XXI: Celebrating a departure Part 1

“Prince Fuchai is looking in our direction.” I wanted to sigh in exasperation as Kumiko relayed that information with her hands, thankful that nobody but me could understand her.

“I wish he would just leave me alone,” I answered in the same manner, before turning with a polite smile to address the man himself.

“Princess Qin Shixian, it is my greatest pleasure to meet you again.” he bowed low, his eyes holding mine firmly. Only one of the attendees had tried to ogle me while bowing, and he had received a slap from me with enough force to send him to the physicians for a fortnight. Since then, nobody had attempted a repeat of the feat.

Today marked the fourth day of the celebrations of my coming-of-age, an excess that my father afforded nobody but me, seeing as I was the once responsible for raiding the northern lands for food and other supplies.