
Waiting patiently, my arms and legs exerted more pressure on the icicles gradually, when Lily's presence got nearer. From what I've remembered in the game, Fenrir can produce an ice shield when an incoming attack got close, to protect Lily from any attacks—That's what I remember from my brother like it's called 'Ice barrier passive'. I could use that chance to distract her, then run away.

"If you don't speak, I'll freeze you to death."

When I heard her voice, I then forcibly shattered the icicles that entrapped me then my eyes darted everywhere and locked it in Lily. Subsequently, kicked the hard surface on my back by using my left leg to use as leverage to charge into Lily. After kicking it to give me a boost, I spun clockwise to give myself some more momentum, kicking her with the back heel of my right foot, but it got prevented by the small hovering ice near Lily, exactly at the part where I kicked.

"I knew it."

I looked down at the ground and saw the ice melting, so I dropped on the ground then I dashed forward although there's still ice beneath me to which slowed me down, but was enough for me to close my distance to her. Lily looked at me in bafflement. My left foot came forward, and my left arm tucked in close in front of my chest while my right hand was against my side with my fist ready. I punch aiming directly at Lily's solar plexus, intending to knock her out, but of course, a block of ice materialized blocked my fist.

"What the?!" Of course, this made Lily surprised.

After it got blocked once again, the continuous sound of my fist hitting the ice reverberated. Even with my strength, I can't break the ice no matter how much force I exert. Instead, I kept continuing attacking her despite my obvious disadvantage, not leaving any breathing room for her, completely suffocating her with vicious attacks. Alternating my attacks from kicking and pummeling her from all sides where I see an opening regardless of the ridiculous ice barrier that pops here and there; I continued doing so. I'm glad that the mask that Master gave to me is infused with magic that sticks to my face.

"Damn it—!" Lily groaned.

Lily can't attack or defend herself at the same time, as her Fenrir guardian is too focused on guarding her master, which is why I took advantage of it when I saw the ice ground melting earlier. Lily even tried to fight back with her fist, but I effortlessly dodged all of it—Or to be exact, Lily started panicking. It's a conjecture that I thought of in my mind that worked perfectly well and from the looks of it, and she doesn't have any hand-to-hand combat experience—In this case, luck was on my side because I'm stronger in close combat scenarios.

If she knew how to take advantage of her spirit, via fighting along with it instead of relying on it—I'm surely dead by now. I can also grapple her, but I don't want to risk myself because there's a chance she can freeze me when I touch her.

"You're not getting away," I said coldly.


Lily has been having a hard time because every time she would back away, I'll close our distance with footwork and I'm much faster than her. She's been struggling as she tries to escape from me—Her face says it all. While at it, I'm measuring the time and distance of when the ice would materialize before my knuckle, as the time passes, the time interval of the ice block materialization drastically changed—Enervation. So I decided to end it with a single punch, to execute my plan that I devised to escape.

Sorry, but I'm not letting you kill me here—I won't let you.

After my left hook, Lily backed away by a few feet, so I took a large stride and focused some of my quintessence on my right arm, ending it with this one, so I kicked the ground and bought all the weight of my upper body forward to exert more force to my punch. It surprised Lily as it's too fast for the ice barrier to materialize, as I appeared in front of her and my fist is already across on her solar plexus—It connected.


Thank god, please let me escape after this one.

After receiving that punch, Lily flew to the large stone pillar in the garden, which got destroyed by the impact. With no time to spare, I immediately left the scene towards the banquet and run for my dear life behind Master Irene. I just beat the princess of the kingdom we're visiting, which means it could lead to bad news—And the worst thing would be the death penalty for me!

So I turned my head away around, but I saw a glimpse of people on the balcony. Naturally, it caught my eyes and what I saw was the most terrifying thing ever. Master Irene was waving happily at me with a proud look on her face beside Clara, who had her signature emotionless expression. And just near the two, it was the angry-looking King Welton and the two brothers—The blood in my face got drained.

Heaven is too quick for giving my punishment! Can't I at least savor the victory of mine? Damn it!

Not only them but also all the guests are on that balcony who probably watched the fight. At that moment, I knew how screwed my situation was—more witnesses! Yeah, there's no going back now.

While regretting all of it, Master Irene called my name. "Claude, come here!"

"Haah..." I sighed in defeat.

My time has come.

I arrived at the balcony with a defeated face.

"Why are you looking so defeated? Hahaha..." Master Irene patted my shoulders.

"Am I not in trouble?"

"Why would you? We've been watching since the beginning and started betting who's going to win. And thanks to you, I won. Buwahahaha..."

