that's risky as fuck tho

Eden- well guess we're all into this. said Eden with a smile.

Alyssa- like we had a choice.

Alyssa looked really annoyed Wich made Eden and Back he laugh a little while Nach stopped laughing when she looked at him with a death stare Eden looked straight into her eyes smiled and said.

Eden- you know you're pretty cute when your mad.

Alyssa became red and before she even could say anything Nach interfered in the conversation.

Nach- stop hitting on my cousin and tell us the plan loved one.

Eden- hahaha yeah sure, so in two days victor and Ricky you guys will have to distract the students and the teachers in the hallway .

Ricky- and how do we do that?

Eden- you do what boys our age do the best .

Nach- you knock each other out .

Victor- ayo what why would/

Natasha- shut up and let him finish .

Eden- then Nach and i will be heading to the abandoned building .

Nach- i get your plan loved one but not every teacher will be going to stop the fight .

Eden- you see I've thought about that too so the gym teachers will without a doubt be heading towards them but the school guards too knowing them they'll beat the shit out of victor and Ricky.

vic.ricky- you say what?

Eden- and to stop these two they'll need more than three gym teachers, seriously these guys have problems.

Nach- for real for real.

Eden- anyways it'll be enough for Nach and me to climb on the school rooftop to and jump onto the old building it's eight meters apart it's easy for us.

Victor- why would we need to fight you guys can do it or even the girls .

Alyssa- because the school guards wouldn't hit girls and the PE teachers would break us apart with no problem as for those two do you think you'll be able to the climb the back of the school till the rooftop and then jump over a barrier till the old building? no right? you clown.

Eden- wow smart and venomous i like you more and more .

yet again Alyssa became red quiet easily and just didn't try to answer just looking down why would she be that shy with him isn't she supposed to be mad? Nach hit the back of Eden's head.

Nach- i told you to stop hitting on my cousin .

Eden- oh yeah Ricky you'll need to let your glasses at home so you'll act completely blind to have a motif for being beaten up .

Ricky- i would like to argue and say I'll win but look at victor's muscles, man is always at the gym.

Ricky scratched his hair they were as long as Eden's hair perhaps a bit shorter as Eden's hair now fell right a millimeter above his eyes his light brown hair and hazel eyes looked a lot like Naches he was handsome but he did lack the sports activities that the others have .

Eden- are you guys ready the plans risky as fuck but we'll manage .

Nach- i do hope i see you fall.

Eden- Nach if I fall from the school rooftop i'd just die .

Nach- yeah I know.

Eden looked at Nach and Nach turned his head towards his cousin.

Nach- hey hey Alyssa we need to give you a nickname and Nach is already taken i already messaged the class group so it's okay right?

Alyssa - fuck off I'm going home I'm tired .

Alyssa stood up and started to walk towards the exit when she opened the door .

Ricky- whell I'll/

Eden- nah s'goed I'll go with her you wanted to come so badly don't worry take your time .

Alyssa was all long walking in the hallway the green they have put some weird peace of mind in Eden's head he jogged a little and when he was near her he saw a large cross made by a yellow marker pen .

Eden- well if everyone is gonna call her gray I'll be the only one calling her something else i don't have much imagination so I'll stick with her name but put an X Allys-x to much of a Hassel allyx nah or well yeah imma use Allyx not like i have much choice with the X.-

Eden- Hey Allyx wait for me .

Alyssa- oh you gotta be kidding me did Nach change that goddamn nickname ?

Eden- Nah don't worry it's my little private .

Alyssa- and who do you think you are to me to do that?( she said with some joy in her voice she clearly wasn't mad more of a joking tone )

Eden- well we'll see about that won't we ?

They got out of the mint and lounge and began a conversation a conversation that surprised them both because they laughed way more than they thought they would. And that made Eden discomfort able he felt that he knew her he felt like they shared something like she knew something about her past but he remembered that the day he saved Nach only his family and Nach were aware of the incident so would that really be it ? Eden wanted to get closer to her to uncover the truth but that's exactly why he was scared what if she's the killer or what if he gets involved with her but finds something dark as dark as the secret he is hiding . but for now he needed to focus if he didn't want to lose everything again he needed to find the murderer and for that he would lock away all his feeling ,and for that he would use everyone and everything, and for that he would even sell his soul....Again