Isn't it Earl gray? pt.1(October third)

That night Eden and Nach didn't have a little bit of sleep not because they were traumatized because they already saw. alit of bodies in their life but mostly because never had they seen a human with that much strength is it possible to just brake walls with bare hands ? were they thinking they had multiple conversation but some way or another they ended up talking about how meat would taste like if it was cooked on a radiator .

Nach- I'm telling you man we gotta test that shit .

Eden- you better clean that damn radiator then .

Nach- hol' up why my radiator ?

Eden- why not you said you wanted too .

Nach- well you got a point.

Eden took his phone ou bad looked at the time Friday October the 3rd 6:17.He also saw a lot of missed calls and messages from his father and mother well a lot for him they only called 3 times they normally don't even think about it and just wait for him to get home so they whoop his ass. after a little silence they started a new conversation .

Eden- apparently there are four kids that went missing during a trip to the mountain a sudden storm they said apparantly the tornado was black.

Nach-was that around here?

Eden-i think if there was a huge ass black tornado around here we would've seen it or we wouldn't even be here Nach , it happened somewhere in Japan.

Nach-damn man you could've just said that directly no need to shoot me boy.

Nach threw something he picked from the ground at Eden ( i forgot to say but Eden was on the sofa and Nach was sitting on the ground )

Eden-you wanna start right now? you know I'll beat your ass Nach.

Nach-haha dream on.

just before the two of them started to fight the cracking of old wood stairs could be heard . then the door opened up .

Alyssa- yo. she looked at Eden for a few seconds looked at Nach and asked . why the hell's dickhead here ?

Eden-wow you missed me so much you gave me a nickname?

she stoke her middle finger up and went to the kitchen . the kitchen was connected to the living room in Nach's house she opened the fridge and almost immediately closed it making weird expressions.

Alyssa- what the hell is that smell ugh.

Nach- bruh cheese or something .

Alyssa- this smell was definitely not cheese are you dumb I'm not gonna open that again.

Nach- bruh just open the damn fridge and take what you need stop being such a pussy.

Eden-for real for real, man the fuck up .

Nach- yeah you get me .

Eden and Nach gave each other a friendly handshake .and laughed a bit under visible disgust coming from Alyssa after a few minutes Eden looked at Alyssa who sat on a chair at the work table in the kitchen eating cereals she noticed him looking and lifted an eyebrow up .

Eden- do you know a guy named Rein?

Eden- c'mon if she doesn't know i won't be able to ask the other kids because the news about his death probably spread already and all of a sudden a student that is friendly with the suspects is asking about him it may sound dumb but i know the city i Live in-

Alyssa-Who the fuck calls they're kids Rein?

Eden-goddamn it-


Eden- nah nothing .

Alyssa- suspicious. of course she woul be it seemed like she new Eden more than Eden knew her so she would know Eden isn't interested in that much people and when he is he would say why he asked and so on its one of the basics for being friends with that narcissistic boy and Nach's awkward sipping on juice didn't help the situation. Very suspicious.

[ an hour later][ still Nach's house][7:24]

After doing absolutely nothing but annoy Alyssa Eden and Nach got ready to leave Eden borrowed clothes from Nach that he was probably never gonna return. normally he could've just used the same clothes as the day before but they ran really hard he was quiet sweaty so his clothes were stinking.

Eden- hey Nach get moving man.

Nach- okay okay I'm ready, Gray get your ass down here.Alyssa rushed down the stairs and with an angry tone replied to Nach.

Alyssa- i already told you to NOT under any sirumstances call me that.

Eden- wow Allyx is mad at you Nach.

Alyssa-shut it Eden, let's go.

when they got on the bus after a 20 minutes walk they sat on the square seats (two in front two behind looking at each other) Eden wanted to make sure they remembered to do the plan right Eden and Nach new that security was gonna tighten after today they will probably organize a neighborhood meeting. so to sneak into the old building they'll have to do it on that day. they got out of the bus and Eden felt a chill down his spine but payed no mind to it.

Nach- but how are you sure there is still evidence i mean the police made an investigation right with officer Gonzales I'm pretty sure there's nothing left.

Eden- it feels like the killer wants us to know you remember Peterson?

Nach-how could I forget.

Eden- you remember how i caught him?

Nach- of course I do .

Eden-okay so just follow my lead and trust me okay?

Nach- not much of a choice don't want my cousin in juvie.

Allyssa- your bags giv'em I'll put them in class .

Nach- oh than/

Eden-nah better not we'll just say we're late we have more lying options than letting or bags in the classroom.

Alyssa- oh you're right well I'll be going don't fall of the building.

Nach- HAHA now go away.Alyssa started to walk towards the school entrance beyond the gat while the boys took. after steps back .


Nach-Let's get this started .

Eden- Nach i think you know what all of this means man they're here for me again but this time I have a really wrong feeling about it.

Nach- yeah.... Eden.

Eden- hm?

Nach- get a fucking haircut