Dawn Island

"Ahhh" I groaned out softly holding my head in pain, it seems like I left the black void , as the dirt I was now laying in confirmed my suspicions and I was also surrounded by tall trees and bushes , it seems I'm somewhere in a forest. I also realized

I slowly stood up and looked on my clothes which were a dark blue robe with a tall stand up collar which Obito wore at the time he killed the Kiri anbu's, completed with blue ninja sandals with the toes exposed.

I then looked at my right arm which was now purely whiter than the color of my skin showing that it was made up entirely of hashirama cells, I could feel the strength and power within my right arm , the hashirama cells really enhances the body I thought . I then moved on to my face which I was now slowly touching ,on the right side of my face the skin felt twisted and scarred badly , well, I didn't have a problem with this scar , because behind every scar there is a story and it also makes me look cool.

As I finished observing the changes to my new body I looked around and I saw my Steel Gunbai , six tomoe patterns engraved on its white surface three on the left and three on the right side of the face of the giant war fan with a chain attached to the end of the handle.

I slowly walked towards it and picked it up .

I wrapped the other end of the chain around my right arm firmly which was now hid inside my cloak and placed the gunbai on my back I don't know how madara waved this thing around as if it's made of paper the gunbai weighed at least 25 pounds it doesn't feel heavy but it has some weight to it . As I secured the gunbai on my back safely and was about to walk away I saw a small black box close to where I found the gunbai .

I was curious about what was inside because even though I asked god for the clothes obito wore during naruto shippuden arc , they were nowhere to be found .

As I picked up the box then opened it I saw a black akatsuki ring , a small kanji written on its red surface meaning War . I just remembered , akatsuki members wore rings like these during their time in the organization.

As I placed the ring on my left index finger I was suddenly bombarded with memories, memories of Obito's training when he was a genin and his training in the uchiha fighting style and different jutsus of the uchiha clan, and even as I was being bombarded with his memories of his training I could feel them being engraved in my bones as if I was taught this since I was very young and there was this feeling as if there was a small flame in my heart carrying veins of energy all over my body it didn't burn but it felt comfortable as it was part of me all along I was contemplating what this energy was then I realized it was ,"Chakra!" I muttered out

The energy of shinobi and every living creature in the naruto world.

As the memory transfer stopped my body felt lighter and stronger, I felt like a real ninja. If I was to say how strong I was right now it would be chunin level for sure my chakra supply was slightly high for a chunin level ; but with training, meditation and the hashirama cells, the supply will increase further.

As I was thinking on my chakra reserve I failed to feel that my eye felt different my vision of insight has increased, almost everything seemed slow before these eyes I was surprised I didn't expect to activate the sharingan without training especially a two tomoe one to be exact .

The ring on my index finger also held the clothes Obito wore in the naruto shippuden arc , they were sealed in the ring and all I needed to do to access them was to transfer some of my chakra within the ring and think about which clothes I wanted and it would pop up in my hand. The memories showed me this as as well.

It seems I'm all set let's explore the island now I thought as I shushined away

As I was jumping from branch to branch through the forest for approximately ten minutes, i heard two familiar voices close by. I made my way towards the noise where i saw an old man beating a little kid , keeping a safe distance away I hid in some bushes and watched the antics unfold before .

"Itaaaaaaai!" (It hurts) shouted a small snot nosed brat with a straw hat on his back , he had a scar under his left eye and his hands was grabbing his head in pain as he rolled on the ground.

"Shut up you brat you'll become a marine not a pirate !" Garp exclaimed . As he turned his head looking at some nearby bushes .

Even though I knew Garp found me with his observation Haki the moment I hid in the bushes I didn't want to confront him yet I'm waiting for him to make the first move, he was always an impatient anyway man.

Garp pov

I was going to give this snot nosed brat another fist of love then I sensed it, it moved silently like one of those ninjas I heard about in wano, and even though I sensed that he didn't want to harm me or luffy not that he could . As luffy was on the ground groaning I turned my head towards the bushes where he was hiding .

"Come out, I know your in there"

Pov end

Just as I thought. I transfer a small portion of my chakra in my ring and summoned the orange spiral mask and placed it on before slowly walking out of the bushes .

" You are very perceptive Jiji ", I said using my original obito voice (pls note:I'll change up my voice once in a while to mislead people )

Luffy who was groaning on the ground suddenly stopped and looked in my direction and was now curious about the new comer who wore a dark blue cloak ,a orange swirly mask covering his face with one eye hole which was on the left, his hair was a onyx black and spiky which rested on his shoulders and to luffy he was kinda scary.

"bwahahhaahaa! It seems snot nosed brats in these days don't know how to respect their elders, it seems you want a taste of my fist of love" said Garp as he vanished and appeared in front of obito immediately. Obito couldn't even track his movements with his eyes even though he didn't activate his sharingan and so the punch landed squarely on his head "kunk!", obito fell on one knee with both hands rubbing his head trying his best not to scream out in pain , no wonder luffy was scared of Garp .

Garp saw this and replied in a mocking tone ,"it seems like you would love another fist of love " he mocked giving obito a smug smile; but before he could deliver another punch obito stood up quickly, both hands now raised in the air,

"I surrender, my apologies jiji san !" Obito exclaimed quickly

"Bwahhaahhaha ! I like your tone now brat, but I'm monkey d Garp a vice admiral of the marines and what may I call you " said garp while he was picking his nose

Obito frowned behind his mask at garps careless action but replied nonetheless," I'm uchiha obito and to think I would meet the notorious hero of the marines on a island in the east blue " replied obito as he removed his mask .

Garp was surprised when he saw obito's face the right side of his face was badly scarred and the left side was perfectly fine , it was like looking at a portrait of two opposite things that were side by side; but it didn't make him ugly even though his face was scarred even luffy was surprised but it was rude to ask a person about his scar especially one you just met . So he didn't ask him about it but asked him a different question . "What are you doing so far in the mountains don't you know there are bandits up here that rob and kidnap people? Questioned garp

" I can more than protect myself, but I heard that you were here in the mountains and I wanted to become a marine and what better way is there to be introduced into the marines than through one of the strongest men in it's entire headquarters ". Garp was there scratching his head embarrassingly and smiling from the compliment even though the kid in front of him showed little emotion on his face he knew more than well how to compliment someone.

If only my grandson could follow in this young man's footsteps, but because of that bastard red hair shanks luffy wouldn't stop speaking about wanting to become pirate king garp thought.

"Bwahahaaha if you truly want to become a marine I'll be here training luffy for a few months before returning to headquarters again , you can accompany me by then, so are you up for it?" Garp asked.

"I'm always ready Garp San " obito replied while he placed the mask back on his face.

"Then join me here tomorrow at 6am we will start training then " said garp as he grabbed luffy and placed him on his shoulders. Luffy was just eight years old but he was small just the same as in the anime I was wondering where ace was but probably he was with sabo causing trouble.

I nodded and walked back in the direction I came from while garp walked off supposedly heading in the direction of dadan's house.