22 Trouble at the Prison

"Because they'll change me." She said then from the shock of her statement he released her wrist and she fled.

'Because they'll change me.' He played her words through his mind, 'How?'

He shook his head. He remembered how determined he'd felt when he'd wanted her to talk, and now that she had, her voice had been so weak and fragile. He felt guilt crush him and he sighed.

Could nothing ever go well? His eyes landed on the silver ring that Luna had dropped off out of the blue. She'd said that she'd found it at her place, which was strange but James had said nothing. He'd seen her wedding ring, a singular gold band that sat on her dresser, but this was what he assumed to be an engagement ring.

He rolled his eyes, marriage truly was ridiculous.

He went to his room to go to bed. As he walked to his dresser he looked at the bathroom. Deciding that it had been awhile since he'd had a shower he walked in.

Coming out with only a towel wrapped around his waist he decided to shift. Becoming his wolf always made it easier for him to sleep somehow. His wolf was his animalistic emotions, yet when they were in the forefront of his mind, it was easier to discern them.

He circled a place on his carpet and then settled down with his head resting on his two back paws. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.


The days passed and the human continued to have issues. Sometimes she'd wake up unable to walk, other times she couldn't speak at all; all that would come out of her mouth was a hoarse, unintelligible whisper. She still hardly ate, and when she did she only ate the smallest of amounts.

He didn't force her to take the pills that Malcolm had prescribed because she'd actually given him a reason for not taking them. Although he didn't understand that reason at all, it was a reason.

And he, he was learning the inner workings of the Pack. Beta would give him pointers here and there, but for the most part he was on his own.

"Miss Staw, I understand but I'm afraid that that is not an issue with me or the Pack." He replied as calmly as he could.

"But I need you to exile him, can't Alpha exile him?" The snotty voice of the female came through the phone.

"No. I don't think you quite understand, Miss Staw. Alpha doesn't exile his Lycans for no reason. He exiles them if they are of no use to the Pack and if they are rogues. Now, you will deal with your mate yourself and not with me."

"Yes, Gamma." The female replied glumly.

He slammed the phone down. He didn't understand how people could be so heartless to their own mates.

He drew his hand over his eyes and then began to work once more.

While going over some payments and food shipments the phone rang again. He tiredly picked it up while the papers were still in his hand, "Yes?"

"Gamma?" The voice on the other side answered. It was the voice of one of the prison guards.

He straightened his back, "Yes. What is it?"

"There's something strange going on…"

"What do you mean?" His eyes glanced up and saw the human standing in the doorway, her face unreadable.

"The Shapeshifters are attempting to riot in their cells and the Elves are quiet." The guard answered.

"I'll be right there." He said and hung up the phone. He put the papers down and left the office, rushing past the human.

He went into his room and grabbed his coat, as he put it on while walking to the stairs he noticed that the human had her own jacket in hand.

He paused in his motions and held the banister, "What are you doing?"

She walked down the stairs without a word and he sighed and followed after, "Are you coming?" He asked when he landed. She was standing in front of the door, a black and white toque on her head.

When he opened the door she walked out, her head actually held high. He blinked. He would think going to the prison wouldn't be a good thing for her, but if she wanted to then he would let her.

He drove along the grey pavement and to the prison. The pale, yellow brick building sat in a small field of grass covered by snow. All hidden by trees.

They both exited the car and walked side by side into the building. The human always looked small but she looked smaller in this place. The prison had been specifically designed for Lycans and she looked like a child the counter only came to eye level for her.

"Where is it?" He asked the guard who's eyes were wide.

"It's down that hall then to the right." He answered.

James walked down the hallway. The first couple floors of the prison were reserved for Lycans, rogues and other sorts. The next set of levels was Shapeshifters and then Pixies, and at the very bottom were the Elves.

He could hear animal calls and banging as he neared the stairwell. The stench of all the creatures mixed into a rancid concoction, and a faint stench of Elves drifted to his nose.

He looked at the human. She was certainly acting strange; her demeanour wasn't as confident as before and she looked as though she was trying to shrink herself. Her hand was held out almost as though she was trying to open the door.

Her heart was chaotic and her breath was shallow.

He opened the door and began to walks down the stairs. He heard the human begin to follow him. He landed on solid concrete and the animals' screams were coming from every direction.

He looked behind him and saw that the human wasn't there. He scented the air and began to walk back up the stairs. Where could she have gone?

He followed her scent to a door and upon opening it the putrid scent of the Elves burst forth.

He stood there frozen in shock for a few moments until he finally moved forward. What was she thinking? Why would she go to the Elves holding cells?

The stairs went deeper and were not as well lit. His head became clouded by the stench and he began to breathe the humid air through his mouth.

Reaching the last step he felt truly apprehensive for the human. What was she thinking coming down here?

Was she in league with these creatures? He suddenly wondered and he took quick steps to where she was.

Reaching a turn he knew that she was close. Coming to a door he saw a light on beneath it. He could tell that she was just behind it, with a wary hand he turned the handle.

The human was standing before the metal bars, an Elf stood on the opposite side.