

"M'lady, are you okay?"

"Yeah... What happened?"

"M'lady, you fought the disciple of the saint and—..."

"Okay-okay, I remember all of it now. How's my condition?"

"Fortunate enough, nothing's wrong with M'lady's body."

"Okay, you're dismissed. I'll rest for now."

"Yes, M'lady."

The elven healer left my room, leaving me all alone.

"Haah... Anya, are you there?"

(Yes, milady.)

On the flooring, a magic circle materialized and within it, a snowy wolf ascended from it with its sharp canines and golden eyes, and its body estimated over 10 feet long alongside a directionless white coldness scattering around the entire room.

"So, we lost huh?"

(Yes, milady. I apologize for my incompetence.)

"No, it's my fault. I did let my guard down."

I clenched my hands tightly and gritting my teeth because of the defeat and my own failure. Never have I ever tasted a bitter defeat like this, unlike when I lose to my brothers. That person shattered my pride and dignity, as a high elf and princess of the Askar kingdom—On top of it all, it was the person who took the place of what's supposed to be mine originally.

Defeated twice by the same person, first, sister Irene chose him to be her disciple when it's supposed to be me—Then lastly, he defeated me despite being manaless, man, and a human. It pissed me off

When Sister Irene arrived at the party with him, I got more pissed that's why I left the banquet to have some fresh air. Surprisingly, the person whom I'm pissed at followed me all the way to the garden. At first, I completely ignored him and waited if he'll do anything, yet he only stayed at the brush.

Then a drunkard bastard tried to hit on me, which only worsened my temper. I'm so pissed at that time that I accidentally killed him, impulsively—Because it reminded me of that day. Soon after, he showed up with his fox mask, acting surprised at the scenery of the dead person in front of me, completely forgetting about the person whom I just killed as my grudge took over me. At that moment, I thought of something so I tried testing his abilities if he's really something worth of Sister Irene's time. But it only ended with my humiliating defeat.

"What kind of monstrous guardian took pity on him, Anya?"

(The boy doesn't have a guardian spirit, milady.)

I gawk at Anya. "Wait, he doesn't have one? Are you certain? Perhaps his guardian hid its presence?"

(He only fought us with his own sheer strength, milady—My nose can smell anything, milady. And, all the way back, when milady entrapped him with the ice, he waited until you got closer; Then he broke it, forcing us to go into close-quarter combat with him.)

"Yes, I know that already. I took my guard down at that time, that's why he won. If I only knew that he had the strength to break the ice easily—... Haaa... If only I have my sword at that time... He's a freak. But, are you certain that he doesn't have a guardian? Aren't some guardians willing to create a contract despite that person, not having any mana? If I remember, they are called the Eleos Spirit."

(Indeed, milady, however, those spirit doesn't use their powers. They're even called lonely spirits, as they choose anyone for companionship. Those spirits can't use their sacred powers, as there's no equivalency exchange of mana between the two. If in some case, the contractor or their master's life is in danger, the spirit retainer can't do anything as its spirits or the world's law won't allow them to do so.)

"Haah... Anya, do you think he deliberately planned all of that?"

(Yes, I do think so, milady.)

"What's more, he continuously attacked me despite seeing the ice barrier. If I only have my sword at that time—Haa... Yet, he still went in and cornered me. I didn't expect he would choose to fight me in close-quarter combat. What do you think about that?"

(I don't know, milady. He's probably confident with his own close combat ability.)

"Yeah, thought so. Sister Irene probably taught him a lot. Ahh—! I'm so envious of him! He's having personal training with the person whom I admire the most, one the greatest swordsman in the world."

(By no means, milady. But, it's probably his instinct that made him win.)

"What do you mean by that?"

(He probably had a near-death experience before. As what I sensed through him was the determination to survive, no matter what's the cost. His instincts went into the next level upon sensing that he's in grave danger. Because of his instinct, his focus drastically improved and was able to spot the flaw of my barrier. I'm certain that everything he did is deliberate)


I'm speechless... Because it all made sense, from what I recall on our fight, every attack that he did, are all the open areas where I'm likely to be struck if it weren't for Anya's barrier... Furthermore, he didn't attack the same spot twice, and he changes his attack pattern frequently as if he's searching for something. He then continued it doing so, executing all of it flawlessly.

Giving it some thought, I realized how fearsome that person could be. He didn't even flinch or back out even when he's clearly in a disadvantageous situation instead he fought back. Is he really that confident with his ability? What a scary person. Nonetheless, it's the person who sister Irene picked, so that's to be expected.

"Haah... I guess it's really my defeat."

(Don't worry master, next time I'll do my best.)

Anya's fluffy head rested on my lap. It made me smile, so I started stroking her fluffy head.

"Thank you, but it's more of my fault. You did your best."

The sound of the door opening caught my attention.

"Lily~! Are you feeling well, now? Is there anything you want?"

"I'm fine now, father. Thank you for worrying."

He sat beside me and started stroking Anya's head too, along with me.

"Have you learned anything from your defeat?"

"Yes, I became full of myself because I'm gifted with a tremendous amount of mana, thus I let my guard down. I have too many flaws... I lack on so many parts..."

"That's good to know. I learned from Irene that he'll be attending the same academy as you. I know that you're upset because your Irene chose a manaless person to be her disciple than over you, but can you please forget your personal grudge toward that guy?"

"Eh? Ah... Yes, father..." I cast my head down in dejection. Father's correct, I blamed him for everything because I'm upset that Sister Irene chose him over me. But I don't know if I can easily get rid of my personal grudge of mine.

"What about, think of him as a rival?"

"Oh... But why? Because rivals can make each other strong?"

"Partially, but having hatred wouldn't get you anywhere as it will on leave you into disarray. You just need to change your mindset to get stronger. Why do you want to be stronger? Is it to protect the kingdom? Or for your own self? Remember, being strong for oneself isn't a bad thing, but always remember the world doesn't revolve around you. You can be selfish as long as it will not bring harm to others. Think about what you wanted to become. You are the future of our kingdom, as our great guardian chose you."

(Yes, milady. I've chosen you as my contractor because I saw something special within you.)

"T-Thank you."

"Being upset over a defeat won't get you anywhere. Stand up with your face forward along with your dignity and pride on your chest as a mere single defeat won't faze you. Learn from your defeat and move on."

"... Yes."

"So, what are your thoughts about the disciple of your sister Irene?"

"He's doesn't back down, a person who always pushes forward in life. He thinks decisively despite the situation wouldn't say so, but he can do it. I understand the difference between us. He lives to push forward in life while I, on the other hand... I'm a naïve person..."

"Hm, interesting... Just remember that feeling of defeat, and turn that into something powerful. Well then, I'll go now, later Lily."

"Likewise, father."

Father left the room. While I'm contemplating on my dearest father's wise words, the thing he said makes a lot of sense. I don't have the motivation to get stronger because I'm full of myself that I thought I'm fine with just my gift that I can be the strongest without doing anything.

"We'll start training from today onwards, Anya."

(Yes, milady.)

Someday, I'll make sure to repay it with your own defeat—Now that I think about it, I forgot his name already. Ca—Cloud? Something like that... Nevertheless, I'll repay it someday, Cloud.