CH222 (836), Still Not Soft, Damn It

The rest of Kyoday was spent ash-free, so most of the wild Pokemon I saw during our walk were Zigzagoon, Poochyena, Taillow, Wurmple, Silcoon/Cascoon, and Beautifly/Dustox. Every once in a while we would stumble upon a Machop, Tyrogue, Marill, or Spinda, and whenever we came across a Spinda traveling on its own or with some friends, I could not help but go through an internal struggle about whether I should leave them alone or take them into Utopia.

I theoretically did not need to take in any more Spinda since I had enough of them already for any Spinda evolution ideas I had, but I ended up losing the inner struggle each time, so whenever we came across some Spinda, the population in Utopia rose by that amount. In the end, I decided that it was the near uniqueness of Spinda due to their spot patterns that made them worth collecting.

The reason I called it near uniqueness was that a chance of 1 in close to 4 billion meant that there was a chance of two identical spot patterns appearing if there were more Spinda than that. I knew for a fact that the global Spinda population was higher than that, so there was a chance that there were 2 or even 3 or more Spinda with identical spot patterns out there, though that did not change the fact it was still the most "distinctive" Pokemon species in existence, at least that I knew of. If there was a species out there that was even more distinct then it was unknown to me.

Anyway, aside from those, I also came across some Sandshrew, Geodude, and Diglett, along with their evolutions, and interestingly enough, even though those particular Pokemon were more likely to appear during ashfall, I still saw more of them than I saw Skarmory, Spoink, and Scraggy. The only time I got to see a Skarmory today was two hours or so after lunch. A Skarmory flew by and I naturally had to check it out, which I did after Mothra/Butterfree helped it over for an inspection. Unfortunately, it had deep orange potential, so I just had Mothra let him go.

The Scraggy encounter was roughly 25 minutes before that, but neither the two Scraggy nor the Scrafty that accompanied them had good enough potential to rouse my interest. The same was true for the quartet of Spoink we met an hour before dinner, which was why I gave each one a berry and let them go after checking their status sheets. I had enough Spoink inside Utopia that those with mediocre potential were unable to draw my attention anymore. Spoink were not like Spinda after all, so I had no problem sticking to the decision.

Honestly, the only Pokemon among the ones we saw today that truly had my interest in potentially capturing them aside from Spinda were the Marill. In my opinion, the round little water rodents had the potential to serve as nice starter Pokemon, particularly the ones with Huge Power as their ability, so I was not averse to the idea of capturing a bunch of them to start a colony for that purpose.

Unfortunately, none of the Marill we came across had the required potential to meet the standard for recruitment. Since I wanted to use them to assemble a starter group I needed their potential to be at a certain level, so I set the target to light green, which was not easy to come by during a regular walk along the route. I probably would have had better chances if I went for a targeted search but I left the matter to fate and upheld my course toward the Metero Falls without any deviation from my planned route.

The only other regret I had was that I did not see any Ponyta either, but that could not be helped as well with me sticking to my route. Since it was Kyoday, which meant it was the weekend, I decided that it was time for another movie night. The last true movie night had been about a month and a half ago, so it was high time for a repeat. While we had dinner, I seriously thought about which movie or series we should watch.

There were a lot of movies, and while I would need to do some minor adaptations to all of them, it was all a matter of a single thought for me so that posed no real hurdle. Especially after I had already set a preset with Lilo&Stitch as well as the Terminator series about movie worlds with special circumstances, no Pokemon, and/or alien Pokemon from other worlds. That said, I briefly considered going with the Marvel movies but quickly threw that out of the window for two reasons.

The first was that it was too humanity-focused, which with the Terminator example was not too much of a problem; If not for the second problem with the Marvelverse, it was way too expansive. A few human-centric movies without any Pokemon/Monsters were fine, but tens of them along with all the associated series were way too much. DC quickly got eliminated for the same reason; Both were just too big.

After removing those two, I thought about the Avatar, and after mentally going over the plot, I felt that the series was actually pretty easy to adapt to a Pokeverse version. I was obviously referring to the bender one not the one with the blue people. The Lion Turtles could be some unknown powerful/legendary turtle Pokemon that had granted the humans living on the region-sized archipelago the Avatar plays out in the ability to bend/manipulate four kinds of energy.

The various animals and spirits in the show could easily be replaced with existing Pokemon. Pokemon just had to be deemed as rare in the archipelago for various reasons, such as overeager humans hunting them down or forcing them to/near extinction due to various other motives. It was not as if humans were incapable of that, just look at the previous human civilization.

