Friendship is all you need

I wake up in the nurses' room with my Mum stroking my head. Even though I don't remember how I got there, I know it was a rage frenzy. 

"Mum," I say. 

"I can't do this anymore," I cry. 

She cries too and hush me whilst still stroking my hair. 

"It's ok darling, it's ok," she says calmly. 


Knock, knock 


"Come in," my Mum shouted. 

It was the doctor, along with Penny and Wade. 

"Oh my god Kil, hope you're ok?" Penny says. I nod. 

The doctor sits beside me and checks my pulse. This is a first. I watch him as he holds his fingers on my wrist. 

"Why are you checking my pulse?" I ask. 

He looks at me. He doesn't answer. He looks back down at his watch. 

"We have got you a watch that tracks your pulse. If it rises no matter how you feel you need to go somewhere safe." My Mum explains. 

How has this come into it? I'm sure this doctor is clueless about my condition. Surely in my mental state I shouldn't even be coming to school. 

"What's a safe place in school?" I ask. 

"The counsel's office, toilet cubicle or here," the doctor replies. 

Oh, so he speaks. This is just great. So half the school now knows I'm a psychopath and now I have to wear a watch. 

"So Killian from now I need you to follow what I say." The doctor states. 

"Your Mum will give you your watch shortly whenever your heart rate hits 100bpm you need to leave the room to a safe place and take your medication," he explains. 

"If you do this, then it is less likely for your rage frenzy to explode," he says. 

My Mum grabs my arm and puts my watch on my wrist. It is a cool looking smart watch. 

"This links up to your phone and tracks your steps, heart rate and sleep." My Mum explains. 

"So we know if you have any more rages and how bad they are" she continues. 

Well, I feel like something is finally getting done! I can finally be a normal teenager again and control it before it gets bad. 

"Thank you. Can I go back to my lessons now?" I ask. 

"Yes, just make sure you follow what I've told you so we can keep you and everyone around you safe," the doctor says. 

The doctor unties both of my arms from the bed rails. I stand up from the bed and walk over to Penny and Wade. I have to apologize to them even though I can't remember what I've done I can tell by the look in their eyes I've upset them. 

"Hey guys, I'm so sorry if I've upset or hurt you, it wasn't me." I say. They both smile at me. 

"It's fine Kil, we're just glad you're ok," Wade says. 

"Let's head out for break before our next lesson." Penny suggests.

I go over to the sink and clean my face up. I dry my face off then make my way over to Penny and Wade.

We sit on a patch of grass. I finally feel happy, normal. I have amazing friends who look out for me no matter what. I have substantial support from the doctor and the school. What could go wrong? 

"So I'm thinking of going for a walk tonight, late. Anyone want to join the spooky walk?" Wade asks with a smile. Me and Penny look at each other and smile. We both turn to look at Wade. 

"Where to?" Penny asks. 

"Dead Man's Woods?" Wade says. 

"Are you crazy?" I shout. 

"No? Ghost hunt should be fun!" Wade says excitingly. 

Me and Penny just shake our heads. The reason it's called Dead Man's Woods is in the name. Many people have either been murdered there or commit suicide there. So it's the perfect place for a ghost hunt. 

"Come on, guys! We need to do more together as a group." Wade begs. 

"I'm up for it." I say. 

Penny looks at me like I am crazy. I am. 

"Fine..." Penny sighs. 

"WHOOP! Awesome, I'll pick you guys up tonight then 7pm?" Wade says. 

Me and Penny nod. Deep down I feel excitement, first time in a long time. Maybe this will help me recover from my condition, makes it stable and permanently. 

"Oh Kil? Can I speak to you for a minute, alone?" Wade asks. 

Well, this doesn't sound weird at all. I stand up and walk over to his car. Nobody is near us. 

"What's up, man?" I ask. 

"Just want a talk, me and you about our friendship." He says. 

"Yeah sure" I reply. 

"If you ever want me to visit or you want to chill out at mine with drinks and game, let me know, I'm there no matter what bro," he says. 

A warm feeling comes over me. I'm not alone, I'm not abnormal, I am wanted. How can these simple words pull you out of a black hole? 

"Thanks man, I mean it" I say with a smile. 

"No worries bro, we can make plans daily if to want? With or without Penny as we need bro time," he said with a grin. I smile and nod. 

"Of course man, we do," I reply. 

"Now let's head back over to Penny, I think she wants to talk to you too on your own." Wade explains. 

We walk back over to Penny; I put my hands in my pockets. I feel nervous, what is she going to tell me. 

"I'll wait by the doors" Wade says as he continues walking. 

I've never been alone with Penny, never spoke to her on my own properly either. 

"Hey" she says with a sweet smile. 

"Hey" I say back nervously. 

"I want to tell you a lot of things really," she says. 

"Firstly, I don't really know how to say this..." she continues. 

"That I'm messed up?" I laugh. 

"No! You're not." She says with a giggle. 

"I really... err... like you." She says nervously. 

"As in a friend?" I question. 

"No Kil, more than a friend. No one is perfect, I'm not perfect" she says. 

"You are perfect. And I'll be honest too, I've had a crush on you for a while since I moved here." I say with a smile. 

She pauses and looks at me in disbelief. I've told no one that I liked Penny or shown it. 

"Want to come over after school? I know it's a hospital and not ideal for a date thing." I ask. Penny smiles. 

"Of course, we can get Wade to pick us up from there." She says happily. 

She grabs my hand. Our fingers lock into each other's.

"Don't blush now, Kil" she says with a giggle. 

"I'll try not to," I laugh. 

We head back to meet Wade at the doors. He starts smiling as we approach. 

"Ay! I knew it!" he shouts. 

Me and Penny smile at each other. Maybe my life isn't that bad at all.