Chapter 9. A tiny friendly soul.

"HEY! HELP!" I heard a desperate voice echoing in the distance, screaming for assistance. Without hesitation, I knew I had to rush to the rescue. Darting out of the kingdom, I stealthily slipped into the forest, avoiding any prying eyes. But what awaited me there was beyond my expectations. "What the?" I exclaimed in astonishment as more shadows emerged from the ground, their dark forms multiplying with each passing moment. Slashing through them relentlessly, I fought my way toward the source of the distressed voice, determined to reach it. And there she was, the Elf I had saved before in Misty Park, bravely fending off the relentless assault.

"Hey! Hang on!" I called out, my sword slashing through the encroaching shadows, creating a path toward her.

"Thanks for saving me! What is your name?" she exclaimed with gratitude, relief evident in her eyes.

"Alfonse. And you?" I replied, trying to catch my breath, eager to know the identity of the courageous Elf.

"My name is Callie. I'm a tiny elf who wanders these woods, repairing the kingdom's defense systems. The shadows have been ravaging the towers and engulfing the guards," she explained, concern etched on her face. Callie revealed that a member of the cathedral was behind the chaos, but their identity remained a mystery, leaving us both uneasy. Could it be the person from my dream, the one in the garden?

"Ummm, we need to hurry up," Callie urged, her voice filled with urgency as she emphasized the need to save Moonlit Reach.

"Cool, now that I've met you, maybe we could work together?" I suggested, extending my hand to her. She hesitated, unsure of herself, doubting her abilities.

"I... I do not make a good companion," Callie responded, her voice tinged with worry and self-doubt.

"But hey, you know what's going on, so we can do this together. Afterward, we can go on with our lives. What do you say?" I reassured her, offering support and a sense of camaraderie.

"Sure, but we need to go to those towers now and save the guards," she agreed, determination creeping back into her voice.

We shook hands, sealing our partnership. Callie needed a moment to rest after her valiant battle against the shadows, and I assured her I would protect her in case they returned.

"How about you ride on my back while we save the towers and guards?" I suggested, knowing it would be quicker and easier for her. She agreed, and as I lifted her onto my back, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility, like a protective older brother.

Together, we set off toward the towers. Callie informed me that two towers had fallen and needed our immediate attention. As we walked, we engaged in conversation, discussing her unique appearance and her role as a half-elf and half-fairy.

"Yes, I am! I'm a half-elf and a half-fairy," Callie explained, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Fascinating," I replied, genuinely intrigued by her heritage and the stories she shared about life in the Kingdom. Our conversation continued as we made our way to the first tower, curious about what awaited us.

Upon arrival, the shadows suddenly materialized, forming a barrier around one of the guards. Callie swiftly handed me a vial, its contents promising to enhance my strength and speed. Empowered by the elixir, I swiftly struck down the shadows, freeing the trapped guards.

"You're free, guys!" I declared with triumph, a surge of satisfaction coursing through me. The guards, resembling wolf-like hybrids with a stunning lightning effect, expressed their gratitude.

"We'll take care of this," the guards assured us, their voices emanating strength and determination as they pledged to repair the towers themselves.

Onward we went to the next tower, Callie and I chatting as we walked, eager to learn more about each other's experiences. The second tower proved more challenging, guarded by a formidable shadow creature.

"Right, we need to get through this. Although I can't help you fight, I can assist in healing your wounds," Callie offered, acknowledging her limitations while displaying her determination to contribute in her own way.

"All right, let's save these guards!" I declared, mustering all my courage to confront the colossal shadow. Slashing my sword with precision and agility, I deftly dodged its attacks, targeting its weak points. With each strike, the creature grew weaker until it finally succumbed to my onslaught. However, not without consequence, as its claws scratched me, leaving behind a poisonous venom.

"Crap, I think I got poisoned," I muttered, clutching my right arm, feeling the poison coursing through my veins. The room began to spin, and I fought to stay upright, refusing to succumb to the darkness. The guards, now freed from their confinement, realized they were too weak to repair the tower. In a desperate turn of events, Callie summoned her magic, using her dwindling power to mend the tower.

"Regenortia Dragitus," Callie chanted, her voice infused with magic. As she cast her spell, a vibrant blue energy enveloped the tower, mending its shattered form, and restoring it to its former glory. Exhausted, I collapsed to the ground, my strength waning, knowing that my time might be running out.

"All right, let me heal you and take you to the village," Callie assured me, cradling my head gently. With her enchantments and healing spells, she tended to my wounds, removing the poison from my body. Grateful for her assistance and the extension of my life, I thanked her sincerely.

"Well then, I should head back, or my teacher will be mad at me," I chuckled weakly, suggesting she could join me and observe my sword skills. A smile graced her lips, a sparkle of newfound companionship in her eyes.