
- It´s a date! – Reid said without giving her enough time to react.

- Ok – she had no other answer to the imperative tone on his voice.

- Great! I´ll pick you up at eight.

She ran to the living room feeling a little anxious. It was already seven, so she had to be ready in an hour! That´s a challenge to any woman! Luckily, Krystal was there visiting and when Jeanie got out of the shower, she smiled at her:

- You need to do magic with my face and my hair before a quarter to eight! – she demanded.

- Why so enthusiastic?

- I have a date.

- With the photo guy? – she got surprised.

- Stop calling him like that! His name is Reid.

- And… What´s going on with this… Reid? – Krystal gossiped.

- He is nice and seems a good project for a friend.

- Just a friend? – she pinched Jeanie for details – I thought you had a date.

- It´s a friends´ date.

- And that´s why I need to do magic on your hair and face? – she smiled.

- Well… - Jeanie confessed – He is sexy… So if I´m going somewhere with him… I should be his equal. Don´t you think?

- Yes, sure, as you please – Krystal got her in front of the mirror – Done. It´s not one of my best works, but I think you look awesome.

- Thanks – she smiled through the looking glass giving a pair of thumbs up to her friend – I owe you.

- Just have fun.

- Bye.

Jeanie wore a pink dress although her nails were painted on green, as Reid´s eyes. Her hair was different. Krystal curled it and gave her face a new look with all that makeup she wasn´t used to wear. She never thought a lot about it, so before opening the door she imagined she wasn´t the one going on that date. There wasn´t enough time to get rid of the makeup, so she tried to ignore it. – We´re just friends – she reminded to herself.

- Wow – Reid took a deep breath when she opened the door – You look… Stunning!

- Thanks – she smiled – Truth been told, I hate pink – she confessed.

- Come on! A girl who hates pink? Where did you come from?

- Some author says women came from Venus – se tried to sound interesting – But I refuse that theory. It´s an inhabitable planet! Although I love the Goddess with that name.

- You know about Greek mythology!

- That´s kind of what I study.

- What exactly do you study?

- Too many things to tell you the first night we go out.

- I´m sorry… But… You´re amazing.

- What?

- You hate pink, you know that living in Venus, the planet is not a viable option, but you love the Goddess with that name; which means you obviously know about Greek mythology! And… You stopped the conversation when it was getting me to know you better! Besides, you´re younger than me and I can still learn things from you! What´s not to love?

- You´re mocking at me.

- No! I know it´s not the best moment to talk about love, but I´m talking about love in a non romantic way. I´m not in love with you of course! But you´re so interesting!

- I´m sure you say the same to every girl.

- I don´t date so often. I spent many years with my ex and… - he looked at the floor like a little child – I think I´m not over it.

- I´m sorry! I didn´t want to remind you of her.

- It´ll pass. This is our night and we´re going to enjoy it.

- Just to clear things up – Jeanie looked at him – This is not a date, right?

- No. I´m sorry I called it like that before.

- Great! – she smiled.

- Wow – Reid seemed confused – I thought you wanted it to be.

- Are you crazy? We barely know each other! – she reminded him – Don’t take this wrong. I like you a lot, but I didn´t accept coming out with you on a romantic way. I was sure it was a friends hanging out thing. I know you still love your ex, so I´m only here to support you. The next thing you´ll do is asking me not to fall in love with you… And I won´t! Not until you love yourself again first.

- What if I fall in love with you?

- That´s never gonna happen. You´ll never love me… Not the way you love your ex and… That´s so sweet! So, I´m glad to be your friend – she smiled.

While the night moved forward, they visited several places and ended up seating at the city´s Central Square. Jeanie thought that square looked as a maze, but being new in that city took her away any right to criticize it.

- Do you like the view? – Reid asked.

- I love it.

- Well, it has been a great night. I needed to go out. Get some fresh air.

- Cold air, you mean – she corrected him – It´s freezing!

- Yes – he smiled – I needed cold air, something to lower down my brain´s temperature.

- Does it seem your house is going to fall apart with you inside?

- Yes, I hate being alone!

- Don’t you have a pet?

- Yes, but I mean… I was used to have a female companionship with me.

- Isn´t your pet a she cat?

- Yes – he smiled – But I mean a female human companionship!

- I know what you mean. I only wanted to make you laugh… And I made it through!

- I never imagined young girls could be so funny.

- Are you mocking at me again?

- No. You´re funny! I needed to smile and you made me laugh!

- I do what I can – she smiled – But we have to go back. My roommate doesn´t like to be alone. She is afraid of… - Jeanie tried to remember – Almost everything. I think she simply hates being alone.

- I´m scared of being alone – he faked a puppy face.

- You´re a grown up! Don´t disappoint me!

- Ok. I´ll take you back. But I don´t want to.

- You don´t have a choice. Will you kidnap me?

- I would love to – he deeply stared at her – But I won´t. Don´t worry.

He took her back to the apartment and stayed another while talking to her. He was a man of few words, but Jeanie enjoyed enough with his beautiful smile.

- You´re very mature for your age – Reid pointed out.

- I´m not a little girl! – she answered as one – I know I seem to be fifteen years old… - she thought about it – Well… Under all this makeup Krystal placed on my face… - she recognized – I look like a teenager, but I´m not! I´m arriving to the young-adult phase – she made a funny moan making him laugh again – I enjoyed the night.

- Me too. Can we repeat?

- Of course. Just call me.

- Really?

- Yes.

- But… What about if you´re busy?

- I´m never busy for my friends. If you need me, just call and I´ll be there.

- You´re a good friend.

- I´ve been told.

- See you

- Soon.

Reid left when Jeanie closed her door. She had tickles in her stomach, a new glow on her eyes and a huge smile on her face. But it wasn´t love! Just enthusiasm.