
Re:born :arc 1 :the revelation

" Well right now we need all the help we can get "he replied looking absently outside the window.

(13th July 1998, lupin's hideout, London)

a car parked in front of a big building and two men climbed out of it and approached the Maison.

" Are you sure it's this place ...it looks fancy. " Matheo asked his partner, surprised by their meeting place.

" Yes, it's the right address, '' Shamel confirmed after checking the address on his phone.

Both men then made their way towards the main door of the building and knocked

after a few seconds, a woman opened the door to them it was no one but Mini Fujiko.

the two stopped in their tracks and gagged at the beauty in front of them, if the situation wasn't serious and if he wasn't worried sick about his sky, Shamel would have filtered with her like his usual self though the same doesn't apply to Matheo.

A cough from Shamel brought him from his world of fantasies back to reality and his face turned bright red from embarrassment and the amused expression on Fujiko's face didn't help Matheo's situation.

" you must be Shamel we were waiting for your arrival ", She said walking away from the door to let them inside."by the way I'm Mine Fujiko "

Then she looked at the other man waiting for him to introduce himself.

" Matheo," he said nervously.

she nodded at that and then lead them to what it seems like a gallery room,

soon as they entered it Shamel spotted two men, one of them was sitting on a sofa cleaning his gun in front of him, a full ashtray he concluded that he was a heavy smoker, and the gunman nodded at their arrival.

The other man was sitting in the far corner working on his computer he was absorbed in his work that he didn't notice them as Shamel thought but he was unfortunately wrong as Lupin knew about their arrival before they knocked on the door thanks to the cameras he put around the house after all Lupin loved to be underestimated as it was easy for him that way to complete his hists.

"Lupin !!" Fujiko called the man and the man jolted from his place and looked at them.

"oh you are finally here Mr. Shamel, " said Lupin, a grin made it to his face as he stood up and made his way toward the two guests.

"I'm Lupin the third, and that grumpy old man there is Jigen Daisuke, and the one who is wearing a samurai attire is Goeamon "introduced Lupin pointing the end at the other door, the two-man nearly flinched as they didn't notice his presence in the room.

'so this's the infamous lupin the third ' Shamel thought studying him from afar and he wasn't impressed, to say the least, especially with the comical expression on his face, and he was supposed to trust him in saving Sayuri, speaking of her what did she see in him that made her trust him enough to work with him, though he can tell that the two other men are slightly dangerous.

after the introductions, they all settled around the sofa so they can begin planning on how to rescue Sayuri and stop Argento from claiming the weapon.

" Now before we start I'd like to confirm some information, " Lupin said eying Shamel.

" Which are ?"

" Trident Shamel, a notorious assassin also, a renowned doctor who refuses to treat men, you use Trident Mosquitoes, one of which is named Angela, to infect his targets with deadly illnesses. your assassination skills are so great that you were once asked to join the Varia an elite assassination squid under Vongola the greatest mafia family but turned down the offer. and for some reason, you refuse to treat

men "Lupin read from his computer and at the end of his reading looked at the tense Shamel.

the tense atmosphere filled the room seeing that Lupin laughed to ease them a bit.

" Oh my bad that came out wrong, I don't mean any harm really I was just curious, " Lupin smiled widely still chuckling, while Shamel remained unimpressed, still not trusting this strange man he really did underestimate this man in front of him, what did he expect anyway this man is the most known thief around the world, ... from many countries, even has a bounty on his head in the underworld his train of thoughts were cut by Lupin's next statement.

"Well, I guess my questions can wait for later, let's begin, so about what happened earlier ..." then Lupin begins narrating what happened before and how she become captivated.

" wait and you still trust her ?"Matheo asked in a surprised manner and turned at Shamel who was glaring daggers at the woman who was sipping from her glass of wine after all she was the reason Sayuri got captured.

" that's Lupin for you " Jigen commented " always weak when it comes to women "

" that didn't sound like a compliment, " Lupin said.

" because it wasn't "

" rude ..anyway don't get mad at Fujiko, after all, it was part of the plan "Lupin stated waiting for their reactions.

" part of the plan? what do you mean by that "this time it was Fujiko who demanded answers, by now all the presence in the room are waiting for Lupin to explain what does his mean.

Lupin laughed awkwardly as he thought cursing ' Taku sayuri putting me in this situation and letting me do all the explanations '

" Well, you see we had suspicions about the necklace being fake, and we were right, before entering the hotel ..."


(On 12th July 1998, two hours before the start of the auction,local park,london)

Sayuri was sitting on a bench looking at the kids playing around thought she was in deep thought, but after a while, she sighed heavily.

