Chapter 7: The Moonlight kingdom

"I'm glad you're alright," Camilla greeted me, showing concern for what had happened to me. Her words were comforting, urging me to gather myself. She then requested that I demonstrate my sword skills to her. As I swung my sword with finesse, her impressed expression was evident. However, she made it clear that these skills alone wouldn't be enough for me.

"Well, it seems like you've come to the right place," the two grand knights chimed in, assuring me that I had arrived at my intended destination. Curious to know where to begin, I asked them if I would start learning immediately.

"Just come with us," Camilla responded with a smile.

Camilla first took me on a tour of Lunaria and the school. She insisted that I explore the vast city with them. Thanks to the help of the hybrids, I successfully enrolled in the Sword Skill Expertise program in Lunaria, aligning with my goal of becoming a master swordsman. On my day off, I decided to visit the other districts. Observing swordsmen engaged in sparring matches, Camilla introduced me to the five houses of the castle.

"There are five houses in the school: Incendium, the house of fire and strength, created by the one and only Ignis Lupus, the oldest wolf. Next is Ḗlektron, the house of electricity and speed, created by the god of electricity, Irekta. Then we have Cryosis, the house of ice and swiftness, created by the ice prince himself, Cryovais. Next is Terra, the house of earth and defense, created by the god of earth, Emperor Caesar. Lastly, there's Nulvine, the house of neutrality and balance. Nobody has ever joined this house since everyone possesses four elements that surround them," Camilla explained, shedding light on the five houses and the elemental affiliations. She advised me to discover mine on my first day of class, hoping I would find the best fit. My classes were scheduled to begin next week. As Camilla, Nia, Charlotte, and I wandered the kingdom, they shared more about the wonders within the Kingdom of Lunaria. The capital city in Moonlit Reach, housed the grand city of Lunaria. An impressive circular city, protected by a ten-kilometer iron wall, it was divided into four districts: North, South, East, and West Lunaria, converging at a central point where the Castle of Lunaria stood. The castle itself spanned 750 kilometers, extending from its tower to the four corners of Central Lunaria. The city boasted majestic buildings crafted from gray stone, nestled amidst towering trees. Clean and devoid of pollution, Lunaria exuded an exquisite charm. Lunaria comprised ten districts. The 1st district was the Royal City, followed by the Royal Government area in the 2nd district. The 3rd and 4th districts were dedicated to the school's residences. The 5th district housed the Royal Soldier's headquarters, the stadium, and the academy. The 6th and 7th districts were bustling business areas, with the 6th district particularly known for its food markets and restaurants. Finally, the 8th, 9th, and 10th districts catered to the residential needs of the city's regular citizens. Before my classes commenced, I had to make my way to the castle, located in Nocte Lux Saltus, which translated to Night Light Forest. Exploring the capital and venturing into the forest were my next steps. "Since we've finished exploring Lunaria, do you have any further questions, Wanderer of Lands?" Camilla inquired once our city tour had concluded.

I replied that I had none.

"Well, that's great to hear," Camilla responded with a warm smile. "Any more questions?"

I calmly assured her that I didn't have any for the time being.

"So far, none. I must say, though, this city is truly amazing," I expressed, acknowledging the remarkable qualities of Lunaria.

"Very well, then. Be prepared," Camilla instructed, reminding me to arrive early the following morning if we were to venture into the forest.

"Alright, I will," I confidently affirmed, assuring them that I would be ready for whatever lay ahead in the coming week.

"Wanderer of Lands, huh? That sounds fitting for a newbie," I thought to myself, finding solace in the title, realizing it sounded better than being seen as a mere novice.