Cullins- next student introduce yourself oh and Alyssa you can sit next to Eden he's sitting right next to the wall there in the middle .

Alyssa- okay

Eden- for some reason I always end up sitting at the exact same place , in elementary school i was also there Everytime we need to change places i never do it got to the point where I just didn't need to pick my stuff up to change places most of the time Nach sat at the famous '' PROTAGONIST'' place you know that place next to the window , ah I'm starting to talk to myself again. -

The girl with dead eyes sat down next to the assigned young boy. she smiled at him again her smile would normally make most boys fall for her but Eden was different he looked back at her and like he was trying to enter her very being via her eyes he didn't stop he was still analysing.some of the girls noticed that and started to pas the word everything happened in less than twenty-five seconds then Eden broke that little silence by saying.

Eden - you.. why are you forcing a smile ?

the girl looked shocked for a moment then had a pleased look .

Alyssa- who knows .

Cullins- Hum Hum next student may present his self .

A girl with black hair and blue eyes .

Nach- that's rare as hell black hair and blue eyes i bet you get hit on a lot .

Eden- Shut it Nach that's why nobody likes you .

Nach- wow you really are harsh Loved one hahahaha

Cullins- guess my image is already ruined this is Natasha the other boys are victor and Ricky go find a place to sit like always I'll teach you something that interested me last night. he looked at them and said come on what're you waiting for go sit dow~n

they executed in a matter of seconds .

Cullins- did you all ever heard of true platonic concepts ?

after the school ended everyone had their respective clubs for Nach and Eden it was the parcours club Eden by nature lazy and uninterested in many things only joined because Nach pestered him for eight days straight without any rest .

Eden- goddamn Nach i really hate this .

Nach- Shut it you signed for it.

Eden- you literally harassed me nonstop Nach .

Nach-Well your still better than me so you win .

let me explain the reason why Nach pestered Eden to join the club it's simple it's because the co captain of the parcours club(Terrance)said that Nach had one of a kind talent that he's never seen before so Nach thought that he was finally superior at something against the genius he has as best friend but when Eden finally give in they got in the gym and needed to start the training immediately. Eden almost broke the world record 50 meter by a millisecond with 5s 57 In a parcours Everytime they talk about it Nach always said he saw something black and green coming out of him .

Eden- i know loser but why did you even want to join this stupid club ?

Nach- well i thought if I looked cool in championships every girl would like me

Eden- and so basketball or football didn't call you ?

Nach- well that's basic shit I'm special not like you peasants you get me? I'm an alpha i don't even understand how I'm not the most popular guy .

Eden left out. a huge sigh.

Eden- that's why your unpopular.

Nach-what huh.

Eden started to walk in direction to the training grounds while Nach kept on shouting .


in a random classroom.

??- you think he knows ?

?- impossible i didn't let out any emotions on my face

??- huhhhh you think so I know for a fact he locked eyes with you .

?- he locked eyes with all the new kids. the tremble in the voice of the kid could be heard miles away.

??- doesn't matter. we can't take too long let's start the operation .

???- who still in here!?

the two people in the classroom started to stress while the professor stood at the door it was the math professor while looking at the stressing kids he advances and stated the following .

Landrics- what're you both hiding in here .

when he was at a meter of them both he pushed them aside and took their bag he opened it and was shocked at what he saw .

Landrics- what the..

the boy that was in the room suddenly took a pocket knife and cut the professor's throat .

??- sorry man can't let you rat on us

?- Ooh shit~ please don't kill me man please~.

??- how do I get closer to the kid with blood bursting?

??- i i i i really don't know who that is please stop.

the slowly dying professor looked at the frightened kid and finally realized that the kid had his hands and feet tied

Landrics- i i fucked up-

those where the last words of the well hated professor landrics .

??- we'll i guess you aren't useful, you know if you didn't see when i killed that guy or what was in the bag ..

?- No no please let me go I swear I won't talk I swear I SWEAR!

- Im sure you wouldn't but we're at the defected part of the school so I can kill you go wash myself and never get caught if you think about it I just have to tie the knife on a semen block and throw it into a lake .

- Wait wait wait .

- i don't have that time .


The boy in the room didn't wait and sliced the throat of the student .

- sleep well.

the young boy got out of the classroom by hopping. but for some reason hid something under a desk.and as predicted two days after the murder the body of professor Landrics and Micheal Douglass were found and as predicted nobody had any idea of who killed them but it was for sure that nobody entered the school they all had to let the school front school guard see their identity and the school walls were far too high to be able to climb over so everyone had the same thought even if teachers tried to suppress the rumor one guy thought about it over and over again and he was sure of it Eden was sure .

Eden- Nach there's a killer at school and I'm sure of it .

thinking he was alone in the classroom after school Eden said that but it's exactly at that moment that the four new people came in the classroom and it was for sure that they heard everything a long silence fell that Nach broke by saying .

Nach- Do you guys think I'm Unpopular?

Eden- you're still hung up one this ? Nach you gotta get some help.

the other ones just blankly stared at them while Eden's plan was going as smooth as possible