, Elsa, I don't think she's ever come this way."

"Okay mother, but this river is beautiful, don't you think? Mother, is there any such river in our village also?" Elsa curiously asked.

"No, Elsa, there is no such river. This is the reason why the Red River is famous for its uniqueness. Come on now, Dad and Iris will be waiting," Elsa's mother said and saw her daughter nod.

Elsa was now happy to see such a heavenly beauty, so she started humming a tune but suddenly, her eyes caught something red behind the tree, "Mother, look, there is something behind the tree, it must be Iris. She wore a red dress today."

"Iris, is it you? stop joking with us. My father is looking for you all over the fair," Elsa screamed, looking at the distance.

"Iris, come here now, we're going to leave here, hurry up baby," Jasmine said, but there was no answer from Iris.

"Mama, hang on here, I'm going to catch her, she needs a good beating from me."

Elsa left her mother's hand and started walking there. After getting a little closer, she began to smell some kind of pungent metallic smell, and it was getting stronger, so she was forced to hold her nose, or if she smelled this reek any more she would vomit.

"Iris, this isn't funny anymore, and why are you hiding in this dirty place? I can barely breathe here."

Then Elsa quickly grabbed the person in the red dress and heard something fall to the ground with a 'thud' but didn't lose her grip on the dress. When she moved her head behind, she saw that she was holding a decapitated body.

Elsa cried out in fear, "Mother, mother."

She immediately pushed the body away from her and the body fell to the ground.

As soon as she took her eyes off the body, it fell on the head of the person who had already fallen to the ground, and that was the head and body of Iris.

"Oh my god, oh my god Iris, no iris," she wept bitterly and saw that she was now standing in Iris' blood.

"Blood, blood, mother," she shouted before fainting. Her mother picked her up carefully and was shocked to see the dreadful sight before her eyes.

"Poor girl, who did this to her?" Jasmine cried and howled for Iris, but scared too. She wandered her eyes to see anyone then Jasmine ran away with Elsa.

Near that place, Gabriel was standing behind a tree and watching everything. His heart wanted him to reassure the girl, but before that, he had to find the vampire who made his woman cry.

"Fuck, where's Gramson?"

''Yes, Your Highness! Many years have passed. I am still waiting for you to come." If Gramson had been here, he would have said the same thing to His Majesty.

Gabriel teleported himself to the spot where Gramson was still in the snag of those vines.

"Majesty, have you caught the witch? She was with Harris' Cliff when I attacked.

"Ahem! Gramson I...I was distracted by something, so I couldn't catch any of them." This was the first time a hunt has fled from His Majesty's hand.

"It's okay, Your Majesty, so I listened to some of his conversations. It might help us move forward, but I think Your Majesty needs to announce his arrival sooner, " suggested Gramson.

"I feel the same way, someone is making a vampire behind my back. My terror, how it will go away, so soon. I'm not allowing that," Gabriel said with a pause then resumed again,

"Go and announce my arrival tomorrow, and you need blood, so find some animals before you go. I have to take care of something tonight. You can see me tomorrow."

Along with that, something dark smoke came out from His Majesty's hand and it burnt the vines to ashes.

In the middle of the fair, Jasmine fell on her knee, but she was still holding Elsa tightly, she was having trouble breathing. Robert and some other hawkers came running to them after seeing her condition.

"What happened Jasmine and Elsa?" Robert anxiously asked her.

"There! Robert, there is Iris," Jasmine said between catching her breath. "Her head, Someone tore her head off." Jasmine cried in fear.

"What?" Everyone got goosebumps after hearing her.

"You stay here with Elsa, we will see," Robert said before patting her back, then left with the others.

When they got there, they couldn't believe their eyes. The surrounding soil was soaked in blood, such a heart-shaking scene, but the thing left unnoticed was that the blood was slowly seeping into the river as if something in the river was sucking it.