I'm your cousin tho

Nach- i feel like the last days have been going to fast like i can't process the shit that's happening,

like why the hell do we still have to come to school?

Eden- think of it as Hogwarts even if the school is on fire we'll probably still have lessons .

Natasha- GUYS!

the four new kids were talking about what Eden said twenty minutes ago but Eden and Nach were just talking about other things totally ignoring the other kids Eden give them a look and said .

Eden- what'd you want ?

Natasha- um oh I'm not sure maybe it's that you said there's a killer at school but oh no what do we want.

Eden- watch your attitude fool you seriously are trying to gain info by bossing me you got a lot of nerves .

Victor- just tell us man .

it seemed that Victor was particularly stressed Eden looked at him rather intensely and stood up.

Eden- hey Nach wanna go to karaoke let's invite some kendo girls.

Nach- yeah let's go who we inviting? Sarah and Sam?

Eden- yeah let's do that , i take Sarah .

Nach- bro c'mon .


ignoring them Nach and Eden walked away , after inviting the other girls they started walking towards the karaoke bar but .

Eden- why are you guys still here ?

Ricky- were coming too.

Eden- goddamn .

Nach- just let them come .

Nach said to Eden to let them come not because he had some sympathy for them but because he was sick of waiting for Eden to explain a bit more of why he thinks the killer is in school and it didn't matter if they knew or not. Eden and Nach knew each other since childhood so it is maybe hard to explain but they have a sort of telepathy,with only these few words Eden completely understood Nach .

Eden- Fine let's go. girls i think we'll have to go to karaoke another time I'm really sorry.

Sarah- it's okay Eden we'll come whenever you want .

Eden- she's looking at me with such dreamy eyes complete opposite of Allyssa i think that was her name . we should give her a nickname too-

[mint and lounge karaoke]

Eden-let me explain tho i don't have much evidence and it'll be hard for you poeole who don't know what Nach and I have been through to understand but similar events happened when we were younger people watching me,sudden deaths, and of course transfer students. Eden looked at them with the most serious look possible.

Victor- are you seriously suspecting us!?

Alyssa- chill Victor. think about it we don't know these people and what they could have been through. so here's my question wouldn't it be easy for the killer to accuse the new kids ?

Eden- haha of course it would but I don't know if y'all knew it but the only people that weren't on the training grounds that hour were the physics teachers the math teachers and everyone that doesn't have anything to do with physical activities and of course for some reason the new kids weren't there we have an alliby what do you have ?

the four people scattered in the room were a bit speechless as they had no argument but yet again Allyssa tried to defend them as much as possible.

Alyssa- and how do we know you're not lying .

Eden- yesterday when the school was still in total panic i sneaked into the teachers room and took photos of the attendance of the gathering .

Alyssa- still accusing us like that .

Nach - till now i only see that Eden's right Gray but loved one didn't you say that you THOUGHT someone was watching you?

Eden- i sad it was my gut feeling Nach when was i ever wrong about my gut feelings .

Nach moved his head backwards and frowned his brows then said .

Nach- do you remember three weeks ago when we had that party at Jason's house and you wanted to drink mi/

Eden-Hum Hum anyways do you all want to erase all suspicion or not because I heard the police talk about y'all.

Victor- so how can we even trust you ?

Nach- do you even have a choice the police around here always take things laughably it means if after a month suspicions haven't been cleared y'all are going to juvie.

Ricky- I'm in. i don't know the plan but I don't want to ruin my future for something i didn't do

Victor, Natasha- same

Eden- Good job Nach i totally forgot about the cops thing they probably wouldn't have agreed if he hadn't said that whew that's my bro for you.-

Alyssa- Hol' on Hol' on Hol'on ISN'T THIS GOING TOO FAST !and who tf is Gray .

Nach- you ?

Alyssa- don't look at me as if I'm dumb first of all i can't team up with people i don't know .

Nach- I'm your cousin tho .

Alyssa- second why would YOU want to help us that just way too suspicious from people I don't know .

Nach- I'm your cousin tho

Eden- i knew you would be against it but you'll still come with us i see it in your eyes even if you add extreme expressions you eyes are hiding something i can see it cuz they're like mine .

the mood was suddenly heavy the rest of the new kids didn't even dare to talk while Alyssa looked at Eden a bit red of embarrassment and because she was mad but like Eden had pridicted she sat down .

Alyssa- you're way to cocky coming from poeole i don't know.

She turned her head and we could hear Nach sipping out the last drops of juice he had that's how quiet it was Nach began to make that loud noise when baby's are eating something really tasty for the first time. when he finished doing that he said .





Nach- I'm your cousin tho .