Chapter 14 (1/3)

-Waking Up Pt. I-

"Ohhh, but let me warn you though, don't act beyond the lines, the Heaven factions seems to be distress for the lost souls in the Nirvana. And I've been receiving endless reports and complaints"

"Sure sure Hades", Kala said while he went to his lair.

"Hmmph, don't forget about it Kraken", Yama said before leaving.

A/N: Since Kala has a fish kind if appearance, Hades used Kraken as an expression for Kala's face. Which Kala hates the most.

This comment left an angered Kala, even though they were both underworld rulers, they rank according to their beliefs, power, and strength. But above all Hades is the staggering no.1 out all of them. While Kala being the 3rd, and Susanoo is the 2nd.

"Tch. Now my fun was interrupted, whatever".

-Back at the Amamiya's Mansion-

Two months had passed since the time Kazu went to slumber, and this made Hans worried. He remembered what Dr. Forbeze had said that the young master is in its last stage of quirk manifestation and is about to wake up.

A/N: So these so called Quirk Manifestation has three stages: Initial, Mid, and Late or Last stages.

"Patience... let's wait for more days", he muttered.

Days passed again, and it is now the sixty-sixth date of coma, but this time was different as Hans observe that there are signs of Kazu waking up.

"Just to be sure, let's call Dr. Forbeze for assistance"

Hans then called Dr. Forbeze, he converse how the signs of his young master waking up, and he needs to be there for further check up and validation of Kazu's health and well being.

Time went, Dr. Forbeze arrived, and went directly to Kazu's room. When he entered as usual, the butker Hans was still standing and waiting at his young master side.

"Good day Mr. Hans"

"Same to you"

"When did the young master shows signs of waking up?"

"Just an hour ago"

"Hmmm", Dr. Forbeze then examined Kazu, after checking no abnormalities in his body, he then activated his quirk.


He then saw numbers on his eyes indicating [5 minutes left before waking up], and this made Dr. Forbeze rejoice.

"He's about to wake up Mr. Hans"

"That's good to hear", Hans replied with joy.

-Kazuhiko's Dreamscape-

After completing the trial and meeting up with Kala, his soul was directly transported into his dreamscape again, where he float in front of a big clock tower.

"This tower again"

But this time, he took initiative to move towards the tower, he observe it clearly just to find nothing, he eyes went 360° to find some odd things yet nothing seems to be a problem.

"If I must say, whether my experience a while ago was real or not will just prove later on, however this tower-, he said while his palm touch the clock center and then.

The clock tower began to disintegrate into pieces until nothing was left. This made Kazu puzzled even more.

"No reactions before and now there is? Was there any difference in making physical contact perhaps?" he asked himself.

"But I'm quite glad that it's gone, this meant I won't be getting any strange dream later on." He muttered.

"Now how do I leave this place"

As soon as he thought that, he felt being absorb again, and this time when he open up he find himself in a familiar place.

"Thank goodness young master that you woke up" Hans was the first to speak up, then Dr. Forbeze commented.

"Welcome back young master, it's been a while since we had a case of Quirk Manifestation and to be in coma for this long"

However both of then got no response but only a cold cerulean eyes kept probing their instinct of fear that makes both of them shiver.

"Young-, as Hans was about to continue, Kenji tried to voice out something


"Yes young master?"

"I said you're too loud, out of sight this instance, both of you." he said in coarse voice.

Dr. Forbeze wanted to say something, but was stop by Hans as he knows his young master's temper so well. They just left the room quietly before Dr. Forbeze ask Mr. Hans.

"Is it alright to leave him after waking up in a coma?"

"Hohohoho, of course he is, he's not your ordinary young master after all.", Hans replied.

Tho shocked, Dr. Forbeze find it absurd well he thought that he had already examined him then he guess there will be no problem.

"Then I guess this is goodbye Mr. Hans"

"En, hoping to work with you again in the future Dr. Forbeze", Hans replied

This made him twitched, and thought: "I still need to come to this place again?", he internally sigh.

"I'll be looking toward it in the future"

Then both of them shook hands together. And as Dr. Forbeze was about to go...