Mock Town

3 weeks later.

Obito pov

The fools , day by day my allies within their ranks grow . They are blinded by my loyalty to the the marine cause , blinded by the power they hold as they squabble and argue in their lavish palaces in Mariejois, unbeknownst to them that there is a disease , a cancer, that has already began to spread. And when they come to realize the threat the disease poses, it will be too late, for it will be everywhere.

A great war is coming and all those who oppose my new order shall be purged from this world .

*Knock, knock*


"Rear admiral , we've arrived at Jaya Island, were preparing to dock at mock town now. " reported sergeant basil as he stood at attention , face clearly devoid of any emotion.

"Is that so? Then ready the garrison. Let the the pirate scums on the island shiver in fear of our presence. I want every inch of that town searched, every pirate to be in chains and all illegal funds and goods confiscated, Is that clear ?"

"Yes rear admiral" replied basil his voice sounding stern and cold as his facial expression

" Dismissed "

He saluted then turned on his heel and left .

Such discipline , I thought .

I wouldn't have it no other way , my ship was made up of disciplined warriors and not clowns, years of tutelage under myself and augur have forged them into one of the strongest and most ruthless fighting force within the marines . I've even heard rumors of other marines calling my company , the shadow unit, of course they weren't really wrong about that. Because every where i went they were with me ,they were the darkness born from the light and they were loyal to me and carried out orders without question , some were slightly fanatical as basil himself and that fanaticism will prove useful in the future.

Rade and Augur were unquestionably loyal , especially Rade. The former sergeant now Captain has shown his ability to put up a good fight , even going up against opponents with bounties over 50 million berries and his skills in soru, tekkai and shigan weren't lacking. Having him and augur on my ship was counterproductive. Augur himself now being a commodore , needed his own ship, well… they both needed their own ships and their own crew. So thats what I got them , brand new large galleon like battleships , similar to mine , equipped with the same howitzer like cannons and and complements of marines to sail and secure said ships .

The fleet admiral wasn't pleased when I requested new ships for my upcoming subordinate officers but relented after a few persuading words , the galleon like battleships were on very high demand like hot bread and most vice admirals and rear admirals and opted to use this new prototype over the normal oval shaped battleship.

It was my idea that improved the weaponry and ships of marines, so not granting my request would seem to be vain on the fleet admirals part.

But I got what I wanted in the end , two new ships under my control and now a small fleet which I called death squadron a few weeks ago. My own ship, now named the Intimidator, Augur's Hitman, and Rade's Warlaw and over the course of a week my small fleet has destroyed and captured dozens if not hundreds of pirates and criminals, and over a hundred million berries in currency and treasure.

Dozens of marine ensigns were vying for a transfer to my unit at least thats what the fleet admiral told me . Fools, the lot of them . The death squadron was no place for the weak willed, only those with the strongest will and mind will be permitted in.

And anyone that couldn't pass my standard test would only be common soldierly.


Mock town

(Pub and Pies bar)

"Marines!, Marines are here!" Shouted a pirate as he burst through the saloon doors, beads of sweat now covering his forehead.

"Hmmm, oi,oi, don't disturb my drink over a group of weak government dogs, there's a reason marine ships don't come to Jaya Island . We pirates would outnumber their small force 3:1." Uttered bellamy in disdain.

The pirate was going to speak but, sarquiss , the right hand man of bellamy beat him to it.

"Hahaahaa!, you weaklings I shouldn't even be surprised that you're afraid of a bunch of weak marines"

"You , don't understand , these marines are different, they're from the rumored Death Squadron led by , the red eye demon Uchiha obito himself!." The pirate stuttered out , his voice sounding shaky and nervous

"Whaaatt!" Everyone in the bar exclaimed.

Even bartender terry almost dropped the glass he was cleaning , mouth now left a gaped like the other people in his establishment.

Bellamy frowned , he was an unofficial subordinate of the warlord Donquxiote Doflamingo so no marine could touch him or his crew, but he heard how unpredictable and cruel the marine rear admiral and his minions could be , and he wouldn't push his luck today, he underestimated straw hat luffy a three days ago and he paid for it . He won't make the same mistake twice.


Basil Pov

Filthy pirate scum. They were lucky the rear admiral order them to be captured, well…at least most of them, captured , there were a few foolish ones thinking they could defeat the infamous death squadron , only to be gunned down or cut in half by himself as they made their futile advance.

There were no place for these sort of criminals , and thank kami himself that the rear admiral agreed with him on that , the rear admiral always said, 'A good pirate is a dead pirate' and I went by those words for years , criminality on a whole was not tolerated by death squadron and any man or woman committing horrendous crimes better pray to Kami , that they are never captured by him or they will beg for death.

"Search that house. I want all buildings to be searched. I want every pirate rooted out and in chains !"

" Yes , sergeant basil " the petty officer answered , an m-16 rifle firmly gripped in his hands as he and some other marines forcibly entered the house at the protest of a woman .

Damn these civilians he thought. They were so rooted and intertwined with the pirate population here that it seemed to have become apart of their society , how they coexisted with these robbers and rapers disgusted him. The rear admiral always spoke of how fallen and decadent the world has become and he wasn't lying , the marines have become lapdogs of the world government and those filthy celestial dragons. He's seen how those self entitled pompous evil creatures in human skin treated their own kind.

He never understood how the rear admiral put up with them so easily, being around them was so infuriating. They were another, set of scums that deserved to be in graves.

His thoughts on the vermin were interrupted as he heard the voice of his newly arrived , superior.

"It seems everything is going well Sergeant." Said obito

To be continued …