Rein?Rein?Rein? where is it i heard this name pt.2

when Eden finally decided to get out of his hiding place he heard. a voice .

??- oh chill chill man i won't tell anyone.

???- you probably lie like you breath uh and your breaths were loud .

Eden- Wich idiot except me is still out at this hour wait i recognize that voice it sounds dumb and like he needs a menthos. -

???- I'm so not sorry but I'll have to kill you hahaha.

his tone was still dark but Eden knowing who the other person was had absolutely no choice he got out of his hiding place and in chock the two people in the middle of the road turned his way as he was still behind them he took the first thing he saw lying on the ground and the poor Rein's head flew at the killer .

Eden- c'mon Nach make a run for it .

the two boy started running like there was no tomorrow because of they were caught they really would have no tomorrow of course even after a few minutes the tall guy was still chasing them Nach looked at Eden and did a small sign with his hands . they entered a little alley with only a dead end and a ladder that was retracted but that was easy for the two boys in parcoure club Eden stopped about two meter from the ladder and formed a trampoline with his hands Nach jumped set one foot on it to make a double jump and reached the ladder he climbed a few bars then, Eden jumped against a wall stretched his arm and Nach took his hand they were both climbing up thinking they escaped bit all of a sudden the sound of bricks falling could be heard . when Nach and Eden reached the top of the building they looked back on that alley and saw the man putting his fingers in the wall with what seemed to be raw strength the could barely see his face but Nach quickly said.

Nach- let's get out of here quickly before he gets the hang of it loved one .

Eden nodded and they started to run on the building climbing over obstacles and jumping from them when they reached an alley fairly similar to the one they used to be on the roof Eden felt the sudden need to put on the hood from his sweater .

Eden- Nach put your hood on.

Nach- why?

Eden- gut feeling .

just as Nach put his hood on some lights were fired at them they quickly hid a bit more face by pulling their hood a bit forward and at their not so big surprise the police was watching them Nach heard that they were saying that an anonymous tip send a message about the night runners .


police officer 2 - wait James i think they aren't nighter runners. the other officer looked at him with a weird look and the second officer continued. aren't night runners always wearing a mask these two are clearly trying to hide their face .

officer James- see Gonzales You're new here so you probably don't know we don't care if it's actually them or not we received the tip we apprehend them and that's where or job ends .

officer Gonzales- but but James that's not right!


Eden- they're fighting it's our chance.-

Eden did a slight finger Snap and they both started to run they got of the building and now we're just aimlessly running around to lose the cops .

Nach- one hell of a night .

Eden- tell me about it.

after running for more than a good 30 minutes the two boys were tired and just fell before a bus stop letting their brain process everything that happened in the few hours they were out . Eden started to sweat buckets he put his hands on his face he looked at Nach and the both started to laugh in panic.

Nach- fuck, Fuck what the fuck just happened Eden ?

Eden- well Nach i think we just witnessed a fucking murder.

Nach- d..d..did you see his face ?

Eden- nah bro you think i was calm enough to do that ?

Nach- nah same here. Nach took a few seconds before saying. You know what it means right?

Eden- some killer knows or faces and we don't know his?

Nach- jackpot, hey do you think we should normally throw up or something?

Eden-obviously but we'll it's not or first time seeing dead people right?

Nach- yup, sometimes I hope it was just a dream .

Eden-well if it was just a dream we wouldn't know each other would we now?

Nach- haha guess you're right .

Eden- why were you even back there anyways ?

Nach- oh yeah right.

Nach searched his pockets but then looked with a weird look at Eden .

Nach-fuck i think i dropped it .

Eden-dropped what ?

Nach-well when we saw each other you dropped something .

Eden-dropped what?

Nach- well.. hum.

Eden- just say it goddamn.

Nach-you dropped your wallet and i came to give it back but i think i dropped it when we ran away.

Eden suddenly had a terrified look on his face he looked at Nach right in the eyes and started to breath heavily .

Eden- Nach my student card was in my wallet i never leave my Id in it let it at home but my student card is in it , and if you let it fall close by the scene. Nach's eyes were wider open then ever before .

Nach- then he know where you go to school and also knows your names .

Eden- we have to return.

Nach- are you crazy? it's better to lose your wallet than lose your life you idiot .

Eden- maybe he isn't there anymore and he didn't find my wallet .

Nach- shut the fuck up where is the Eden i know that's way too risky .

Eden closed his eyes for a bit to clam his self down . he then stood up and started to think.

Eden-tomorrow morning we'll need to come back with the new kids.

Nach- for safety shouldn't we take guys from the judo club or something. at his turn Nach stood up.

Eden- no my gut feeling is telling me that the school murder is connected to this.

Nach- your one annoying motherfucker with your fucking gut feeling.

by the time they started walking towards Nach's house Eden started to revision what he had witnessed bad heard.

Eden- Rein? Rein? Rein? where is it i heard this name?-

[ somewhere in an alley]

????- seems the drug didn't work on these two boss.

???- even tho we used it in the form of mist normally the whole town should've been asleep the only people we gave the antidote to where the police that were active .

????- do you think it was him ?

???- who else could've supported that drug then the kid with blood bursting.

????- what about the other one the kid. A bit uglier?

???- HAHAHA i think we just found a new effect if they know each other maybe he can affect genes by continues exposing.

the water was dripping out of broken pipes the cold air let out a tiny whistle and only silence could be heard.

????-. welp i gotta go I've got school tomorrow.

???- figured .

The man who followed the two boys took a few steps behind him he put his right thump in his mouth and bit it with his canine till a drop of blood flowed down his thumb he turned his hand so that his thumb would be put pointing at six o clock letting blood fall on the ground the other person. did the same when two of their drops fell at same time a bright blue light appeared and together they said .

???= may or mission succeed . they let another drop of blood fall and together again said . Blood sacrifice may we find the blood bursting kid.

the man took more steps behind him and disappeared in the darkness .

????- wow higher ups are really something else being able to disappear in a dead end it really makes me wonder how Eden and Nach managed to escape.

with a sinister laugh the other person started to laugh and got away via the open road the person stepped on something but payed no mind to it and continued to walk and started hopping and laughing .when the day came all citizen woke up at the same time wondering when they fell asleep.