CH221 (835), I’m Not Soft, I Just Want Them To Be Happy

The good news from the Pinkan Project had me in a superb mood during my foodie break that had not abated even when I came back to Utopia at 5 p.m. It was hard to become less happy while eating good food after all. Anyway, I went back to work as soon as I reentered Utopia, and when I finally stopped at the end of the day, only the Sinister Six were left. Their sessions always took the longest, which was pretty normal considering their size, so they volunteered to go last.

It was pretty thoughtful of them, and since it was the most logical choice to either start or finish with them, I agreed; I did not start with them, after all. The next morning I began to work on them right after breakfast, starting with Dilong/Stan/Gyarados. I first soaped him up before giving his body a good scrub. After that was done, he got hosed down and then dried courtesy of Enji/Arcanine.

The next step was to treat/polish his scales, and while I did that I also made sure that no scales had to be pulled for any reason. Once I was done with his body, I worked on his crest followed by his maw/teeth. When the grooming part was complete, I went on to the massage part, and while I used special lotions to make the experience more relaxing/enjoyable for Stan, it was the Aura Infusion that did the major part of the work.

There was simply no other way to handle things given his size and the resilience of his scales. I pretty much followed the same procedure for rest of the rest of the Slytherin Squad once it was their turn, and while I ended up being a bit off with my prior assumption, I still managed to finish the last session before 4 p.m. Granted, it was roughly two hours later than my previous estimation of lunchtime on Giratiday, but I was done, which was all that mattered.

The whole team had gotten a session and I had even given Hypno and Munchlax one at the start of the whole thing, so I should have been done, but then Spearow, Nidoran, Mankey, the Houndour duo, and some of the other reservists approached me, appearing both hesitant as well as hopeful. I understood what had them feeling this way nearly instantly, and since I had already worked on two members of the reserve team/group, namely Hypno and Munchlax, I kind of felt that not doing so for the rest of them would be rather unfair of me.

I could not help but release a sigh, following which I told them that it was their turn now. They broke out into excited cheers, and I told them to inform the rest of the reservists as well. Spearow, Mankey, and the Houndour pair directly flew/dashed away to share the news. If we excluded the two that already had a turn and Baltoy who was still out cold, then I would have to work on 17 more Pokemon. Honestly, after the capture spree in the desert, I had been contemplating if I should expand the reserve team.

I had caught quite a few Pokemon that had better potential than the ones that had already made it into the reserve team, but the current situation had me wondering if that was such a good idea after all. Still, deciding that making any decisions right now would not be a good idea, I pushed the issue to the back of my mind and told Starly to land since I decided to start with her. While I was giving her a warm towel bath, I saw Alphabro amble over with Gigakarp, Horsea, and Slowpoke levitating behind him.

I worked on those three right after I was done with Starly. Alphabro got a turn after that, and since it had already been close to 4 when I began working on Starly, I took a break for dinner once I was done with him. I resumed working once we had cleaned up after our dinner, and I went through 4 more reservists, namely Mankey, Spearow, and the two Houndour, before finally calling it a night.

The next morning I started working on the final 8 reservists as soon as the breakfast cleanup was done, and I managed to finish not long after lunch. I ended up taking a day longer than planned, but I managed to go through both the main and reserve teams, so I was frankly proud of myself for another job well done. Everyone was happy and that was more than enough for me to stamp off all my work as worth it.

Anyway, I had nothing else that kept me, so I chose to leave Fallarbor City right away; AFTER doing a last foodie run. That I had just eaten lunch with everyone else did not stop me from stopping at HFC for some fried chicken. I only left the HFC and Fallarbor City after downing five buckets of crispy tenders. Satisfied at what was going to be my last bit of fast food for the foreseeable future, I began heading toward the Meteor Falls. While I was planning to explore the mountain range as well, my goal was to explore the Meteor Falls first.

Only then would I explore the mountain range around it, so I was not going to bother exploring the areas around the stretch I was going to walk down while heading there even if they were part of the mountain range as well. If I did that, it would take me weeks to make it to the Meteor Falls; This way, I would make it there in four to five days and that was with me going at a semi-leisurely pace that would allow me to check and see if there were any interesting Pokemon on the road. It also included time for potential wild and trainer battles.

Probably because I was still too close to Fallarbor City and its area of influence, the wild Pokemon I saw were rather unimpressive, though there were some strong trainers that challenged me to battles. At the end of the day, I had taken part in 12 battles in total; 7 of those were 2-vs-2, 3 were 3-vs-3, and 1 was 4-vs-4. It mostly depended on the level of the trainer that challenged me. The stronger they were, the more Pokemon we used for the battle. The single 4-vs-4 one was against a lady who turned out to be an Elite heading back from a close-by scouting mission.

