blood bursting what's that ? pt.2

Eden- goddamn it Even why can he shout so well ? -

Eden continued to walk until he saw the bus stop when he sat down and calmly waited to for the bus to come he felt a chill down his spine the young boy stood up and was spinning around searching for someone that's when a thought crossed his mind

Eden- i don't know why but if I stay here something bad is definitely gonna happen to me i just feel it. -

Eden was a simple yet complex man he had excellent good Brain capacities but always trusted his gut feeling more, so he stood up grabbed his bag and left the area. he was walking around the neighborhood for thirty minutes and then started to walk toward the school.

??- aaah my last year at sf middle .

Eden- not so sure bout that one nach knowing you you'll probably be a returner .

Nach- goddamn Eden where did you come from ?

Eden- i was always here i just hid my presence .

-Nach HAHA SO FUNNY . Nachash's sarcastic tone combined with a gospel voice made him the perfect attention seeker.

Eden's brown hair fell a bit above his eyes like they always do Nachash and all the people around him told him to go to the hair salon more than ten times already but Eden always answered

Eden- what?! are you ok bro ?you good? i'm already too handsome if my hairstyle improves you'll have no chance with the girls ..with a smile on his face.

Eden- hey Nach since I got out of my house I've been getting this strange feeling of being observed .

Nach- oh no another crazy fan~ anyways did i tell you that my close cousin is coming this weekend he'll live here for a while so he'll go to our school.

Eden- waaah he totally ignored me this guy just blatantly changed the subject without even trying -

Nach- anyways i just hope he doesn't fall into our class .

Eden- didn't you say that it's your close cousin why wouldn't you want that .

Nach- HA HA HA that's where your a rookie loved one, you see cousins are something you see once in a while then quickly get bored because of the lack of communication and common interests but the first few hours are cool you get what I'm sayin' ?

Eden- ... Nach shut up and get moving .

the two of them entered the cold and white building wondering if the day would pass without any difficulty .

[ Somewhere in San Francisco]

- all candidates may come in !

ten man and women came into the dark and spacious room they stood as straight as possible with their hands positioned behind their backs .

???- hmmm just by looking at you all i already know who I'm going to choose .

??- are you kidding me he can see in the dark ? i don't even know where my hand is.-

the man at the utmost right thought of how that would be possible but the women that stood next to him thought otherwise .

??- what if he uses ultra sounds like bats and use it to know where we are and then his vision adjusts to it . -

???- The first women starting from the right and the first man starting from left . you two will be the only one to go you'll infiltrate sf middle school as transfer students the rest of you you'll be joining our international forces and if you can't keep up with the training..... you'll be disposed of .

his clear and somber tone brought chills to everyone standing in the room he cleared his throat and took something out if his pocket one of the generals started to laugh quietly and whispered.

- you took menthos didn't you.pfft~ hahaha

- shut up. anyways the to affiliated spy's do not mess up we need the blood bursting!

everyone was anxious in the room thinking about how they'll die from the training or how they hope the spy's won't mess this up their lives are at stakes but the man that was chosen as spy had only one thought because too sure of his succes.

- blood bursting what's that ?