23 Alpha’s not happy

The Elf stood over eight feet tall, towering over the human by three feet. It's pitch black eyes stared down at the human with a smirk.

James felt that something was wrong, they shouldn't be here. He grabbed the human's shoulder and she looked back over it. Her eyes were tired and she looked sad. She raised them to look back at the Elf and she spoke in a tongue unknown to him.

"Ainur, Atureu-ho. Aixo no ajuda a res.(Ainur, stop it. This won't help anything.)"

James looked at her confused. Her heart was dangerously fast and her breathing was staggered. And she somehow knew the Elves tongue.

The Elf tilted his head to the side and seemed to look at her quizzically.

"Perque?(Why?" It drawled in its language, it's voice grating against James's ears. The human let out a trembling breath.

"Parguay no te sentit. Que en pots guanyar ambaixo?(Because it won't. What good will come from this?)" She replied.

The Elf stroked his leathern skinned chin and nodded his head, causing his black hair to shift on his bare back, "Molt be.(Very well.)" It said and James could see the human relax a bit.

She looked as though she was about to turn when the Elf spoke again, "Veig que t'has escapat. Diguesme, onesel teu company quetan disposat a protegir?(I see you escaped. But do tell me, where is your mate?)"

The human started to tremble and James growled at the creature of darkness.

The Elf smirked revealing black teeth, "Another one for you to kill?" It said in English.

The human who was already trembling looked at James with robotic eyes. He held her eyes, as did she hold his.

'What did the Elf mean by, 'Another one for her to kill?' James asked himself. This whole situation had gotten out of his control, and he wanted it back in his control.

He grabbed the human by her hood and dragged her out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He pushed her against the wall, "What was that?! Going to talk to an Elf?What were you thinking?!"

She simply stared at him but he could tell that she had been affected. He let her go and she walked past him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, 'When would this human grow up? Was she not a grown woman?' He followed after, his steps forceful.

As he reached the stairs he realized that the Shapeshifters had silenced. He looked at the human who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. He raised an eyebrow as he waited for to take a step but she made no such movement.

He glanced around himself and saw the stained cement walls with large metal doors. Lights were dangling metres apart and flickered every so often. 'This place needed maintenance.' He thought but the mildewy and rotting stench of the Elves would make it difficult, not to mention the Elves themselves.

Looking back down he saw that the human still had not budged. Rolling his eyes he bent down and grabbed her from behind her knees and her upper back. 'She was truly a small thing.' He thought as he carried her up the stairs.

He walked up the stairs, with the Elves foul smell drifting further and further behind his mind began to clear and he could breathe properly.

He set the human down and she stayed still once more. He looked at her face and saw the same hollow expression as always. He was about to pick her up again when he scented a familiar scent.

He swerved on his heel upon hearing footsteps and straightened himself.

Alpha rounded the corner, his aura dark and James got a bad feeling. Beta was a few steps behind him, his persona seemed more… apologetic.

"What were you thinking?" Alpha asked, stopping a few metres from James's position.

James took a breath, "I got a call that something was wrong at the prison-"

"And you didn't think to tell me, or Thomas?" He asked, his voice darkening significantly.

James bowed his head, he hated feeling this way. Like he'd failed, and he had, he realized that. But he still despised this feeling.

"And you decided to bring Brooke?"

"She wanted to come." He answered simply, making sure not to meet Alpha's eyes.

"And why on earth would you let her?" Alpha asked, he then paused and looked behind him to the door, then to the human, "Did you let her go down there?"

"I didn't let her, she slipped away." He answered, doing his best to keep his voice neutral.

Beta began to walk towards her, he crouched down and watched her eyes. He called her name a few times but James returned his focus to Alpha.

"James." He said, "This will count as your first failure. I hope not to see more of these in the future." Then he walked away, the sound of his footsteps echoing on the cement floors.

Once James was positive that Alpha was gone he looked to Beta and the human, who was still unresponsive.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked exhaustedly, pinching the bridge of his nose again.

"I'm not sure. I'm not her doctor," He got up and turned to face him, "You shouldn't have brought her here, James."

"She fixed the problem." He said in a matter-of-factly way.

"How?" Beta asked dubiously.

"She walked down those stairs and talked to an Elf, couldn't understand a word they were saying but she said something that got the Shapeshifters to pipe down."

"What happened though?"

"I just told you." James replied trying to hide his annoyance. 'The human somehow quieted the Shapeshifters, why are we all still here?'

"Yes, but I need you to tell me if she did anything out of the ordinary, did the Elf do anything strange?" Beta's tone seemed to be becoming more doubtful. James sighed, people usually thought him an idiot because of his Goliath-like size, and maybe he was. He certainly didn't understand this situation.

"Not that I know of. She's always strange." He answered.

Beta gave him a look that said, 'Cut it out.' And James sighed.

"Alright, take her home. I'll be dropping by… sometime tomorrow." He said and after patting the human on the shoulder and looking at her with concern, he walked away.

James relaxed his shoulders and looked to the catatonic human. Picking her up without a struggle he walked through the prison and back to his truck. Depositing her in the passenger seat, he himself sat in the driver's seat and drove from there.