
As i left and was returning to center of the forest where i woke up , i realised that i didn't have anywhere to stay. Well it didn't matter as long as i have the hashirama cells i could make a small wooden cabin but it would probably bring down my chakra reserves to a minimum and i'll be completely exhausted before even training starts tomorrow , well it's better than sleeping outside I thought.

As I reached the clearing where I first arrived I did the five hand seals which I got from obito's memories: snake >rat>ox>ram>snake ,"wood style: four pillar house jutsu !", I then slammed both my hands into the ground. The ground started shaking and a wooden house started to emerge from it .

As the wooden house materialized fully i could see it was a large one story cabin, it had four large windows on each side and a sliding door at the front which I entered through, as I entered the house and saw inside,it wasn't too bad there was a wooden platform that would serve as a bed, a small kitchen, a small bathroom , and a closet. Before I could proceed with checking the rest of the house the effects of using so much chakra started and my body became exhausted, but due to the hashirama cells I could withstand the exhaustion for at least two minutes . Without wasting anymore time I released the chain of the gunbai that was attached to my hand and placed the gunbai in a corner close to the wooden platform which served as the bed.

And with that i layed down and drifted off to sleep.

Next day …..

It was now 5 am and I was already up,I already went foraging for fruits and natural seasonings to make my breakfast with, I even found some bird eggs which I then brought back to the house with different assortments of fruits and natural seasonings .I fried my eggs in the kitchen which I ate accompanied with some fruits and refreshing fruit juice .

As I finished my breakfast ,it was time to take a bath, I rushed down to the stream nearby and took a quick bath the water was very cold but due to chakra circulating in my veins I was kept warm .

I got out of the stream and returned to my house where I placed on my dark blue cloak my one eye hole orange spiral mask , my left eye was perfectly fine and not missing like in the canon , so I don't know why I always wore this one eye hole mask, probably it's just in my nature I thought as I placed it on .

I then secured the gunbai to my back , it's time I thought as I shushined out the house.

Somewhere in the forest a tall muscular old man was leaning on a tree seemingly waiting for someone

Garp POV

That brat obito i told him 6 am and it's 5:55 am he's going to get a fist of love when he gets here , as I was in my thoughts, I saw obito, he casually walked out of the bushes as if he wasn't almost late , the orange mask on his face hiding this facial expression but you could see his left eye through the eye hole but even his eye remained stoic. "So you're finally here obito I thought you chickened out, bwahhaaha" his eye twitched after I said this but kept his composure nonetheless it seems he knows how to hide his emotions very well,what a scary brat".

I wanted to ask him this question the last time we met but I forgot , so it's best to ask him before we start the training.

"So obito tell me why do you want to become a marine?"

"To bring true peace to the world. As a marine you've already seen the condition the world is in, pirates running around looting burning, raping , causing carnage and rampage everywhere they go and I wish to stop this and the only way peace can be achieved is through war. War on the pirates and criminals who wish to destroy all that's good in this world and Disrupt the balance of life", he voiced sternly as he gazed into my eyes unflinching.

This kid I thought , I was surprised at the way he spoke he sounded almost like a elderly man , if asked a normal kid why he wanted to become a marine they would say to kill pirates, or because we look cool and to bring justice and all those simple answers but obito he's clearly smarter than he seems.

And for some reason I believe that he'll achieve this dream.

"obito you brat do you think that you can bring peace to the world with your meager strength 500 push ups and 500 squats, bwahahaha"

His eye twitched again after what I said but he started to follow my orders nonetheless.

He removed what seems to be a large fan like weapon off his back and leaned it up on a tree and started to do the push ups.

POV end

I started doing the the push ups garp gave me , and from the memories that I got from obito when he was training in the academy and with Madara five hundred push-ups was not extreme. Rock lee did at least a thousand push ups with weights on his legs.

So I completed the push ups in 3o minutes and the squats in 30 minutes as well and my arms and legs were visibly shaking . But I held on I didn't falter at this level of training was just beginning .

Garp looked at me and smiled then said" do 1000 more push ups and 1000 squats" he even had a smug smile on his face while saying this.

Just you wait old man I thought

I proceeded to do as he said as I got down in a push-up stance.

2 hours later

I completed the 1000 squats and push ups garp ordered me to do and I was now panting heavily while laying on the ground staring at the sky watching the beautiful white clouds slowly passing over.

"You know a big part of training is also a balanced meal" said garp bringing me out of my stupor as he pulled a large boar from behind some bushes and a sack as well which I'm sure we're full of fruits.

When did this guy catch this I was sure he didn't move from this position I thought .

"Oi Oi swirly so you're training with grandpa garp too" said luffy

I visibly twitched at the nickname this brat proceeded to call me by, and garp was at the side seemingly laughing at the name luffy called me; but didn't interfere.

I gave luffy one of obito's death stares but the brat was carelessly staring into my eyes while digging his nose not even flinching at my gaze. This brat he truly was chosen by luck I thought then I replied to him "my name is not swirly it's obito "

"Obido ?" He said carelessly Again

"Obito"I corrected

"Obedo" he said again.

" obito" I corrected again, I was getting annoyed by this bastard.

Garp was at the side still laughing at luffy's antics which caused me to visible grunt.

"Oi luffy you should follow obito here, eventually you two will become good marines in the future" said garp as he was slowly started roasting the boar over the fire.

"No I won't become a stupid marine I will become the pirate king!"the ediot proceeded to shout in front of garp .

"You fool you will become a marine!"shouted back garp as he slammed a fist on his head. And the antics continued after that

10 hours later

3 figures were around a fire, two were seated talking,while another was splayed on his back snoring with a large belly in front of him, this was luffy.

"obito I thought you were incapable of smiling " said garp

"I'm not soulless garp San " I replied with a small smirk on my face .

I took off my mask earlier in the day when I was training so it's kinda comfortable not having it on all day.

"Garp San it's getting late I better head home" I said as I stood up

"I'll see you tomorrow then "replied garp as he picked up a sleeping luffy and placed him on his shoulders.

I then walked off heading in the direction of my home tomorrow will be a new day and another step closer to reaching my goal.