Thank God For That!

She had given her keys to her old landlord so she called to her apartment first, it was on the ground floor. But the lights were off. She must be asleep thought, Selena.

She sighed and walked towards her old apartment, she didn't think that she would ever come back here. As she reached the door she noticed that the light was on as she could see under the doorway.

He was inside, she had expected it and needed him to be in to gain access but the thought alone filled her with dread.

She took a deep shaky breath as she walked to the door and then she knocked on the door, her hand trembling slightly.

*Knock Knock*

As the door opened she held her breath. Seeing her hand shake she clasped the two together, so she would seem more confident than she was.

"What do you want?" Ryder he ex now stood holding the door, not fully opening it nor closing it as he leaned against it.

Selena steeled herself and pushed the door open with her hand, to her surprise he had let her walk in.

Ryder and Selena had been together just slightly over a year, she had just got a job and a new apartment and he had been so loving and kind in the beginning.

Their relationship later then turned into insults, huffing and eventually it lead to emotional and physical abuse. She knew it wasn't right, she deserved better and thats why she had left.

Ryder wasn't much taller than Selena he was slim with had brown hair and blue eyes.

She could feel his eyes watching her every move but she looked for her ring quickly, she had to get in and get out safely.

Where is it she thought, she had always either worn the ring or kept it in her jewellery box.

She heard him laughing behind her but she ignored him, she knew that the more she exchanged words with him the worse things would get.

She had spent most of the last few months treading on eggshells and being silent. She wanted this to be their last meeting.

Selena walked to the bedroom and opened every drawer and scanned the bed and nightstand. But she couldn't see it. She sighed.

"Is this what you are looking for?" Ryder snickered behind her.

A chill ran up her spine, why had someone so loving in the beginning turned so quickly after moving in she thought. She spun and looked at him and she could no longer see why she had loved him so much in the past.

Maybe once he dropped the mask and he had shown his true colours she had woken up and although for a long time she knew she needed to leave she waited for the right time and after being free for only one day she knew she could never go back.

Selena glanced at the ring that was on his finger. She breathed out in exasperation, why couldn't he just stop and let her go she wondered.

"Yes," Selena answered before taking a step towards him. He took a step back and she followed as he took another and another.

She sighed in exasperation as she knew he was playing games, they were now in the living room.

"So that's it? I come home and all your stuff is gone? No goodbye? You just packed your bags and left?" Ryder sneered.

He knew she was going to leave him and that was why he took the one thing he knew she would return for. He was hoping to persuade her as he had so often done before.

"If that is your side of the story... then that's what happened." She smiled as she said this as she wouldn't argue with him anymore. He had a victim mentality and she was always portrayed as the crazy one. What's one more made up story to him she thought.

Selena took a step forward to take the ring but he held his hand high up in the air. Selena was petit and he wasn't that much taller than him but the height difference was enough to where she couldn't reach his hand.

She felt panicked, it was the only thing she treasured, would she have to leave it behind she wondered. She wouldn't play games with him anymore.

Ryder looked her up and down before exclaiming, "No one will ever love you as I do."

"Thank god for that!" She smiled as she said those words, and she meant it. She didn't want anyone that love bombed one minute and the next manipulated and degraded her.

That's when she saw his smirk turn into a sneer and that his mask was now fully off. She felt cold all over and a shiver ran up her spine, she was scared but she stood her ground.

The room seemed to get darker all of a sudden, the lights flashed and just like that she witnessed his blue eyes turn black. Was it a trick of the light she wondered.

He seemed to get taller and broader right before her eyes, there was a flash of light and she saw his wicked smile at that moment.

As she stood there watching his transformation before her eyes she could feel his darkness and his pain. She could always pick up on an aura of the person she was with, so how had she missed this she wondered.

Seeing him step forward and even though she felt afraid she spoke with conviction as she said, "Don't mistake my silence for me surrendering. I won't do that again."

With that, he rushed towards her. In the dim light, she closed her eyes and held her hand out protecting herself, steeling herself for what was to come.

But when she didn't feel any impact she opened her eyes only to see a red aura surround her and that Ryder's body was frozen in mid air by that red aura.

The red aura of light seemed to come from her hand, she put her hand down and Ryder's body fell to the ground with a loud bang. She jumped at the sudden noise. But Ryder's body was still frozen.

She reached down and carefully took her ring off his finger, and she placed it on her finger before turning and running for the door.

She rushed out into the night and glanced up at the moon, it calmed her fast paced heart. She then walked down the street towards the bus stop. She wondered where the red aura came from? Was it her she wondered?

There were very painful moments in her life, those had changed her entire world in a matter of minutes. Those moments had shaped her into who she was now. They made her stronger, smarter and kinder.

She didn't want those moments to make her into someone she wasn't. She would cry and scream if she had to. But she would always straighten herself back up again and keep moving.

So that's what she did, she kept moving and rushed back to Oriana's home where she felt secure.