Chapter 62

Raphael had been doing his best to control himself, and he was doing pretty good so far. He didn't know how tonight would go though.

He had started remembering more of the night he'd been drunk. He remembered walking up the stairs and seeing Brooke in his room, on his bed. That image of her sleeping form beneath his body, the kiss and the feel of her breasts in his hands. The way she'd moaned in reaction to his kneading her full breasts.

He stood still in the living room, her cinnamon scent still lingering. He took a shaky breath, trying to control the urge to jump her right now.

Once he believed himself stable enough, he walked to the kitchen.

The three guys were sitting at the table while Brooke sat at the counter on a stool. He took the other stool and sat across from her and filled the bowl set out for him with the bright, orange KraftDinner.

He took one mouthful and was first confused at what he was tasting. It was a little spicy and a little cheesy. It was good.

"What's in this?" He asked Brooke with a smile.

She giggled, then swallowed food in her mouth, "Taco seasonings, paprika, garlic, onion, and cumin. Is it good?" She asked.

"It's delicious." He said fervently. Never once had he thought of mixing seasonings into KraftDinner. He was amazed by his mate's creativity.

After dinner was done they all sat in the living room. Bored.

"Hey, Mark?" Brooke asked.

Mark looked up curiously, "You wanna do a Halo duel?" She asked innocently.

Raph saw Bradley smirk, 'Was she really that good?' Raph questioned.

"Okay." Mark said, the confidence in his voice made Raph cringe. 'He was probably gonna be crushed.'

The round started, Brooke let Mark choose the map and time; fifteen minutes. It was in slayer mode so whoever had the most kills wins.

Raph sat back and watched as his mate took down Mark again and again. Mark got her once, but it didn't matter now. She had twelve and he had one.

Brooke sat with her back resting against the back of couch, her legs crossed and a look of determination on her face. Mark was the opposite, he was leaning forward his eyes desperate for a chance to attack.

When the timer went off and the scores appeared on the screen, it was really no challenge. Brooke had won. 14 to 1. She held her hands in the air and whooped. A small laugh exited his mouth.

"So I assume that wasn't the first time you've played?" Mark said glumly.

Bradley keeled over in laughter.

Raphael just smiled, although it was a small victory in the whole scheme of things, he was proud and loved seeing Brooke so happy.

Brooke's pink lips stretched into a smile, "No, no it was not. I've played many times."

"What's you're user name?" Nathan asked suspiciously.

"Scarletknife2244." She answered clearly.

Nathan's mouth dropped open in shock, "Scar-scarlet. You're the Scarletknife?!"

Brooke let out a breathy giggle and nodded her lips spread into a full smile.

The young Lycan exploded in shock.

Raph watched and couldn't help but notice how deliciously pink and plump her lips looked at that moment. He felt his canines elongate. He got up from his seat and said that he was going to Thomas's.

He walked through the door and was greeted by the smell of pizza. He followed the sound of the TV to the upstairs living room where Thomas was watching NASCAR. Raphael had never really been into TV, or racing for that matter. But Tom having been born after cars and TV were invented found more pleasure in them.

"Hey, man. Why so glum?" Tom asked when he noticed Raph.

Raph didn't answer and just sat with a huff on the couch next to Thomas.

"Hmm, trouble in paradise?" Tom asked with an extremely annoying look in his eyes.

Raphael just stared at the TV absentmindedly.

"What happened now?"

"I can't be around her anymore. I keep wanting to pin her to a wall and do her right there." Raph said, frustrated with himself, he'd never felt this way before. He'd been with a few women but they'd never affected him the way Brooke did.

"Hmm, well then don't sleep with her. Sleep on the couch or something." Tom said simply as he took a swig of his drink.

Raphael pondered this thought, he could sleep in peace knowing that his mate was safe, just a few metres away from him. He sat and watched the cars going around and around for what felt like hours.

He got up and left.

"Bye!" Thomas called after him.

Raph walked back to his house and opened the door. He was met with silence. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. It read ten forty-five. He'd left at around eight. He walked up to the room and heard sound coming from the other side.

He opened the door and saw the TV on, and his mate sleeping, curled up with a blanket, on the couch, the light from the TV dancing on her still profile.

He walked up and turned off the show, she'd been watching FRIENDS: The one with Phoebe's husband. He picked up Brooke and carried her to the bed and wrapped the blankets around her snugly. He stroked her soft hair, and kissed her forehead.

He grabbed a spare blanket and pillow and prepared the couch for sleeping. He laid down and inhaled his mate's scent.

He fell asleep breathing in that calming aroma.