Chapter 8: First Week

Ahhhhh, another day dawns, and I can't contain my excitement.

"Good Morning World! It's time to embark on new adventures... Whooooooooo!!!"

"Shhhhh, keep it down," grumbled someone from the other room, clearly not sharing my enthusiasm.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to shout," I sheepishly apologized.

I quickly realized my mistake and adjusted my volume to a whisper, trying to make amends for my earlier outburst. It was time to kickstart my day, so I filled a wooden barrel with water, contemplating whether to go for a refreshing cold shower or a soothing hot bath.

"Am I living in a dream?" I pondered to myself, amazed by the prospect of living in Lunaria. To further indulge myself, I decided on a hot bath in the wooden barrel within the bathroom. As the water cascaded over my body, a wave of invigoration washed over me, surpassing any bathing experience I had back in West Mist. Living in Misty Park felt like a whole new level of comfort, where people genuinely supported and cared for one another. Just as I was losing myself in the blissful sensation, Camilla knocked on my door to remind me to hurry up.

"Wanderer of Lands, are you ready? You're going to be late for breakfast. No one will save you food if you come late!"

Oh no, things just got worse—I wasn't even finished!

"Oh no, I'm still in the bath! Uhhhhhh, Give me 10 minutes, and I'll be there as fast as lightning!"

Camilla suggested coming in to help me, but I protested.

"No need! I'm almost done anyway!"

With haste, I changed into my clothes inside the bathroom, and just as I emerged, there stood Camilla, holding my clothes in hand.

"Here you go, Student. Hurry up, or there might be nothing left for you at breakfast."

I thanked Camilla for her assistance, feeling guilty for causing her trouble.

"Well, it's okay. A 'thank you' would suffice," Camilla replied, slightly amused.

Rushing downstairs to the dining hall, I feared the worst—that there might not be anything left for me.

"Come on, Come on, COME ON!"

Finally, I arrived at the dining hall, but to my dismay, only a few people remained.

"Hey, look! Isn't that the new guy?" I overheard some people whispering about me.

"Yeah, he's the one who wanted to enroll here."

Scanning the room, desperately searching for an empty table and chair, I spotted one just behind a peculiar-looking hybrid. I moved to sit down, but before I could, he abruptly got up and walked away.

"Sorry, but we don't sit with loners," he remarked, leaving me feeling offended.

"Yeah, let's get out of here," his companion chimed in, and they both left.

I chose to ignore their rude comments and carried on with my quest for food. Leaving my sword on the ground, hoping it wouldn't be stolen, I headed to the food selection area. Unfortunately, all the trays seemed to be empty. Just as I resigned myself to my fate and sat down at a table, feeling defeated, two maids approached me.

"Here, Alfonse, I saved something for you," one of them said, holding out a plate with a few remaining morsels.

"This was all that was left. Luckily, I managed to save some for us maids," she explained, making up an excuse just for me.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to oversleep," I apologized to Camilla, feeling guilty for my tardiness.

"Well, it's okay. But you know, a 'thank you' would be more appreciated," she teased, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

Unable to contain my excitement and satisfaction after the meal, I slammed my fist on the table. It was a mix of being full and a surge of emotion. Witnessing this, one of the maids offered me a piece of advice.

"You know, you should try to get more sleep," she suggested, concerned about my restless nights.

Her words resonated with me, as I often struggled to find peaceful sleep due to my racing thoughts. The maid, curious about my nighttime musings, began to inquire.

"What are you thinking about?"

Before I could answer, Camilla interrupted, reminding us that we needed to leave immediately.

"Sorry, Nia and Charlotte, but we have to go!"

Together, we made our way to the Pilgrim School for my enrollment. Upon arrival, the school's ancient structure caught my eye.

"Welcome, Student. Please introduce yourself," the teacher requested, her gaze fixed on me.

"I'm Alfonse," I replied, slightly apprehensive about what was to come.

However, she persisted, asking for my last name as well.

"Ummm, I'm sorry, but I don't have one," I admitted, feeling a tinge of unease.

