Chapter 74

Raphael stood on the airstrip, his dark silhouette contrasted by the bright half moon behind him. His golden eyes glowed menacingly as he looked down on the prisoners before him.

He walked towards a younger one and held him up by his throat and looked into the young Lycan's eyes, instead of fear there was a smirk.

"Where are they?" He asked. He watched as the Lycan struggled to resist the Beta's order.

"Your Alpha is dead!" Raphael announced to the whole of them, "He was killed by Elves. Now, if one of you would like to redeem yourself of your Pack's rogue status, speak up and tell me where they took them, or die."

The airstrip was silent, you could only hear the faint rustle of leaves and the rapid heartbeats of the prisoners.

Raphael dropped the young Lycan who was refusing to talk to the ground.

"Since it seems you all need you're tongues loosened-" He swiped quickly and in one swift movement the Lycan's tongue was lying on the ground and the Lycan was clutching at his mouth.

A few of the prisoners gasped but most stayed silent. Raphael saw one that seemed particularly frightened he walked to him and asked, "What do you know?"

"Th-they were taken to-" He stopped short when his body began convulsing and his eyes rolled back, same as Slate.

Raphael kicked the body and then proceeded to interrogate these traitorous rogues.


Thomas watched in horror as his Beta ruthlessly mauled the prisoners. He had known Raphael for a long time, all of his life in fact, but he'd never seen him act this violent.

He wondered how much he himself would change when he found his mate.


The cold floor was beginning to hurt my bum and my legs had fallen asleep.

I groaned and got up, my legs shook a bit but I began trying to regain feeling in them.

I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon, and my stomach was beginning to object to the lack of food.

When my legs no longer had pins and needles running through them, I sat back down across from Thresh who looked like he was still sleeping.

I was getting really bored so I started singing, hopefully Thresh wouldn't mind.

I felt like singing Christmas songs, they made me feel happy, so I sang Silent Night.

Thresh began stirring and opened his eyes and looked at me, confusion written in his eyes.

He didn't ask any questions though and just closed his eyes again.

I sang more hymns and other songs, like White Christmas and Jingle Bells.

When it felt like it was midday by how bright the light from the window was I stopped and stood up again, to stretch my limbs.

I sat back down and sighed. I began stroking my necklace, the one Raph had given me as an apology gift, he'd never even apologized for his behaviour. I smiled, I wasn't too mad at him anymore.

My eyes darted to the door when I heard a creaking sound come from it. Me and Thresh both stood and two men came in, I sensed they were Lycans, and they began dragging Thresh out. I moved towards him but another man entered and punched my stomach, hard. I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

-Thresh! Thresh!- I mind linked because I couldn't use my lungs.

The door slammed and I was left alone in the cold cell.

Hours passed.

I sat directly in front of the door, rubbing my necklace back and forth over my now chapped lips. Waiting for the doors to open again.

Either they would come and take me, or they would bring Thresh back.

I was finding it hard to stay awake, my stomach was beginning to ache with hunger and my head wound was now a dull ache. The cold seemed to have gotten worse as if they were pumping the room with frigid air, which they could very well be doing. Or it was just colder from the lack of a second body.

The minutes ticked by till the light finally faded from the cell and I was left with the thin crack beneath the door.

My breathing started to increase, 'Was he coming back? Did they kill him? Can they kill him? Am I gonna die?' I tried to stop the hyperventilating but couldn't. My hands started to shake and my body felt even more weak from lack of oxygen.

I focused on trying to remain calm, 'Stay calm, stay calm, breathe.'

When my hands stopped shaking I pulled my jacket even closer to my body, trying to keep a little warmer. My breathing was still a little unsteady but I wasn't hyperventilating anymore.

My eyes were still trained on the door when it finally opened. Blinding light flooded in and I shut my eyes. I squinted and saw three Lycans dragging a bloodied Thresh inside.

"Thresh! Thresh!" My scream was more of a hoarse whisper. He didn't respond.

He was still alive, I think, I could still sense a channel from him. I didn't quite know how to check a pulse, I tried his neck with shaking hands, nothing. My breathing started to come out in those shrill pants, but I tried his wrist, after waiting a few seconds not even daring to breathe I felt a faint rhythm beneath my fingers.

I let out a breath in relief.

I tried to examine his body in the dark, he had multiple large gashes across his chest and his leg looked bent in an odd way.

'How could an Alpha get so injured?' I wondered.

I tried to drag him out of the path of the door but he'd made such an agonizing sound when I had, that I stopped.

The gashes on his chest slowly started to fade, I watched in amazement as his wounds disappeared from sight.

'Perks of rapid healing.'

After those wounds were gone he slowly began to regain his consciousness. I helped him prop his body against the wall, the floor was smeared with blood. It seemed like he had more wounds on his back. The cold wall hissed when his hot flesh rested against it. He sighed in relief.

I grimaced when I looked at his leg again, it looked better than before but was still crooked.

I sat in the corner watching him, I would let him heal.

I tried to get comfortable but my bladder was beginning to complain and I really needed to go.

I looked around the room, I already knew that there was no place to go but I was starting to squirm.

If I didn't go soon I was gonna pee my pants, and that wouldn't be good.