A New Age

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One Week Later

Ever since the events at Arabasta took place the world was thrown into an uproar , crocodile one of the seven warlords was defeated by commodore obito and Fire fist Ace of the whitebeard pirates was injured by said marine and fled Arabasta, of course the former was false. It was luffy who defeated crocodile not obito but alas the world government wouldn't dare put that in their newspapers would they? The commodore injured ace of course but he himself received severe burns from the devil fruit user.

Marine Base Headquarters

Fleet Admiral office

"Bwahahaha! , obito to think you'd let a snot nosed brat like ace almost beat you up" mocked garp as he munched on his crackers.

obito stood beside augur trying his best to ignore the old bastard.

Garp knew obito always won in fights against ace but to think the ever stoic marine came back to headquarters badly injured and with burns on his left arm proved that ace wasn't the second division commander of the whitebeard pirates for show.

His proficiency in haki was stronger than obito's, but his devil fruit although powerful made him vulnerable and obito exploited that weakness by using every water style technique he knew of and out smarting the pirate.

obito stared at the laughing old geezer and frowned. This bastard he thought.

Garp was one of the biggest trolls when it came to obito, he remembered when garp would throw him, luffy and ace into the forest at midnight to fight large wild beast, while the old bastard stood to the side and laughed while they were almost killed . Terrible memories he thought , thinking about them made him cringe even to this day.

"Vice Admiral Garp, fire fist ace was injured badly and retreated from Arabasta to god knows where, probably back to the new world to report back to his captain, I doubt i was the one who lost in the confrontation" said obito

"But he still beat you up didn't he?, if I was there, i would've given that snot nosed brat the spanking he deserved, but alas, wearing those black clothes in a hot desert like Arabasta no wonder you lost, Bwahahaha!" garp mocked again

Obito eyebrows twitched again

"Enough garp!, This is a serious matter, Whitebeard could retaliate at any moment now that his commander was injured do you think he would sit back and relax while one of his 'so called sons' were injured? Were lucky that our spies report he's still in the new world and hasn't shown any signs of moving as yet" said sengoku

"Ara sengoku san, even though obito injured his commander there's still the chance that he may attack our bases in the new world as retribution" voiced Aokiji

"You speak true Kuzan, Newgate takes the safety of his crew seriously especially his commanders, he won't let such harm inflicted on his subordinates slide, obito it's best if you stay in headquarters for a few months until things cool down" said an elderly female voice.

" I refuse , Tsuru san I would not hide and cower like a dog because whitebeard wants revenge if he wants a A fight i'll give it to him, I'll take my chances with the emperor than to hide away " said obito sternly

"You see that sengoku a product of my brave teachings, Bwahahaha" remarked garp

"Shut up Garp,you taught him for a year and a half before bringing him here, if praise was to to be given it would be to his true teacher and i don't see the name Zephyr written on you" said Head Instructor/High Command Advisor zephyr.

"Huh, you wanna fight purple head ?" asked garp as he stood from his seat

"Sit down and shut up garp!" roared sengoku as he grabbed the pack of crackers out of garps hand to his protest and begun to munch away.

"Hmmpfh, your lucky you old bastard, if sengoku wasn't here i'd showed you the fist that destroyed mountains , I doubt your black arm could compete, Bwahahaha!"

"Oh please, as if your iron fist is stronger than my black arm you old fool" said zephyr as he crossed his arms.

Well this was awkward 'an old man calling another old man old' thought obito, he did his best not to laugh at their antics he didn't want to ruin his years of discipline and poker face now did he?.

"Too bad you didn't capture ace obito, he could've been used to lure out whitebeard and put an end to him and to his crew once and for all" uttered sakazuki.

His face stern as always .

Garp frowned at akainu's words but said nothing nonetheless .

"A pity indeed" muttered kizaru speaking lazily as always.

"But still, obito your actions so far has showed that justice will always prevail and you also increased the prestige of the marines and the world government. I hope you continue on this path , but if you ever betray or one day shame the world government..." akainu left it their

"Enough akainu!, obito is loyal to the marines, his actions has proven that so far He's not your responsibility he's mine" uttered sengoku as he scolded the admiral for his threatening words towards obito.

"Hmph" was akainu's response

Sakazuki hardly gave out compliments to his subordinates or marines officers below his rank but to give obito a compliment, then outright threaten him was just a ploy used by the admiral to try to cover up his praise of obito.

Every one in the room new that obito and akainu were similar but at the same time not.

Both were ruthless and extreme at times, but obito shows respect towards his subordinates and fellow marines, only being ruthless to criminals, evil pirates bandits and slavers .

Akainu on the other hand hardly tolerated failure and was not merciful when it came to cowards , traitors or mutineers within the marine ranks.

But at the same time they're was a slight divide between the commodore and the admiral due to obito being brought in by garp, and garp's son Dragon betraying the marines to become the greatest enemy of the world government and the marines.

" Of course admiral" said obito to akainu as he then turn't his attention to sengoku

"Obito , the five elders have heard of your upstanding actions and have requested you be promoted to rear admiral and Van Augur there to commodore plus you will be given the medal of honor and bravery for saving Arabasta from the bomb crocodile placed within the city" sengoku pointed out

obito was neither pleased nor surprised at the sudden turn of events this was just a ploy by the elders to use him as a propaganda tool for the public eye and to further increase their prestige.

"It would be my honor Fleet Admiral" said obito

Yes, yes, the ceremony will be held next week rear admiral , I hope you show the public and the your fellow marines next week , that we are the pillars of this world, the only thing holding it up against chaos and defending justice, you two are now dismissed" said sengoku as he waved them off.

As they left his office he sighed, 'young people' he thought


New World

Moby Dick, flagship of whitebeard

"Gurararara , Garp, Zephyr, sengoku It seems like the younglings shall surely surpass us " roared out the 21 feet tall man as he read the newspaper, a large Naginata rested at his side ready to be drawn at moments notice.

This giant was no other than whitebeard.

"Pops shouldn't we retaliate a marine did attack and injured one of our own? asked marco

"No marco, didn't you hear ace say that he knew the marine personally, they trained together when they were younger, ace wishes to deal with this issue personally so i'll let him " said whitbeard as he then gulped down a gallon of sake from his large gourd.

"Ok then pops, but if ace can't deal with him then surely we must intervene" said marco

"Of course we will my son, of course we will" said whitebeard as thunder echoes in the cloudy sky above

To be continued....