they were in for their fifth lesson so it was homeroom their teacher was pretty relax so it was more like some extra free time but this time he had an announcement to make .
mr.cullins- ok class we've got four new students now like always be serious in class and listen to me .
Cullins- it's time i can finally change the image that the kids and the teachers have of me . -
meanwhile the whole class thought the same thing.
class 3Ab- wow his thoughts are leaking out. -
Cullins- you may come in .
two boys and two girls entered the classroom they stood in a row while one girl a bit in front of the rest she was first to go for the introduction she stared blankly at Nach
Eden -seems like you've got an admirer. whispered Eden at Nach
Nach-shut it loved one , you remember my cousin Carl?
Eden -of course I do man is mad funny.
Nach- well i thought he was coming but turns out it's his older sibling that's coming we never had a good relationship.
Eden- uh if Carl was coming why didn't you want him in our class
Nach- I'll tell you later .
Eden-hey but don't you find it cold all of a sudden ?
Nach-nah not really
Eden turned to face the black board again but suddenly felt a chill down his spine he stood up pushing his chair to fall sweat rolled from his forehead,
Cullins- What's the meaning of this Eden ?!
Eden- shut it old man let me analyse .
Nach Eden- fuck ,but right now I don't care it's the exact same feeling i had this morning I feel it deep down my gut someone is watching me and is most likely one of the new kids but why would someone watch me except for my handsomeness but let's think about it last time when i saved Nach the exact same thing happened someone who is trying to control my movements but for some reason none of these people tried to hurt me -
Cullins- n
Eden- why wouldn't they hurt me ? definitely not for my face tho why ? why ? why ? why ? my decease? -
Cullins- Eden it's the fifth time i call your name come to my office after class .
Eden- oh yeah sorry .
Eden sat down and looked at every of the new kids and strangely enough he locked eyes with everyone of them but he kept staring at Nach's cousin it was like some kine of magnetic pull.
- sorry you may introduce yourself.
- hello my name is Alyssa Nachash thank you for taking care of my idiotic cousin .
- Goddamn she's your cousin Nach ?!
all the boys in the classroom started screaming and throwing papers at Nach defenseless the young boy banged his head on the hazelnut colored table mumbling out of complain .
Boy in the class(Jason)- won't you tell us more about yourself like your hobbies ?
the teacher clearly was ashamed of the class he was assigned with but tried to keep a clear mind.
Alyssa- of course .
she stared at Eden's face smiled a bit and said .
Alyssa- i like drinking tea my favorite would be THE EARLY MORNING GRAY.
Hearing this made Eden for some reason really anxious like he was guilty of something like he forgot something.