Rein? Rein? Rein? where is it i heard this name ? pt.1

Eden and Alyssa were almost at Nach's house they had a talk and poeple would think they know each other for a long time Eden was talking with a grin teasing her while she tried her best to make a comeback but was already red so it had less effects on him.

Eden- So~ why exactly did you move here with Nach i think he said you needed to stay her for a while but never why.

Alyssa- Well~ my dad's a junkie and my mother was killed .

Eden- oh shit I'm so/

Alyssa- oh no don't be she was beating the shit out of me most of the time .

Over the time they were talking Eden noticed that Alyssa's eyes had a bit more life in it but when he brought that topic up it was like the last 40 minutes didn't happen . Eden took Alyssa's hand and looked straight into her eyes.

Eden- your gonna be okay.

when he did that they were already in front of the door Alyssa pulled her hand back with force .

Alyssa- isn't try to use your skills on me loved one .

Eden- but you are blushing and how do you know that's my nickname?

Alyssa turned and took her keys out while Eden was still asking her she opens the door and before she enters Eden started to shout.


Alyssa was now in the house ready to close the door but took the time to let Eden see her middle finger and then closed it.

Eden- why act like that if your gonna smile at the end ?-

Eden himself didn't realize he was smiling.

20 minutes after Eden walked back home he saw Nach .

Eden- so i escorted her back home like the gentleman i am .

Nach- i really don't want you to marry into my family .

Eden- well i don't think she wants to marry me but I have chances of a girlfriend.

Nach looked at Eden like he was dumb and asked .

Nach- you really don't remember? Eden fronced his brows and asked

Eden- what's you on? Nach smiled and said

Nach- nothin' it ain't my business.

Nach started to walk away back into his original direction when he saw Eden they sat down at a park now Nach is back in the streets.


Eden- what's up with poeple these days -

Eden was almost home when he felt a chill down his spine the night was cold but not so cold that all of a sudden a thick mist would pop out of nowhere the chill he felt was not like the one from the morning a few days ago. he hid against a wall in a small alley determined to not get out of there until his uneasy ness was gone.

???- ah~ it feels good to be back home HaHaHa don't you think so too Rein?

Rein- pl/Please spare me i i i I'll do anything.

???- you see Rein you played me well last time I thought you were on my side but it's you who gathered evidence to put me behind bars right ? And now that I'm back your going to bleed.

the man took a grave tone a a sound could be heard it was to describe it was like a knife that just broke it was impossible for Eden to see it but he could still hear their conversation he was certain that the conversation was not going to last longer and he should probably hold his breath or breath i. really small quantity to not make a sound .

Eden- i should take my phone and record this one way or another... no i don't think it'll end well if i take it out my hands are shaky as fuck if i let it fall I'm done for.-

???- you see there are men in the school not far from here that just advanced in their mission by killing a student and a teacher apparently they gained info about the blood bursting . the Man fell into a small silence before continuing . i thought you should now .

He then took started some kind of torture on the kid the bone breaking was loud Eden assumed it were fingers that he was breaking but how come nobody could hear them i mean there are houses nearby and don't they normally do this privately and not in the middle of the street .

after a while the screams from the person named Rein stopped just before a loud metal impact hit the ground close to the wall Eden was hiding he could hear something roll Eden didn't want to he felt like he shouldn't but like every human curiosity got the best of him . Eden looked down and saw the head of the supposed Rein he probably wasn't older then him he almost had a panic attack but just stopped breathing.

???- you behind the wall isn't about time you get out?

Eden almost passed out from this but he thought how am I going to find. skillet if i can't even handle this he placed his right foot a bit closer to the end of the wall he was determined if the man was talking about his blood it means it's just like before they can't hurt him with a determined look Eden walked towards the open road.