"What the! Why didn't you stop her?! I almost died!"

"Oh, come on, don't exaggerate it. I know you can handle it. I have trust in you, plus you won."

"Because I got lucky."

"Luck is part of everything."

"Haah... So, what will happen to me now? I think... I knocked out the princess..."

"Hahaha, don't worry, no hard feelings, right Welton?"

The king headed to us with a face of defeat. "Yeah, even though I love my daughter dearly, a bet is a bet. And, I will not hold a grudge since it's a fight between two individuals that I have no taking part in. Haah... All right! The banquet shall continue, please head inside!"

All the guests are looking at me with disbelief and bewilderment. Some even had frightened looks on their faces, especially the three dudes from earlier, when my eyes caught their figures. Upon leaving, Master Irene, Clara, the king, and I are the only ones left on the balcony as all the guests and the two brothers who are looking at me with disdain went inside.

"Um, if I may ask, what about the person Princess Lily just killed?"

"Oh, the man? No probs, they almost tried to assault her, so no worries." Master Irene replied.

"You've been watching since the beginning?"

"Of course, when you left earlier, I followed you with Clara to see where you might be going, then everyone else followed us so... But I didn't expect that you..."

Oh god, please no.

"... wanted to fight the princess that badly."


"What? Isn't that the reason?"

"Eh, y-yeah! I-I wanted to limit test myself against someone strong so..."

"Ohh! You even know that she's strong, that's my boy for you."

Not really—Sorry for lying, Master! Despite everything, they seem to be acting normally toward the murder of someone, as if it's a normal occurrence to them. Aren't the guest in here are all important people? That means the person who she just killed must be a noble of some sort, but they treated it like air. I don't get the logical reasoning on their heads, honestly. Regardless of their high status, there must be some consequence or some conflict that comes along with it, right? I don't get it, but if I'm not in trouble, then I'm fine with it.

Now that I realized it, the garden was surprisingly close, but I took the other route, which made my search harder when I could just jump right through the balcony—I feel stupid. I didn't notice the balcony at all, that I even went circles in some areas in here—God, I feel really stupid.

"So, what's with this kid you got Irene?" the king spoke while watching her daughter get treated by some elves doctor, down below the garden, where his daughter was knocked out cold.

"Hm, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb on me, Irene. There's no way a kid without mana can defeat my daughter, who's gifted by the gods with her tremendous mana, and was chosen by the great Fenrir. Where did you get this kid?"

"I met him while jogging around the neighborhood."

"You believe that I'll believe that excuse?"

"I'm telling the truth. You can even ask him directly. Plus, he's a special one. Remember about the manaless companion of mine?"



"I see. If that's the reason, then I don't have questions about him. You found quite a treasure right there—So kiddo, have you gotten your guardian spirit yet?" The king's gaze was on me.

"I-I don't have one yet... But, I'll be having it by next month."

The king's eyes widen. "Seriously?! Are you kidding me—Hahahaha..." Then he started laughing.

"He's special, isn't he?" Master Irene smiled proudly.

"Yeah, yeah... You're learning her swordsmanship, right? If so, don't be afraid to ask if you wanted a sword. And, treat it as a friendly exchange between us, plus I bet my daughter would love to have a friend like you. She doesn't have any female friends since she always secludes herself inside."

"I'm a guy though."

"Huh? Excuse me?"

This pattern again...

"I'm a guy."

"O-oooh...? Really? Oh, I apologize for it. Then let's just treat it as a friendly exchange between us without my daughter in the line. Hahahaha..." The king of elves immediately retracted his statement, nervously laughing—What an overprotective father.

"Thank you."

"No problem, then I shall go to visit my lovely daughter. See you guys around." He then waved before leaving us.

After he left, I asked Master Irene a question. "Master, what's the bet all about?"

"Oh, you're interested? Whoever wins, the basic stuff because I bet one of my sacred weapons while everyone else bet their Lyrium magic stones and money on the princess. One of the easiest bets I ever did. Hahahahaha..."

"Lyrium stones? What's that?"

"It's one of the rarest magic stones to mine, as its existence is way underneath the world. They're precious stones that can even power the entire city for a month, that's how special that thing is. I got like 4 of them just from the bet. That's why I'm lucky for having you." Master Irene then embraced me tightly.

I don't know if I wanted to be angry, depressed, or be proud. Firstly, I got used as a tool on a bet where my life is at stake earlier. Or how they treated it as entertainment. I'm so tired today, both mentally and physically. Let's forget what happened today and treat it as if nothing happened. And lastly, I need to start thinking about my current state and about this world—This is not a laughing matter anymore.