Commodore Inspector

2 years later.

After Commanding the marine base of logue town for 3 years , turning the place into the pirates worst nightmare most pirates opting not to go there , and if they did they would hide far from his sights.

High command saw his talents in serving as a base commander and capturing venturing pirates so they gave him the new rank of Commodore inspector .

And with that rank came a medium size battleship in which he heavily modified , removing the short barrel cannons on his ship and designing longer barrel artillery which fired sleek arrow head like projectiles instead of the round cannon balls, all of this paid for by confiscated funds from pirates and bounties.

Even Dr vegapunk worked with obito in creating better cannons for the marine ships and better guns , these cannons could could fire at a much longer range with better accuracy and more destructive force behind them.

But as the commodore inspector of the east blue obito had a hard task , he was required to visit almost every branch and base of the marines in the east blue . Fortifying the branches by giving base commanders pointers on how to increase it's survivability if they were attacked , ensuring the bases was properly supplied with soldiers , food and weapons which he would put in an order for through marine headquarters, looking out for traitorous and corrupt marines but most importantly ensuring that marines carried out their duties properly.

A Few weeks ago he along with garp got a call from a marine base on shell island regarding captain axe hand morgan.

The captain was abusing his power and kept harassing the civilians of the island , something that wouldn't be allowed within the marines if it weren't for garp being there obito would have killed Morgans then and there but alas he was being brought to impel down by garp.

Now he continued his inspection of the east blue, he went at syrup village where he , met captain Hina, she was arresting the remnants of the black cat pirates , along with their captain kuro who was presumed to be dead over all these years.

They were Clearly beaten up by another pirate crew, which the people of syrup village knew about but refrained from revealing to obito , or the marines overall ,but obito knew who they were already .

The Strawhat pirates .

Luffy already started his journey and was now gathering crew members to enter the grand line .

And if obito was right he just got usopp and should be at the baratie by now with nami , after they defeated the buggy pirates in orange town that is.

If he left now he could confront them within four hours.

"Release all the sails full speed ahead" ordered obito .

Unlike the round looking marine ships his own looked more like a galleon but 3 times larger . It look more like a pirate ship than the normal marine ship you would see but the marine crest was emblazoned into all of the sails and the ship was painted in dark blue and white .

The slender and straight surface area of the base of the ship made it easier to move through the waves of the sea having a top speed of 40 knots beating the regular marine ship which travelled at a speed of 30 even with their propellers on.

Van augur was , supposed to be in his quarters cleaning his rifle if he was not mistaken , a great addition to the marines augur was and he was thinking to recruit enel but threw away that idea , his ego,god complex and pride would never allow him to work under some one , maybe he should just kill him and take his lightning devil fruit.

That would be for a next time though ,he should concentrate on cleaning up the east blue and increasing his strength as it is.

Speaking of strength he was now low kage level in chakra and was one of the best fighters from the elite camp as it relates to physical strength and fighting style , his marine six powers were top tier as well , already mastering the six techniques and the final technique rokugan . His rank was not for show and his power and strength could back that up .Although he didn't acquire the mangekyo sharingan as yet he felt he was really close to its awakening and his mastery of the perfect completed 3 tomoe sharingan was superb.


"Gomu Gomu no sledge hammer" shouted luffy as his intertwined out stretched legs slammed don krieg into the wooden structure of the baratie , knocking him out cold .

" Don Krieg is defeated?"

"But how?" questioned the spectators , they were clearly left surprised at these turn of events.

" Are you going to stand there all day and stare ,or are you going to rescue him " said zeff to sanji as luffy fell into the water and was now sinking to the bottom of the sea. The disadvantages of a devil fruit.

Two hours later

Luffy left with sanji , both of them now travelling to cocoyashi village.

Baratie …

"Owner zeff , a marine ship is heading towards the restaurant " said patty

"Hmmm, is that so ? I hope they bring don krieg with them, I have enough garbage to get rid of already " said zeff

"You know I can hear you old bastard !" Shouted the now awake and heavily chained krieg

Veins visible bulging out of his forehead

" So what does that have to do with me ?, we should've thrown you in the sea and let you drown ,after destroying half my restaurant " uttered zeff clearly getting annoyed by krieg

And as the large marine ship came to a stop right beside the baratie , dozens of marines came off the ship most of them looking like warriors after fighting harsh battlesfrom the grand line , carrying guns swords and axes and at the front were two tall men .

One wearing an orange mask with a black cloak with red clouds on it with a commodore coat draped over his shoulder showing his rank, and the other wore a white suit with a captain's coat over his shoulders , a monocle was over his right eye and a rifle already in hand.

Zeff focused on the man in the mask this could be no other than the red eyed demon now being called demon of the east obito , every one in the east blue heard of this marine . He was as ruthless as akainu cunning as a fox and most pirates who came across his path were either killed or rarely captured.

And now this same marine was now infront of him .

Krieg seems to recognize who it was and was now sweating profusely .

"It seems i've missed them again" said obito as he looked around the baratie

" Marine san who might you be looking for ?" Questioned patty as he nervously rubbed his hands together

Obito turned his gaze on the chef, making patty sweat .

Then stared at the bound don krieg .

" It seems i've been lucky , the cockroach has finally revealed himself , ain't that right don krieg" said obito as he his gaze became murderous

Making the pirate captain shake in fear.

Having him alive would be better than having him dead if news of his capture was spread my prestige and within the marines would increase. Obito thought

"Augur contact Captain Hina , tell her we're requesting a prisoner transport to impel down , the prisoner being don krieg " said obito

" It will be done commodore" said augur as he then walked back to the ship

The prisoner transport would most likely take some time probably a week or two if they came from headquarters but seemingly as how he met hina in syrup village not long ago , he could let her bring krieg along with kuro the captain of the black cat pirates to impel down.

That would leave him with enough time resume his chase after luffy and to deal with Arlong pirates and the corrupt marines of 16th branch along with it's captain Nezumi, Hina would possibly take 5-6 hours hours to arrive , most likely arriving the next morning but he'll wait patiently.