Chapter 14 (2/3)

-Waking Up Pt. II-

"Oh, before I forgot I'll put a good word for you to Mr. Gordom, and your pay cheque will be forward by him as well." Hans said before walking out.

This made Dr. Forbeze jump for joy in his heart, although he was famous for being a good quirk doctor, in the eyes of the I-Island administration, he was still an ant.

"Tho this place is quite peculiar with its technology around and luxurious things to boot, it's quite a mystery for me since there is no way this place is an ordinary household, and it is acquainted with Mr. Gordom as well. Let's just keep things to myself or else I might get in trouble for sniffing things out", Dr. Forbeze thought.

-Kazuhiko's POV-

"How long was I asleep?", he pondered while stretching out slightly.

He then went out of bed, wash himself first, and then get a change of clothes. Afterwards, he open his balcony and brew himself with a big red robe tea.

"So it seems it's quite long since I've been asleep", while looking at a calendar.

"Let's try to see if what happen to me was real, Panel"

After saying it, a bluish transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes, there were stats and information it entails but this confirmed the fact that what happen to him was real.

Then his eyes were locked on the Panel as it displays information.

Name: Kazuhiko Amamiya

Age: 13 years old and 67 days.

Quirk: Time-Space Quirk (click for more details)

Stats (click for more details):

Strength: D-

Agility: D+

Intelligence: B+

Wisdom: B-

Endurance: D-

Stamina: D-

Charisma: A+

Luck: C-

Overall Rating: C

A/N: I calculated it by assuming the value of SSS+ = 24 down to E- = 1. Then I just calculated the average which was 7.75, but I rounded it off to whole number 8, that falls to C.

Quirk Type: Emitter (click for more details)

Quirk Abilities (click for more details)

Curse potency: 100% (click for more details)

"Oh, it really displays my stats", he said while his eyes were drawn to his quirk.

"Time-space?", he said while clicking for more details.

Quirk: Time-Space Quirk

Description - user has 2 quirks to use, can be both activated simultaneously if certain conditions are met.

"Now I have two quirks now but how? Was it related to the clock tower?"

"Well this might be a good thing for my improvement, having two quirks in not impossible after all."

He then went to click the stats.

Stats (Overall rating average stat in this world per person is E- to D- (for quirk less), D+ to C+ (student hero), B- to A- (beginner hero), A+ to S- (intermediate hero), S+ to SS- (veteran hero), and SS+ to SSS+ (pro hero):

Strength: D-

Agility: D+

Intelligence: B+

Wisdom: B-

Endurance: D-

Stamina: D-

Charisma: A+

Luck: C-

Overall Rating: C

"So these are my stats, I guess it's pretty quite decent"

He then scrolled down the Panel and click the quirk type.

Quirk Type: Emitter

Description: All quirk in this world are categorize into four types.

1.) Emitter type - are abilities that allow the user to generate and possibly control certain things, or alter existing things around them in certain ways. The emissions of Emitter-type Quirks can have a wide variety of properties and abilities.

2.) Transformation type - are abilities that cause the user to take on a temporary alteration of some kind. Transformation-type Quirks allow the user to temporarily "transform" their body in a variety of manners, sometimes enhancing existing features, removing features, or adding new features to the body altogether.

3.) Mutant type - are abilities that cause the user a permanent "abnormality" directly related to their power. Mutant-type Quirks create bodily structures that grant the user more complex abilities that Emitter and Transformation Quirks cannot safely provide.

4.) Accumulation type - are powers that, in order to function properly, require the user accumulate something ahead of time, such as power, energy, mass, or a particular resource.

A/N: Source of the Quirk type: Wiki:

"So I'm an emitter type for both of these quirk", he then looked at the next one which was the quirk abilities.

Quirk Abilities

*Przestrzeń/ Space Quirk* (click for more details)

*Chronos/ Time Quirk* (click for more details)