- There´s nothing to do! – Beth said to Krystal while they both looked at Jeanie writing with a huge smile on her face – We´ve lost her.
- If it wasn´t because I´m seeing the ink on the paper I wouldn´t believe it! – Krystal replied – How can she write and look away at the same time? And the most important thing: what is she writing with so much joy on her face?
- I´m just blowing off steam – Jeanie answered without looking at them – Writing makes me happy.
- You´re blowing off steam? – her friends chanted – What´s wrong?
- Nothing´s wrong! – she complained – It´s just an expression. I´ve always enjoyed writing. It eases my life.
- Speak for yourself – Beth smiled – I only write what´s strictly necessary.
- And it´s been a long time since I wrote – Krystal continued – I had more time before.
- You can make time – Jeanie said – Sometimes I write during our lessons. I know that’s wrong, but if inspiration hits me I can´t let it run away! It´s too slippery and I can´t stand to forget the good ideas.
- That´s why you still write – Krystal opined – Because you´re brave and don´t fear to lose the subjects.
- Because I´m not hysterical like you – Jeanie mocked at her – You can always recover a subject. Good ideas only appear once and if you don´t catch them, someone else will.
- You´re a lost case – Krystal gave up.
- Can we see what you wrote? – Beth asked.
- Sure – she smiled giving her the paper.
There can´t be light where there´s no shadow, nor peace where there never was chaos. I can´t tell you who I am if like that I´ll forbid you the pleasure of discovering it. I treasure time, that immortal witness of every story, so I can´t ask you to make it run to understand me. There are things that can´t be said or written, that are drawn without pencils or lines.
I like it when you make me laugh, when the light in your eyes makes my heart beats faster, when you speak with them and words aren´t needed.
I know nothing. I stop being myself to become an eternal victim of the danger that claims me to jump into that shoreless lake.
- Wow – no other word came out of Beth´s lips after she read it out loud.
- Who´s that for? – Krystal asked with curiosity.
- Nobody special – Jeanie smiled – Sometimes I get creative.
- It seems there are some luminous eyes around – Krystal joked – That stimulate your creativity.
- I don´t really know – she flinched – Maybe. But I don´t want to over think it.
- You worry me – Beth spoke again – If you don´t think it too hard now you´ll over think it later. And it might be late.
- I don´t want to think about it because I can´t get enthusiastic with something as platonic as an idea. Writing relaxes me, I can blow steam off and it makes me happy. Let´s not give so much importance to something nobody will read.
- We read it.
- You´re my friends. But in a short time that will only be another folded paper in my drawer.
- Whatever.
Krystal was at the apartment picking Beth to go shopping. They insisted a lot, but Jeanie didn´t want to join them. She got too tired and frustrated in crowds, so she only went shopping when there was no other choice.
Her friends left the apartment leaving her with unwished thoughts dancing in her mind, so she decided to do what she always did to forget: she turned her MP3 on and went to bed waiting for Morpheus to take her away from reality.