"Look, last name or no names, it doesn't really matter," Camilla interjected, reassuring me that it wouldn't be a hindrance.

"Well then, Alfonse, can you demonstrate your sword skills for me?" the teacher inquired, presenting me with a challenge.

This was it—a chance to prove myself, even with my limited knowledge of swords. The stage was set, grand and yet treacherously slippery. As I prepared myself mentally, I couldn't help but notice the ominous grey clouds overhead, threatening to unleash rain upon us.

"Now, Alfonse, show me what you're made of. Defeat your classmate, and I might exempt you from the next test," she proposed, a tempting offer considering I wasn't even officially enrolled yet. Stepping onto the slippery stage, my nerves began to tingle. Could I hold my ground? Doubts swirled within me, but my determination to prove my worth prevailed. I couldn't give up, not now that I had come this far. With sweaty palms, I assumed my stance, fully aware of the impending battle.

"COME HERE!" she shouted, charging at me with fierce determination.

"Aaaaaah!" I blocked her initial attack, countering with a rapid succession of strikes. Alas, she skillfully parried my blows and unleashed a devastating sword skill, shattering my defense.

SHATTER. The impact sent a jolt of pain through my head, causing my thoughts to momentarily scatter.

"Finally, you won't be enrolling here," she taunted, raising her sword to deliver a finishing blow.

But I mustered every ounce of strength and managed to parry her strike with a resounding Ftang! Seizing the opportunity, I retaliated with a flurry of slashes, striking her 16 times until she fell to the ground.

"TAKE THIS!" I yelled triumphantly, drawing my sword back, knowing I had emerged victorious.

"Huh, for someone with little knowledge of swords, you might be exactly what I've been searching for," she admitted, impressed by my unexpected triumph.

Intoxicated by my victory, Camilla cheered beside me, sharing in the elation of my triumph against the teacher.

"The name's Mrs. Whiddon," she introduced herself, her tone shifting from stern to respectful.

"Who exactly are you, Alfonse?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm just a wanderer of lands," I replied, a hint of pride coloring my words. After all, I was just a teenager finding my way in this vast world. The rain poured down, drenching my exhausted body with sweat and raindrops.

"Alright, you're enrolled! Be early tomorrow as we'll be dividing you into separate houses," Mrs. Whiddon informed me, granting me the acceptance I had yearned for.

A wide smile spread across my face as the weight of uncertainty lifted off my shoulders. Finally, I had proven myself worthy.

"Camilla will guide you to your dorm. Be sure to arrive early tomorrow," Mrs. Whiddon added, emphasizing the importance of punctuality.

With newfound excitement, I responded eagerly, "Let's go!" Camilla and I made our way to the dormitory, a beautiful white building adorned with a majestic fountain at the entrance.

"This looks amazing!" I remarked, gazing at the grandeur of the building.

Stepping inside, the sight of a blue carpet and sturdy pillars supporting the structure filled me with a sense of security. The dormitory was equipped with dining halls, lounges, and training rooms. However, before exploring further, we decided to visit the dining hall. To my surprise, the two maids who had saved some food for me earlier were there, Nia and Charlotte.

"Hello, Alfonse! Welcome to Pilgrim!" Nia greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling.

"What would you like?" Charlotte asked, eager to cater to my snacking desires.

"I'll just have a sandwich," I replied, appreciating their attentive service.

"Sandwich incoming!" Charlotte exclaimed, swiftly fulfilling my request.

"Thank you! I must be on my way now!" I expressed my gratitude and hurriedly left the dining hall.

"Come back anytime!" Nia called after me, their genuine warmth making me feel at home.

As Camilla and I ascended the stairs, we arrived at my room.

"Here we are," Camilla announced, gesturing toward the door.

I pushed it open, revealing a pristine space that surpassed my expectations. The bedding, the bathroom—everything was impeccably clean, radiating an air of freshness.

"Be early tomorrow, the class will begin, and they'll give you a magic crystal," Mrs. Whiddon informed me, her voice filled with anticipation for the next day's events.

