Chapter 73

-Yes, similar to yours. Me and my siblings all have unique gifts. We are children of Artemis's wolves after all.- A small smirk shaped his lips, he knew that he'd confused me.

-Artemis? As in the Greek hunting goddess?- I asked, mystified.

-Yes, one in the same.- His grey eyes were boring into my brown ones.

-Aren't you going to tell me what you meant by, 'Children of her wolves'?- I asked, knowing he just wanted to confuse me.

He paused closing his eyes and resting his blonde head back against the metal wall.

I was about to ask if he'd fallen asleep when he spoke.

-My parents were created by Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. They were created to assist in the hunt and to protect the huntress'. They warded off wolves that would've attacked their kills and were leaders to the hunting dogs. My mother, Clotho, had the gift of time. My father, Hord, had the ability to take life. Both of them were feared by all, including the Olympians but they could do nothing because they didn't want to disrespect Artemis.- He paused as if recalling something else.

I myself was riveted. I had always loved Greek mythology, I'd read Percy Jackson and that was pretty much it, but I loved it.

-Artemis would often visit towns and see if any maidens wished to join the hunt, one of those days my parents requested that she give them the ability to walk on two legs so that they could see the towns as well. Artemis gifted them the ability to shift. They went with her to the town but broke off from her and explored on their own. They lived for many years separated from Artemis but the goddess was content with that, she loved my parents and their free spirits. Around seven thousand years ago they had their first children, my brother and sister.- He stopped again, probably remembering his siblings. I know missed mine.

-When the Olympians discovered that my parents had reproduced they were furious and fearful. They created, with the help of many other gods, the first Lycans.-

I was amazed. This was so cool! It was a little hard to believe that this actually happened but it was cool nonetheless. 'The Olympians made Lycans!'

-Athena created the strategy and stealth Lycans, Ares the warriors, and Apollo created the healers and hunters. These Lycans were sent to destroy my family, but instead they were submissive and followed my parents as their Alphas. Years passed and my parents had more children, we also had the ability to shift,-

'Obviously.' I thought but brought my attention back to his story.

-Aphrodite saw the Lycans and decided to impart a gift of her own. She selected a mate for each of them, Lycan, human and other. My older siblings began to have children with their mates and so on so forth. The Olympians saw how powerful my parents were becoming and voted to destroy them. Artemis, Aphrodite and Apollo, who had sympathized with his sister, all joined to create a safe haven for them, hidden from other gods. Selene is their protector and to this day it still stands.-

He stopped. I laughed in pure amazement and he looked up, "You find it funny?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.

"No, no. It's just, that's incredible." I said, he rested his head against the wall again and closed his eyes.

I was beginning to wonder if he was asleep, so I asked another question.

-How'd you get to Canada?-

-Same as most people, on a boat, around four hundred years ago when France was colonizing it.-

My mouth dropped open, I snorted and stared at him, -Most people. So you're like really old.-

-Five thousand years or so.- He replied casually.

I rolled my eyes, just five thousand years old.

-So how'd you get to Canada? Or why did you come here? I assume you lived in Greece all your life.-

-Yes, I did live in Greece, but one year they began to advertise colonizing New France, me and some of my brothers decided to start fresh Packs of our own.-

I interrupted him, -So Lycans weren't native to Canada? You brought them here?- That was so weird, and cool.

-No, they were created in Greece and lived in Greece.-

-How did you get away from the Olympians?- I asked not entirely oblivious to his annoyance at my interruptions.

-They were happy to let us leave the continent.-

He was silent for awhile then spoke, -We were on the boat for more than two months, our Lycans were to join us on different boats. Then we landed in New France, or Canada, and began to stake out our territories.-

-That's it? But how'd you get from Montreal to British Columbia- I asked, genuinely curious.

He lifted his head slightly and saw my eager expression then sighed, -Me and my brother had explored most of northern Canada, with the help of the Inuit, and when we reached the Rocky Mountains my brother said that he was happy to divide the northern regions with me, but I was curious about the mountains, so I headed south. I crossed the mountains and reached the other side after many…- He trailed off.

I tilted my head, waiting for him to continue, -Many…?-

-After many years.-

My eyebrows shot up, years? -It took you years to reach the other side? Wow.-

We sat in silence for what felt like hours, it probably was because the dim light that had previously been filtering through the window was now non-existent. There was a sliver of light peeking from below the door that illuminated the metal floor.

It was getting so cold and my teeth were beginning to chatter. I crawled to where Thresh was sitting.

"What are you doing?" He asked when I sat directly next to him.

"Body warmth." I got through my rattling teeth.

He sighed and wrapped an arm around me. -Thank you.- I said.


I woke up to someone shaking me harshly. "Ugh, what ar-"

"You told me to wake you if you fell asleep." I heard Thresh say in a tone that suggested it was the most obvious thing.

I slumped against the wall. So it hadn't been a dream, or nightmare, that we'd been kidnapped. I had hoped to wake up in Raph's arms and he would tell me it had all been a bad dream.

But he wasn't here. And I was alone, with Thresh. Who was turning out to be weirder and weirder.