' and here I thought I would live a peaceful life after getting reincarnated but troubles will follow me everywhere I go '

" maa you seem troubled, I wonder what's going on inside your pretty head, " Lupin said taking a seat beside her with the usual checky smile drawn on his face, though only silence greeted him.

" what if the necklace was a fake?"Sayuri said after a while, her intuitions keep ringing in her head.

"Why do you think so ?" he asked surprised about what she said, he did think about that possibility already but he didn't give it so much thought, the Argento Famiglia knew about them coming if it truly was a fake one then they will be back to square number one, as they don't know where is the place the cobra now, the only person who knows it is now sitting beside him at the moment, he concluded that it might be a trap that's why he planned for her to stay with Jigen as if they captured her it game over for them.

" It's clearly a trap, I mean the information of the necklace being auctioned is disclosed just after the diary was stolen not to mention that it was open information it didn't take me a long time to get which was surprising actually the auction supposed to be private, another thing that I found is that the host of the auction is Lorenzo Di Vittorio the right-hand man of the leader of the Baransantii famiglia which is recently allied to the Argento famiglia if that are not signs then i don't know what is it " she said to him going over the information in her head which all leads to the conclusion that it's a trap .

"So what do you think -?"

After a while she looked at Lupin as he kept silent , to find him looking at her like she grew another head .

"What ?" she asked him confused about his reaction and then realized her mistake. She just, an eight years old kid, disclosed mafia information which was supposed to be classified can't blame him , his reaction was better than Shamel's .

"should i ask where did you get that information ...anyway you might be right it's a trap , what do you suggest doing about it ?" Lupin asked , then he noticed the small smile on her face which made him uneasy about what she was about to say ... and it was just as he thought .

"I will surrender myself " sayuri admitted her plan, simply surging her shoulders .

" And then what gets yourself tutored or worse killed ?" Lupin said this time with a serious expression on his face .

"not really ,there is a thing i didn't tell anyone before , you see while decoding the diary i found at the end that the necklace alone isn't the key , Cobra put a lot of traps around the heidout so you won't get to move on without the second key , the Angelo famiglia was able to decode only the ten pages from the diary , i finished reading all the diary by the way did i mention that i have a photographic memory " she explained the smirk didn't leave her face .

After listening to her explanation he finally realized her plan and then a grin lit out his facial expression .

" aren't you a clever little thing ,so what is the other key ?"he asked, finally agreeing with her plan .

" It won't be hard for you at least "she started, then waved her hand for him to come closer , and she whispered the answer into his ear .

" Mou what are these two whispering about can't hear anything from here" Fujiko whined in irritation looking at Sayuri and Lupin behind the bushes in a crouched position .

" aren't you curious ?" she asked jigen beside her who laid in the ground the bark of the tree as a support

" about their discussion not really "

" i mean about the girl , she is a total mystery , the way she held herself it's like she is an adult in child body sayuri kimura , kimura that's not even her really name "

" I didn't know you enjoyed stalking kids that much, " Jigen said , getting up from his position not waiting for her reply, he added.

" let's hurry up we have only two hours to prepare "

He went back to the hotel with a fuming fujiko in his tracks.

end of flashback

" So you mean sayuri getting captured was the real plan from the whole heist ?" Jigen asked, a bit irritated as Lupin kept all of that a secret from them , the others in the room were still shocked about the revelation and Sayuri's plan .

" yes ..." Lupin confirmed .

"so you did know about my deal with Argento famiglia "fujiko said .

" actually no " he admitted earning a surprised sound from the woman

" we didn't expect you to do that but technically speaking you made it easier for us "

" So now what ?" Shamel asked , the beginning of a headache, he should have expected this. After all it's sayuri of course she will do something dangerous like this.

" Simple we have to find the other key , thanks for sayuri , the Argento famiglia won't be a problem for now " Lupin informed them they all seem eased as finally they won't be breathing in their necks or just they thought but would they know that lupin is just about to drop the bomb on them , i mean literally of course .

" And this key is ? " matheo asked .

"kaser the leader of Cobra's personal 's gun " lupin replied, earning more questions .

" the key is a gun / where are we gonna find it / how can a gun be a key ?" the other in the room bombarded him with questions and patiently tried to reply to their question and he was sure they wouldn't like what was coming .

" yes the gun is the key as for where it helds well it's currently in the possession of Afanas Vlasov the leader of the Vladivostok Gang "

"Vladivostok Gang ? you mean that violent russian mafia ... you got to be

kidding me "Jigen said looking at Lupin wishing from his heart that he was joking but the man clearly isn't especially with the stupid confident grin on his face and with that he now that there is no going back knowing lupin he won't give up until he get that stupid gun this month we will be the longest ever Jigen thought grumbly .