"Good night!" I exclaimed, feeling utterly exhausted. Collapsing onto my bed, I extended both hands in front of me and couldn't help but smile. Finally, I had entered Pilgrim, the place I had dreamed of. The promise of a new day filled my thoughts as I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning arrived, and I went through my usual routine: a quick bath, a change of clothes, and a hurried breakfast. The bustling atmosphere in the dining hall caught me off guard as I made my way through the crowd of non-human students. Nervous about meeting them, I hurriedly placed my order with Nia and Charlotte.

"Nia, Charlotte! Can I have a chicken wing?" I requested, my voice slightly trembling with excitement.

"Here you go! Enjoy!" they cheerfully replied, handing over the delicious food. I wasted no time devouring my meal and quickly made my way to the classroom, eager to start the day.

To my surprise, the classroom was empty when I arrived, so I patiently waited for my fellow students to arrive. Eventually, the class began as our teacher entered and presented us with magic crystals.

"This is a beginning crystal, which can be used to activate a few sword skills," the teacher explained, holding up the crystal for all to see.

"Sword skills are commands that allow you to execute the techniques you've learned. For example, Purple Haze is a powerful 5-hit strike," she continued, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"However, these crystals have their limitations. Each crystal can only handle a certain amount of magic to activate your sword skills. Once you run out of magic, you'll find yourself in deep trouble," she cautioned, emphasizing the importance of managing our resources wisely.

As the discussion unfolded, one of my classmates raised a question about what would happen when we ran out of magic.

"Now that you mentioned it, what will we do when we run out of magic? Will we resort to normal slashes?" the curious classmate inquired.

Smiling knowingly, our teacher replied, "Well, yes, of course. When your magic runs out, you'll have to rely on your own physical strength and traditional sword techniques."

Excitement filled the air as we were each handed the sword of eligere, the key to discovering our respective houses. It was a moment of anticipation as each student stepped forward to receive their sword and witness the magical activation effect.

"Alright, Scott, hold the sword in your hand," Mrs. Whiddon instructed, her eyes focused on the student.

The room became engulfed in a burst of colors as Scott's house was revealed. The applause and cheers erupted as he officially became a member of Cryosis. The ritual continued with the next student, and then the next, until it was my turn.

With a mix of nervousness and anticipation, I gripped the sword tightly, waiting for the magical effect to manifest. However, to my surprise, the effect appeared in an unexpected grey hue, perplexing both myself and my fellow classmates.

"Huh? Why is it grey?" I wondered aloud, my confusion evident.

The room buzzed with curious whispers as everyone tried to make sense of the unusual color.

Mrs. Whiddon stepped forward, breaking the silence, and addressed me directly. "You, Alfonse, belong to Nulvine!" she announced, her voice filled with a sense of intrigue.

"Looks like your fighting style will be balanced!" she added, her words sparking a mixture of excitement and uncertainty within me.

Finally, I found myself in a house with only three other students, making us a small but tight-knit group. With hope in my heart, I silently prayed for our camaraderie to blossom.

As I entered the classroom, I had the opportunity to meet some of my new classmates.

"Hi! I'm Miles!" greeted a wolf-like hybrid named Miles, his brown fur giving him a distinctive appearance.

"Hi! I'm Chloe!" chimed in a sassy cat-like hybrid named Chloe, exuding confidence with every word.

"Hello, I'm Jude!" introduced a bird-like hybrid named Jude, his presence radiating a sense of freedom.

The three of them smiled warmly as they shared their names, and it was my turn to introduce myself.

"I'm Alfonse! It's a pleasure to meet you all," I responded, hoping my kindness would be well-received.

"So, where do you come from?" Miles asked, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"I come from somewhere in Misty Park, but it seems like the darkness has swallowed it," I answered, a tinge of sadness lacing my words.

"You don't quite look like us, why is that?" Chloe inquired, her eyes filled with genuine curiosity.

"I'm actually a human," I explained, feeling a sense of otherness.

"I see. Well, we can still be friends!" Jude exclaimed, extending a hand towards me.

