Chapter 50

A tall, imposing figure walked leisurely through a dimly lit hallway, that in usual light would look magnificent and intricate in all of its detail, but now with just a lantern or two hung along the way, it looked haunted by dead things.

Which it was.

The figure walked to a door that was distinctly different from the others that he had previously passed. It was covered in gold and rubies that stood out on the bright, white paint of the wooden door.

He heard faint movement and moaning inside. He also heard what sounded like a whimper. He laughed quietly to himself and muttered, "He never did have enough."

He knocked on the door and waited, leaning against the ornately papered wall.

The door opened and a tall creature stepped out of the dark room, that through a quick glance you could see was decorated with a similar decor as the hallways; ornate and gold.

The new arrival wore a fantastically embroidered silk robe over his bare body, his blonde hair was loose over his shoulders and his bright, blue eyes were set in a frown.

"What?" He asked harshly.

The first creature spoke with a smirk, "Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt your previous engagement."

The second's glare hardened.

And the first spoke again, this time with a more serious tone, "I managed to establish a connection with the girl that the Pixie mentioned." He paused, recalling the events.

"And." The second, asked impatiently.

"And… she could see my true form."

"Hmm, it seems as though Miraz was right to be suspicious."

"She was also attempting to link with someone outside, she was not a Lycan, I could tell that much. But there was a Lycan in the building with her. Luckily the spell that the Pixie gave us kept him out."

The second's blonde head nodded. "Very good. I'll pay her a visit myself soon."

The first nodded and walked away back to his quarters. But on the way he decided that he wanted a companion of his own tonight. He walked till he was standing in front of a door similar to the previous except this one was inlaid with sapphires.

He knocked and heard footsteps near the door from the opposite side.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful red haired woman with bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light.

She smiled seductively, "El-kor." She walked forward and placed her hands on his chest, "And what makes you grace my chambers with your presence tonight?"

"You could say, I needed some air."

He moved forward and kissed her lips passionately, her returning the kiss with the same fire.

The pair walked backward and shut the door behind them.