isn't it Earl gray?pt.2 (October third)

Eden- this guy is testing me he wants to push me till i kill him.-

Nach- like how Can you even see behind those you trynna be Jesus?

Eden- shut up and get moving idiot.

When they were at the back of the school Eden took something out of his pocket it was some kind of powder it helped climbers climb without getting too much calluses they climbed one pillar each to the top only a few people were walking the streets at that hour mostly students that were late so they were running and not paying too much attention to their surroundings they continued their way up the top when Nach's clock alarm went off.

Eden- let's go quicker.

they had set an alarm on Nach's clock to remind them of the guard's tour , the guard mister Jefferson did that routine every 45 minutes so Nach and Eden had to search the whole building in less than 45 minutes because the school would call in their houses when the fights calm down to know if their not just skipping school plus they didn't think the fight was gonna last long. they finally reached the top of the old school just when they heard the guard whistle Nach rushed to the door in the back and slammed it with his foot they took their phones out and switched the flashlight on.


Nach- yeah let's go.


Random student- com on Ricky do better than that your ass is getting whooped.

Ricky- they're sayin' it like im not trying he's not even holding back that bastard.-

Victor gave a huge right swing towards Ricky that managed to dodge it and landed a kick on Victor's chin but even with that victor was somehow able to withstand a direct hit at the chin and tilted Ricky up and slammed him against the ground Ricky was groaning but didn't have Tim as he saw Victor's shoes approaching he took victor by the shoes and made him fall jumped on top of him and landed multiple punches this time victor did feel it but not hard enough because victor managed to free his arm from Ricky's pinning and gave him a blow to the stomach Ricky flew, between 2 and 3 meters away .

Ricky- goddamn it were you trained to kill aw my back is killing me he wasn't obliged to toss me on the floor i feel like crying my face is messed up and i think i might have a broken rib but i can't lose absolutely all my manliness here right?-

security guard1- HEY!..WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!?

SECURITY GUARD2- i think it's time to teach the new boys a lesson steve.

Steve- oh I love the sound of that.


Allyssa- you'll have to be credible Natasha it's the first hour so the teachers will be a bit less alert but that's exactly what we need.

(12minutres ago)

Eden-oh allyx!

allyssa- what!?

Eden ran a little to her and whispered in her ears.

Eden- I'll need you to distract the teachers a bit. you'll have to go to multiple classrooms and tell them about the fight . their mistake would be to say to the student to just sit there and that the school guards are taking care of it with no more than 3 gym teachers the guards lesson will take more time.

Allyssa- huh but then won't victor and Ricky be suffering like hell? why didn't you tell them .

Eden- why do you think.

she sighed .

Allyssa-you really didn't change Eden.

Eden-uh what do you/

allyssa-alright but I'll do it with Natasha no problem with it right?


Natasha slammed the classroom door open and allysa screamed.

Allyssa- Guys there is a huge fight in the hallways.

Natasha- let's go check it out before the guards arrive they're already at the entrance .

Of course the guards were already beating the shit out of the two boys but saying it like that will make enough of a reason for the teachers to just stay put in their classrooms they'll be thinking that the situation will be handled.

Garrison(physics teacher)- okay no no no everybody stay's put I'm sure the guards can do their jobs just fine and Natasha , Allyssa come see me after school now go back to your classrooms!

Allyssa slammed the door and and they started to run to the rooftop.

Allyssa-nailed it.

Natasha-yeah but why are we running to the rooftop?

Allyssa-we'll have a better point of view about who is going out of school at this time or if someone is trying to go to the old building because the guards aren't there anymore.


Nach- we don't see shit in here .

Eden- no shit! Nach just continue to walk and why aren't you using you're phone's flashlight you idiot!

Nach-ohh right right I forgot. but you know I'm asking myself how do we know Wich classroom to search.

Eden- yeah I've asked myself that to let's just follow my intuition but how come since we got of the stairs there is so much light coming our way?

Nach- bruh why you asking me ?

Eden- it's really weird it's almost blinding me Everytime I look at a classroom how can someone commit a perfect crime like that and Everytime a teacher comes in here to search the area they come with an old school flashlight, how would he?-

Eden-I got it look for a room where there is no light coming in it normally even if the curtains were closed they're all kind of broken.

After almost a 26 minutes search they finally found the classroom . Eden used his flashlight to combine with nach's they found a huge drawing on the floor like three stars that were fusing together but only the tips were touching.

Eden-what the hell is that?

Nach- Eden look at the wall.

Eden turned his flash to every wall only to find something written just under the windows . "the blood sacrifice would be completed before you arrive ''

Nach took photos of it and then it all of a sudden disappeared .

Eden-like I thought.

Nach- someone wants you to find him or her.