The four of us clasped hands, solidifying our newfound friendship.

"Well, it seems our teacher is not here yet," I observed, noticing the absence of our instructor.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, we decided to play around with our sword skills in the classroom. The room had a classic charm, with six windows adorned with thick curtains and chairs that resembled those found in a church. Hours passed in blissful exploration, but our merriment was cut short when our professor finally arrived.

"What happened here?" the professor exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock as he surveyed the chaotic scene before him.

"Uh, sorry, there didn't seem to be much else to do," I quickly apologized, embarrassed by the mess we had made. Chairs lay strewn on the floor, and papers fluttered in disarray.

With a single sword skill, our teacher effortlessly restored order to the classroom, leaving us awestruck.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I couldn't help but comment, my admiration for his skill shining through.

"Thank you. Now, let's begin our class," our professor announced, his calm demeanor returning.

He introduced himself to the four of us with kindness and a hint of mystery. "I'm Professor Penatini, the teacher for Nulvine, and I'm here to guide you all. Now, since I've introduced myself, it's your turn to introduce yourselves to me."

Professor Penatini exuded friendliness and approachability, his calm presence putting us at ease. His long beard and ponytail holder gave him a wizard-like appearance, further igniting our curiosity. One by one, my classmates introduced themselves to the professor, sharing their names with enthusiasm.

"I'm Miles!"

"I'm Chloe!"

"I'm Jude!"

"I'm Alfonse!"

With the introductions complete, the professor announced that it was time to delve into our lesson.

"Very well then, today's lesson will be about the history of Pilgrim," he stated, capturing our attention.

As he spoke, Professor Penatini painted a vivid picture of the academy's origins and its significance. The tale of the five kingdoms, their war, and the subsequent creation of Pilgrim intrigued us all.

"Pilgrim represents a unique opportunity for the five kingdoms to come together in peace. Each house represents a specific personality trait the kingdoms wished to instill in new students," the professor explained, his words painting a colorful tapestry of the academy's purpose.

"That's the simple story of Pilgrim. Do any of you have questions?" Professor Penatini inquired, scanning the room for raised hands.

Though some of my classmates appeared disinterested or even asleep, Miles, Chloe, and I listened attentively. With no questions forthcoming, the professor dismissed us.

"Well, since there are no more questions, I declare class dismissed!" Professor Penatini declared, signaling the end of our lesson.

We respectfully stood, bowed our heads in gratitude, and exited the classroom. As we walked outside, I couldn't help but share my excitement about our teacher.

"There's something intriguing about Professor Penatini. I have a feeling he'll teach us a great deal," I remarked to Miles with a smile.

"Yeah, he seems like a fantastic mentor," Miles replied, sharing my enthusiasm. Lost in conversation, I accidentally bumped into a professor from a different house.

"I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, feeling guilty for the collision.

She paid me no mind, swiftly adjusting her coat and leaving with a disappointed expression. Dressed in all black with a perpetually pale face, she carried an aura of mystery.

"Huh..." I shrugged off the encounter, deciding to focus on resting in my room instead. As night fell, I indulged in another soothing bath before bed. The warm water enveloped me, lulling me into a state of relaxation. However, I ended up staying in the tub for too long and unexpectedly began to doze off. As my head sank into the water, panic struck as I felt like I was drowning.

"OH! MY EYES!" I exclaimed, a soap bubble finding its way into my eye. With my eyes closed and hands shielding them, I stumbled blindly towards my towel. My vision blurred, and I let out a sigh, berating myself for repeating the same mistake as my first day. Glancing at my bed, I recalled the garden, the defeated tree monster, and the mysterious girl in the hood.

"Who is she?" I wondered aloud, my mind drifting to that extraordinary world. Hoping for another encounter, I stepped outside my room and lay on the ground, gazing up at the starry night sky. The abundance of stars, including a shooting star, inspired me to make a wish for a brighter future.

Closing my eyes, I imagined a life filled with purpose and fulfillment, anticipating the incredible journey that awaited me at Pilgrim.