
"leave no corner unsearched the commodore wants every pirate within the city arrested" said sergeant Rade to his marines.

It's been three weeks since they came to Alabasta, the commodore took command of the marine base within the city of Alubarna , adding his forces to the local marine branch and carrying out extended patrols within it's walls. Most pirates would flee the kingdom if they heard even a whisper of the commodores name, or hid in the underbelly of the city while others were captured immediately. He wouldn't expect nothing less from the commodore, ever since he was assigned to the commodore's ship , he only felt that justice couldn't be carried out any better than how obito did it. The inspector looked after his men like any great leader would, he even trained the entirety of the crew even the chefs were trained in advance combat, and through harsh battles fought against pirates, bandits and slavers over the years , the crew of the commander became battle hardened warriors all trained in the similar fighting style the commodore uses.

He himself was also close to fully mastering the marine six powers due to the help of the commodore and captain augur.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a marine report to him, and from the looks of it said marine looked as if he saw a ghost , this marine was from the local branch so it was understandable if he was scared of weak pirates.

"Sergeant rade , the strawhat pirates have been spotted fighting the executive officers of baroque works, and the rebel army is approaching the city!"

"Baroque works" rade muttered with disgust , he knew of the bounty hunter organization, run by no other than crocodile the warlord , the notorious grandline pirate now under the umbrella of the world government. The inspector already informed him of the true nature of said organization and their dealings in underworld and the crimes committed by it's agents.

And to make matters worst the rebel army is now approaching the city , how he thought the rebel forces shouldn't be here until the next few weeks , so how? He thought in trepidation.

"Is the commodore informed of this news?" asked rade, as he kept himself calm and disciplined even at the dire problems they were soon to be in.

'Yes sergeant another marine has already reported to the commodore!" .

Then what was the inspector going to do about this , there weren't enough marines or soldiers in this city to hold off seven hundred thousand rebels. That's if the numbers were true and weren't exaggerated.

"recall the entire garrison corporal were going back to base " said rade to corporal cage another officer of the inspector's crew.

Arabasta Marine base

"So what are the orders commodore?" asked augur his face, stoic as ever with his monocle over his right eye.

The executives of baroque works have revealed their true nature or at least the commodore found out their true motives other than being a so called bounty hunter organization.

The baroque works under their leader crocodile incited rebellious activity against the kingdom, causing a civil war and framed the king of Arabasta, Nefertari Cobra.

"We'll do what we do best augur. You will take your garrison and arrest the baroque works executives , i'll deal with crocodile and the strawhats myself" said obito calmly

"And the rebels?"asked augur

"when we take care of the main problems within the city, we can stop the fight that is soon to come between them and Arabasta's soldiers." obito replied

"Then it's crocodile's and the strawhat's bad fate to have to fight you, i'll take my leave commodore " augur said as he left to carry out his superiors order.

obito stood up from his chair as the doors behind augur closed , he looked through the window of the office, there was clearly a lot of commotion going on in the city .

the sounds of horses and camels racing towards alubarna could be heard every where, the battle for Arabasta was about to begin

two hours later

Royal palace balcony

"A person should value his life above all else, but it's too late for regrets yes? And if you're all going to die anyway I don't have to bother killing you right? " said crocodile mockingly as he laughed while the effects of the fatal elixir took the lives of the four royal guards .

" Behold the very definition of stupidity" uttered crocodile as he watched the four royal guards die from their own foolishness.

"It seems you're having fun here crocodile " a voice interrupted

every one turnt towards the voice only to see the marine commodore emerging from the stairs.

Robin hesitantly took a step,back as she saw the commodore , it's been two weeks since he's been in arabasta, the marines couldn't interfere with the dealings of the warlords or they're subordinates so the commodore's forces were only patrolling and capturing pirates within alubarna ( capital city of arabasta) . But now that cobra was visibly nailed to the wall arms clearly bleeding and his daughter vivi was here aswell.

Crocodile frowned he couldn't get out of this situation now , at least their was no point in hiding his schemes to the commodore anymore , the commodore clearly saw through them, he couldn't bring up the warlord title again since , king cobra was clearly nailed to the wall with him at the scene.

Obito has used a genjutsu to make crocodile ignore him ever since he came to alubarna, while the warlord was under his genjutsu thinking that obito wasn't a problem he gathered evidence to prove the warlord's betrayal against the marines and the crimes committed against arabasta and it's royal family.

"You cannot escape this one crocodile I know of your plan's and schemes and i have evidence of the crimes committed by you and your organisation" said obito his voice cold and authoritative as always .

Crocodile scowled at obito words

"It wont be a problem, as long as I kill you and everyone here , then word of this will never get out" uttered crocodile as he readied himself to fight the marine

"Fool, because you possess a logia devil fruit , you think you are invincible . I'll teach you the error of you ways" obito said as he readied his gunbai and scythe

but before the battle could begin

"crocodiiiiiile!" shouted the newly arrived luffy , a large barrel attached to his back

crocodile saw the teen now ready to throw a punch at him , but smiled knowing that it would go right through his body due to his logia fruit.

But he was wrong, the punch connected to his face, flinging the warlord down off the roof he stood on, back to the ground.

"You can't turn into sand once you touch water .You take rain water away because you're afraid of water, right?" said luffy as he squeezed the nozel of the hose attached to the barrel , water now soaking his arm.

Luffy then turned and looked at the marine , there was an awkward silence for 5 seconds until luffy's eyes left his sockets and mouth left a gaped.

"Obittooo!" he exclaimed as he saw his long time training partner.

"Luffy you know the commodore?" asked vivi

luffy nodded

"He was trained by my grandpa alongside me and my brothers, but left after a year to join the marines " said luffy

"It's been a long time you brat" said obito

to be continued...