The first half of Dialday was similarly sparse, wild Pokemon-wise, but close to lunch the variety and strength of the Pokemon on the road rose even on the official route we were treading. Their boldness increased as well, along with the number of wild Pokemon that attacked/challenged us. At around 3:40 p.m., ash began to rain from the sky, and I observed as quite a few Pokemon hurriedly scurried away. After the ashfall had persisted for over 10 minutes, I saw Grimer, Koffing, and Slugma crop up around the road.

Still, rather than those, I was looking forward to the possibility of coming across some fire horses. The chances of Ponyta going for runs were higher during ashfall, so if I was lucky I would stumble upon one or more of them running around while the ash covered the sky. I would not have minded seeing some magma camels as well, but I remembered that Numel and Camerupt had gone deeper into the mountain range for a good old procreation gathering, so it was very unlikely that I would see any of them.

Unless of course, that meeting had already concluded while I was in Fallarbor City. In that case, I might even run across some Numel/Camerupt that were on the way back to their usual hang-out areas. Something I also noticed was that the presence of humans had become very scarce as well. While the number of human encounters had been getting progressively lower throughout the morning/day, we still had been seeing some people/trainers every few minutes; At least we did before the ashfall began.

Since then, I only saw two other people who were still walking across the road/route, and those two seemed in a hurry. They barely spared my group a glance before hurrying forward. Those ended up being the last humans I saw for the next 50 or so minutes before I came across an interesting pair leisurely walking down the road, entirely unaffected by the ashfall. The man was holding a large umbrella, preventing the ash from falling onto them, and they talked and laughed as they walked. It made for an interesting picture, and I had to smile at the scene of some people being prepared for all eventualities.

I honestly had not bothered bringing a heat/fire-resistant umbrella either, so I was not slamming everyone else. However, the reason I did not bother with that was that my enhanced senses/eyesight allowed me to remain unbothered by the ashfall, while my aura and psychic powers prevented the ash from falling onto me and affecting my body. I could have let them fall on me directly, but it was a decent enough chance to use my abilities, and I frankly did not want to have to clean the ash from my clothes afterward even if they could handle it.

Anyway, I left those two in their own bubble and moved on. The ashfall went on for around 3.5 hours, and while I came across Sandshrew, Sandslash, some Geodude, a few Diglett, more Slugma than I would have thought I'd see this far away from the volcano, and a bunch of Grimer as well as Koffing during that period, I did not see a single Numel or Camerupt. I did end up coming across a mini herd of Ponyta, led by a Rapidash, running across the road not far in front of me.

I had to teleport to catch up to them, and through some "gentle persuasion" Mothra/Butterfree stopped them in place so that I could check them out. Sadly the best among them had only deep yellow potential with the other 6 ranging from light yellow to deep red, so I let them all go since I just wanted a few Ponyta and I wanted them to be truly exceptional ones. I honestly did not think that I would be able to consider anything below deep green for the Ponyta herd I was setting up, and I was referring to the pre-utopia potential here.

I did not think that I would be willing to compromise on the matter unless some Ponyta ended up having something really special that made me close an eye or two. I could only think of a few species that would have me truly stick to a purely elite approach, but Ponyta were definitely among them, and Growlithe were another, together with Shinx. I was sure there was a deeper underlying reason for that, but I was content with the superficial reason that I just loved the way they looked and was unable to think of them as anything but elite.

Anyway, that encounter was the only one with any Ponyta that day. I entered Utopia for dinner around an hour after the ashfall stopped since it was already a bit past 8 p.m. at that point. When I left Utopia the next morning, I was greeted with some morning ash, but the ashfall stopped pretty swiftly, so the sky was ash-free just an hour later, and just a few minutes after that I heard my first Taillow of the day chirp. Seeing some Marill, Wurmple, and Beautifly/Dustox took longer than that, but roughly half an hour or so in, they began to crop up.

I had not bothered with any of the Wurmple I had come across yesterday, and I still did not bother with them today. I truly felt that I had enough of those and their evolution for my Pinkan Project, so I doubted that I would feel the need/urge to check out any wild Wurmple for a long time, possibly ever. The only exception I could think of was if I saw a Wurmple that actually stood out as unusual and roused my curiosity. Otherwise, I was going to just let them be.


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