V: Making Waves Part 1

The problem of making waves in a tight space is that, eventually, people are going to find out. And, as usual…

“Your majesty, I object!”

I rolled my eyes at the words of the woman that had birthed me to this life. My father, too, seemed bored; his usually stoic face cracked a little at her shrill voice.

Through my mother's political marriage, my father gained control of the eastern territories of the Yan province, or what remained of it. They consumed their bows, and I was born nine months later. But my mother’s character was childish and spoiled, pining for a man she had always loved, but who had no interest in anything that wasn’t considered an advantage for fulfilling his vision of a united China.

To make way for the new empire, they tossed aside petulant children, young and old. If I had not dedicated myself to my training and demonstrated the benefits of my darling's training in my life as Priscilla, they would have also forsaken me.