Xavier lay on the sofa in his office, his eyes closed as he focused. He was feeling agitated, a new feeling to him as he had felt numb for so long.
It had been thirty two hours now and she hadn't slept, he was worried. Somewhere out there the girl he met every night while she slept had disappeared.
But humans just don't disappear.
Sighing Xavier sat up, he swept his dark locks back and stood up, putting on his long black coat as he did.
Raziel glanced up at him but then he quickly closed his eyes and he continued to sleep.
Xavier used his magic and he was on the roof. A purple magical aura was left behind.
Raziel stood up and stretched he walked to the window and jumped down from the top floor. It was an easy jump, as he landed he turned into a small black puppy. He walked through the streets and before long he had disappeared into the night.
The wind blew against Xavier's body, wiping his coat. the night was dark, the wind was strong, there was a bitter chill in the air. His tall and broad body was unfazed by the harsh wind and cold. His eyes searched the skyline for her, seeking her out.
She had to be near he thought. His silver eyes shone just like the moon that hung in the sky.
If he could just find her, he would know if she was his.
It is hard for him to wait for something you know might never happen, after all, it had been well over a thousand years.
But it is even harder to give up when you know it is everything you have ever wanted in your life.
He just wanted his love.
As his eyes searched he felt a sudden surge of power in the City, his eyes flashed in its direction. It was strong and ancient magic. He took off in the direction of the aura.
As he landed at an old and worn down apartment block, he glanced around but there was no sign of any demons, nor witches.
In fact, the apartment block was quiet and there was no one around. He followed the scent of the magic it was familiar to him but he couldn't place it.
He climbed the stairs and saw an open apartment door, this is where the magic had been cast. He walked inside the apartment and it was still dark.
He saw a man frozen on the ground his body had been bound by a red aura. The aura was strong and he quickly realised it had been used for protection.
Xavier sneered, there was a scent of a woman and he could only guess that she had used her magic and escaped through the open door.
He didn't care for humans, so he left the man on the floor and walked back out of the apartment. The man he left would soon be free, so there was no need for him to aid him.
Whatever he did he probably deserved it. Human men didnt seem to understand the gift that love was, it was to be cherished and nurtured.
Xavier glanced around in search of where she went but she was gone. He was a greater demon but at this moment he felt useless. Two women were evading him so easily. He would keep searching.
Meanwhile, Raziel was walking through the streets when he suddenly stopped and lifted his nose to the air, he gave a small "Awooo!" Before he then rushed towards the familiar smell.
He stopped as he reached a familiar street and he continued to follow the scent to Cass and Oriana's home. He didn't want to engage with Cass so he walked through the garden to the back.
Seeing the open window he hopped up onto the balcony, as he walked through the curtains he heard the shower running. He climbed up on the bed and took in her scent.
He spun and lay down on top of her bed and closed his eyes waiting.
Inside the bathroom, Selena had gotten out of the shower and she was wrapped up in a white fluffy towel. She did her night time skincare routine and left the bathroom. As she turned off the light she spotted something black on the bed. She beamed and approached the bed, it was a little floof.
She sat down on the bed beside the small pup, when the pup looked up at her she pet his small fluffy head and he rolled over onto his back. She rubbed his belly and giggled.
"You must be Cass and Oriana's pup. Wonder what your name is?" Selena whispered as she petted the pup. It was late so she didn't want to disturb Oriana or Cass again to enquire about the small puppy. "You can stay with me tonight."
Raziel wanted to tell her his name, but if he spoke he would probably freak her out so he simply "Rai!"
Selena's eyes sparkled, "Rai?"
Raziel sat up and offered her his paw to tell her silently yes.
Taking his paw she giggled "Okay Rai, you can sleep with me tonight. This evening had been very chaotic and this was exactly what she needed right now.
Raziel acted like a puppy as he received affection from Selena, he wouldn't let on to Xavier that he found her. For now, he wanted all the cuddles and love for himself.
Selena stood and grabbed her pyjamas, she undid her hair and then her robe before putting on her pyjamas.
Raziel saw that she was changing and so he spun around again and buried his head into the bedsheets.
Seeing this Selena laughed, "Your so adorable giving me some privacy."
Raziel huffed internally, if that demon master of his found out that he was here and saw his love naked he would be dust, it wasn't worth it.