16th Branch

The next day

Hina's ship arrived the next morning and don krieg was transferred to it's cells . After a few minutes of conversing with obito hina , sailed away from the baratie .

Obito's ship also left baratie, now headed towards the 16th marine branch of the east blue , estimated arrival time 2 hours with the help of strong winds. If not the use of the propellers would have to come into play.

6 hours later

16th branch marine base .

"Captain Nezumi Tell me why would a civilian , specifically a female civillian attack a marine captain who's job is to serve and protect? " asked obito as he sat in nezumi's chair staring at the nervously accused.

" Commodore obito the people of conami island have defied justice so many times, I went there to bring their criminal acts against the marines to light then they attacked me , now they're working with pirates , the same pirates who defeated Arlong and his band of fishmen " said nezumi nervously

"Is that so ?" , Asked obito as he stared at nezumi intensely making the man whimper further.

"Because the reports that my captain Van augur got from the marine soldiers of this branch , tells a different story" said obito as he pulled out some papers from out of his marine coat and started to read.

" Captain nezumi forced us to turn a blind eye towards the villagers of cocoyasi while the arlong fishman pirates killed and abused them. He took bribes from arlong himself , he illegally confiscated funds from the villagers declaring that it was obtained by criminal means . He killed innocents and abused his powers more times than often." Finished obito as he placed the papers on the desk .

" And that was just from one marine, we've already seize the funds you confiscated and they will be returned to the perspective owners on conami island and you captain nezumi will be put to death, take him away have all the marines on the base present themselves in the square for his execution" I will make an example out of him. "Said obito to his marines guarding the traitorous captain

"Please mercy commodore! , mercy !" Pleaded nezumi as he was dragged away by obito's soldiers.

"Sergeant bills get in here" ordered obito as the second in command of the marines 16th branch then entered the office .

"I should have you executed as well for following the orders of a man that drags the marines name in the dirt. You could have done anything in your power to report these criminal acts committed by him to headquarters secretly without the traitorous captain finding out but you cared about your own skin than you do for others or the marines justice , your incompetent and don't deserve to be in the marines , on the other hand i change my mind, take him away as well, he will be executed with nezumi" said obito as another pair of soldiers grabbed onto the sergeant and dragged him away.

Obito then started a report to send to headquarters of the nezumi's power abuse.

One hour later

Marine base square

Two men could be seen tied to a wooden post blind folded and mouths clearly gagged with cloth.

At their fronts ten marines from obito's ship stood at attention with m16 rifles in hand ready to carry out their sentence . And behind those men the entirety of the 16th branch was gathered with their new base captain, captain masaka . Masaka was the first to report the crimes of nezumi so obito promoted him from his previous corporal rank to captain as a reward for his honesty and integrity plus he was very good in logistics and leading from what obito briefly observed from him.

"We've gathered here today to see true justice be carried out , I hope from today onwards you will not follow in the path of greed and incompetence like captain nezumi or sergeant bills over there for their is only one place that it leads…, and that is the grave . Take aim!" Said obito

Then soldiers raised their weapons aiming at the two criminals



And the shots echoed throughout the marine base the soldiers fired two sets of shots , the second set to make sure the deed was done plus the 5.56 mm rounds of the M16 would bore through flesh and damage any thing that came in its path. So the two traitorous officers were deader than a doornail.

After the execution obito prepared his ship , he was leaving to continue his inspection and was also returning the money stolen by nezumi to cocoyasi village and arrest arlong as well with a small marine battleship of 16th branch marines in tow that would help repair the village after he left

Two hours later

Cocoyasi village

"Sheriff genzo marine ships have just docked at arlong park " reported the villager out of breath ,he was clearly tired from all the running he did .

Great genzo thought it wasn't that long since the straw hat's left the island and now nezumi is back again even after the beating he got.

"Gather the villagers we wont sit back and let that corrupt marine do as he wishes again , we will fight" said genzo

"Genzo san whats going on "? Questioned nojiko

" nojiko , nezumi is back and with more marines than last time , but we will fight him off this time " declared the sheriff of cocoyasi village .

" I wouldn't do that if i were you , the marine captain nezumi has been executed earlier today with his accomplice for treason , you wont be seeing him again" said obito as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Sheriff genzo went wide eyed , that mask that cloak this was the infamous demon of the east obito.

Nojiko seemingly new of the marine , after reading about him in the newspaper but to see him up close and on conami island was surprising. But even in her surprise she felt unnerved , his presence, the way he spoke coldly , that lone eye visible through the swirly orange mask seemed devoid of any emotion.

The way he gazed at her briefly seemed as if he was looking at her soul , was this man a marine she thought.

"I would also like to return what nezumi stole" said obito

As more marines converged on his position with large wooden trunks , containing thousands of cash and gold coin beli

Genzo was shocked at the sudden turn of events .

Nezumi was dead and now the infamous marine obito was returning their stolen money to the villagers.

"Tell me, where can i find Arlong ? Questioned obito he didn't see the fishman and his accomplices at their destroyed headquarters so its either they got away or were captured and chained up by the villagers . He was positively sure Hacchan , and the others left arlong .

"He's in my prison cell chained up, but unfortunately his accomplices got away at least most did" said genzo ready to lead obito to his small police station.

"Captain Augur transfer arlong to the ship , make sure he's restrained properly he wont be seeing freedom for a very long time". Said obito

"The marines of 16th branch will help rebuild your village and guard your island personally for the next two weeks, captain masaka see to it that this is done " said obito as he then turns to leave .

"Thank you marine san " genzo muttered out .

"I'm just doing my job" replied obito as he continued to walk off without looking back.

A chained and unconscious arlong being dragged away by marines lead by augur in tow towards their commodore.

Two hours later onboard the ship .

"Where am i !" Growled a now awake arlong

Obito turned around and stared at the woken fish man.

Arlong had to die , the hatred he has towards humans has brought his downfall , even though said hatred was warranted , because of what the humans did to his kind.

Obito himself saw it first hand himself and helped where he could ,freeing some slaves whether human or fish man from slavers which came across his path , but overall it was out of his hand , slavery was a big part of this world and he knew he couldn't stop it by himself and the little power he had wouldn't either. For slavery to stop the buyers must be stopped and this was one of the reasons he wanted to rule the world , to correct its primitive flaws and purge the world of those who wish to place people in such horrible situations to use and sell them as cattle . He's seen the way celestial dragons treat people , he been up close to them a few times and his first impressions of them weren't good.

"You human filth i'm talking to you!" Roared arlong

Obito grabbed the fish man by the throat lifting him off the ground , his bound legs now dangling over the wooden floor of the ship .

The fishman was clearly being choked and started to wiggle like a worm.

Obito squeezed his throat harder until a a resounding crack and crunch could be heard . The body became limp , his eyes bloodshot and almost bulging out of its sockets.

He threw the now dead fishman over the stern of ship into the sea , the marines on board just looked on as if it was a normal day and common occurrence on the ship .

Obito then stared at the sky .

Luffy was heading to polestar island , it would be harder for him than in the canon to do so , even though I wasn't commander of the base, its current overseer and captain is strict and harsh towards pirates even if he's slightly more merciful than i am .

That officer being no other than smoker.