Honestly, the more I thought about it the more fleshed out the idea became, and I started to think that I might just go with that one, but then suddenly out of nowhere, I had the intrusive thought in my mind that it might be funny to watch Digimon with my Pokemon. Adapting Digimon to the Pokeverse would be very easy as well with Porygon and its ability to digitize and enter a digital "world"/network. We already had examples of other dimensions linked to the main one such as the Ghost Dimension/Spirit World, so a digital dimension did not seem impossible either.

There was also Rotom who showed another example of direct interaction between energy beings and technology. It was just that the way Digimon evolved and devolved along with their much higher number of evolutionary stages would stand out a lot, but considering their nature as digital beings and their malleability as such I could probably spin something somewhat logical for the Pokeverse. We had the temporary mega evolution and variants after all; Not to mention Porygon and Rotom, with custom evolutions/forms, so the basis was there.

Well, or I could simply divorce the Digiverse entirely from the Pokeverse and present it as a mere unrealistic fantasy, but I felt that doing so would be lazy on my part. Either way, I was suddenly not sure which idea to go with since I liked both ideas, so I decided to let everyone vote on the issue at the end of dinner. To avoid affecting the vote I revealed nothing aside from the basic plot/world background, so they were not aware of the massive length difference between the two stories.

Avatar had only three seasons, with a total of 60 or so episodes. Meanwhile, Digimon had 9 seasons with a total of close to 520 episodes. Granted the 8th season was a reboot of the 1st one, but the differences between the two were big enough to count the two as separate stories, kinda like a different timeline where things took a different turn right from the start. Things did not end there since Digimon had more than just those episodes. Digimon also had 19 movies and 5 OVAs, so the difference between the two franchises was enormous.

However, my guys and gals did not know that; We did a simple vote by raising a hand/paw/wing/tail or whatever else they could raise to vote, and the result was pretty conclusive. They wanted to watch Digimon, so once we had cleaned up after our dinner, and I had taken out the snacks and drinks, I began projecting Digimon Adventure The Movie into the sky. The short movie counted as a prologue to the first season of Digimon, so I saw it as a good way to start things off.

Since it was a mental projection, I was naturally able to adapt the quality of the animation to that of the later seasons, so my Pokemon actually got to see a reworked/remastered version, which was something a lot of people on Earth would have envied them for if they knew about it. The first season had 54 episodes, and I ended up showing everyone the movie plus the first 9 episodes, rounding out to roughly 3.5 hours. Once the ending of the ninth episode had concluded, I called it a night and sent everyone to their places/habitats.

The next morning I actually ended up skipping the weekly Grouday check-up we usually held after breakfast and directly left Utopia since I had already checked up on everyone during the grooming/massage spree. The first half of the day went pretty much like yesterday, though since I had already put a considerable distance between me and the Volcano, no ash fell around the areas, but that was normal around these parts. There was no ash rain this far out unless Mt.Chimney was spewing extremely high amounts of ash, which rarely happened.

Still, whether it was luck or the heavens taking pity on me, I actually ended up coming across a little group of Ponyta trotting down the road not far from my position, so I naturally channeled my inner horse whisperer as I approached them. They immediately noticed my approach, but my friendly aura and the good-smelling treats in my hand seemed to stop them from running away.

It allowed me to close in and touch them while they ate the snacks out of my palm. Well, there was an initial phase where they watched me warily, which prompted me to wait for them to approach me, but it all boiled down to them eating out of my palm and me using the chance to check their status sheets. It seemed I might have been really lucky, because out of the 11 Ponyta I checked, 2 ended up having pretty good potential.

The mare or filly since I was not sure how old she was, had deep green potential, while the stallion or colt had green potential. Even though the gender ratio for Ponyta was half-half, I was still very happy that the two Ponyta with good potential happened to be of different genders since this meant that I could try to hook them up in the future. I obviously could not do that if they had been of the same gender.

Anyway, as soon as I spotted those two I brought out a lot more tasty treats and gave them to them to eat, while I went up to the two Rapidash leading the little herd for some good old bribery/negotiations. Surprisingly, the Rapidash were okay with letting the Ponyta leave with me if that was what they wanted, so I did not need to do much negotiating or bribing really.

After I confirmed with the two Ponyta that they were willing to follow me as long as I gave them more of that tasty food and guaranteed that they would have enough running room to run around to their heart's content, I caught them. Since the Rapidash had been so cooperative I would have felt bad for just leaving like this, so I pulled out even more of the treats and poured out a little hill of treats before each Ponyta and bigger hills before the two Rapidash before I moved on.


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