Entering the Grand Line

" so you're saying dragon the leader of the revolutionary army rescued straw hat luffy" obito questioned

To be fair obito wasn't surprised he knew dragon would show up and save luffy from smoker .

" Yes,that's what happened " said smoker coolly as he lit another pair of cigarettes and started puffing out smoke in the office.

Obito's eyebrow twitched behind his mask , he was annoyed at this man's lack of respect sometimes , he was the superior officer but smoker showed no respect at his rank , no wonder he got demoted very often .

Smoker was at commodore rank twice but disobeying high commands orders got him demoted to commander and if he was right he would be demoted once again to captain for leaving logue town and pursuing the strawhat pirates.

If this was any other marine obito would have punished him harshly but seemingly it was smoker he didn't expect any less.

Obito got up and left smoker's office the marines at the door including smoker's right hand ,sergeant tashigi saluted as obito left .

Obito took a brief glance at her which made her wince ,but focused his gaze back on the hall way he was walking down. As obito disappeared down the corridor tashigi entered the office .

"Swirly mask bastard " smoker mumbled as tashigi opened the door .

"Commander smoker is everything alright ?" Questioned tashigi

Anytime smoker and the commodore met there was some argument, tashigi saw that there was no hostility or tensions between the two but they clearly had different ways of doing things .

"Everything's fine tashigi , prepare the ship were going to alabasta" said smoker calmly

"But , but commander smoker we cant leave the base without someone in control" tashigi stammered out

"Calm down tashigi i'lll leave the base in the hands of the captain while i'm gone" said smoker

"Smoker san when headquarters hears of this they'll surely demote you again for leaving your post " said tashigi trying her best to persuade the commander but she knew smoker always had his way

" Tch, as if i cared what those old bastards at headquarters do" grumbled smoker

"Just prepare the ship well be leaving by the end of the day" said smoker as he lunged in his chair and puffed out more smoke into the room

Tahigi saluted and left


"Hey! I see the mystery mountain" said luffy as he held onto the yard arm of the ship staring far out at see.

"What!?" Said the rest of the strawhats as they arrived at luffy's call and now stared at the large red mountains ahead of them

"T-That's insanely huge!" usopp exclaimed as his mouth was left a gaped

"The entrance to the grand line…." said nami

"So thats the red line, huh !?" Asked luffy a grin lining his face he was clearly getting excited for there new adventure

"I -I can't see the top because of the clouds!" stammered usopp

"Nami where's the entrance ?!" Asked sanji , he was clearly getting nervous , because the sea current was now pulling the ship closer towards the rocks

Nami focused straight ahead looking closer through the mist for the entrance , she continued to look closely until she saw a crack in the cliff.

" Direct the ship towards that crack !" She bellowed

Which sanji and usopp did as they turned the rudder , lining the ship up towards the crack.

As they got closer , zoro went wide eyed at what he saw .

"This cant be real , the damn ocean is going up the mountain " said zoro as he looked through the binoculars.

Meanwhile calm belt

As the the propellers pushed the marine ship forward through the sea king infested waters of the calm belt , obito stood on its bow looking towards the calm waters.

This part of the sea was devoid of any winds to move sails or any sea current.

Thats why most pirates opted to travel through the red mountains or red line , but still if you are weak the grand line is not a place for weaklings , its the graveyard of pirates and many other ships unfortunate enough to wonder in its domain.

"Sergeant how long before we reach Alabasta" questioned obito without even turning to look.

"A week at most , commodore if we continue to travel at current speed uninterrupted " said the sergeant.

" Good" said obito coolly

The marines didn't use log pose or any of those thing that the pirates use to navigate the waters , instead the marines used maps with precise and accurate calculations to guide them to their destinations.

It will take some time to reach alabasta, its best if he meditated in his quarters for a few days obito thought

"I'll be in my quarters captain , inform me if anything comes up" obito says to augur as he walks off towards his quarters.

"Yes commodore "said augur

"If i want to improve my chakra levels some more meditation is best right now , my physical strength is very high , i could lift this ship with ease and i feel so close in awakening my mangekyo , when i reach the grandline fighting some strong pirates would do me good , but lets wait and see" said obito to himself.

Pls note:Good day guys i'm going to start releasing at least a chapter or two per day for you my readers and i would be very grateful if you donated something no matter how small the amount whether one dollar or two, i would be very grateful for your contribution. Paypal : jeromewelcome39@gmail.com