The Woods

Finally, we arrive at Dead Man's Woods. Wade pulls over into the muddy parking area. I look outside the window, it's pitch black and thick with fog.

"Well, if this isn't spooky, I don't know what is." Wade says as he turns off the ignition.

"I hope you have big torches Wade, the fog is really thick," Penny says worryingly.

"Yeah, yeah I have everything including 2 tents." He says with a smile.

"What?! Tents! Why do we need tents?!" I shout.

Penny looks as shocked as I do. Wade just laughs. Surely we aren't camping out on a school night!

"I have them just in case we get lost in the fog. It's an enormous woodland area. We could get lost." He explains.

I shake my head and open the car door and got out. I slam the door shut behind me. I don't understand why we are still going ahead with this. The fog is so thick you can't even see anything from a few feet away.

Penny gets out of the car and shuts the door behind her.

"I know Kil, it's a stupid idea but at least we are together." She says sweetly.

I look at her and then look at the floor. Anything could be lurking in the woods and we won't be able to see it.

Wade climbs out of the front and shuts the door he makes his way to the back of the car.

"Are you sure we will be ok?" Penny asks.

"Yes, I have everything we need. We all have a bag each to carry." He explains whilst opening the boot of his car.

I can't help but worry about what can happen. All these thoughts going around in my head. What if this? What if that?

"Come on then, give me a bag." I said whilst holding my hand out.

Wade smiles again and throws a large camping rucksack at me. I just manage to catch it and throw it around my back.

"Dude, you can't expect Penny to carry one of these! They're heavy." I say worryingly.

Wade pulled out a large purple and black rucksack.

"This is Penny's. It's a lot lighter than ours." He explains.

He gently passes over the rucksack to Penny. She grabs the handle and puts it onto her back.

"Torches are in the side pockets. You have a head torch also." Wade explains.

Wade goes back into his boot and grabs 3 head torches. He passed one each to me and Penny.

"Batteries are in the battery box inside your bags" he continues.

Well, maybe I am wrong. Seems like he has everything under control.

"If you need to know anything else, just ask me whilst we are out." He says.

Wade shut his boot and locked his car. We begin to walk towards what we think is the woods. I won't be surprised if I walk into a tree before I punch one again.

"How do we know where we are going?" Penny asks nervously.

"We don't. Why do you think I've packed everything?" he says.

"I hope you're joking, bro?" I retort.

"Hey, you both want to do this! Stop being wusses!" he yells.

"Dude, there's a difference between a normal, clear, spooky walk in the woods and thick, foggy, don't have a freaking clue where we are going in the woods!" I shout.

Wade halts to a stop. We are already in the woods.

"My advice, shut the hell up and keep close." He shouts.

"For god sake guys just shut up the pair of you and let's just keep walking." Penny says whilst pushing in between me and Wade.

I sigh and start walking at a fast pace.

"Hey dumb twit! Stick to the bloody path!" Wade shouts as he and Penny quickly run behind me.

"What path? I can't see a path; we are just walking on grass!" I yell whilst still continuing to walk.

"Kil, don't be stupid! Wait up for us!" Penny shouts whilst still power walking behind to catch up.

Suddenly we hear a blood-curdling scream in the distance. I stop dead in my tracks and so do Penny and Wade.

"Did we all hear that?" Wade whispers.

"Shut up you idiot!" I harshly whisper back.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Penny cries.

I quickly throw myself towards her and put my hand over her mouth. We all stood still in fear.

I put my finger to my lips to signal Penny to stay quiet. I slowly move my hand away from her mouth.

"Right, let's head back to the car. I don't want to wait around to find out what that was." I whisper.

They nod and we quietly head back. Until we realized we don't know which way was back.

"Crap! Where did we come from?" Wade whispers.

"We can't stay here! Find a way!" Penny cries.

"Shut up will you!" Wade harshly whispers.

"Both of you shut up! Stop making a scene or we will be next!" I whisper.

Suddenly a twig snaps to our right. I turn and stood in front of Penny and Wade with my arms out.

"I don't want to die!" Penny whispers as tears are streaming down her face.

Then another twig snaps to our left.

"We need to leave now! Run!" Wade shouts.

We follow Wade in the direction he is running. I don't know which direction it was, but I just follow. We run past trees and almost tripped over logs; we aren't heading back; we are running for our lives.

We stop. Link onto each other. Then Penny screams in terror and hugs me. Me and Wade look up and see a body hanging from a tree.

"God damn it bro!!" Wade shouts.

"We need to ring the police or something! We are being hunted and there's a freaking body here!" I yell.

We hear the bushes rustling, twigs snapping again.

"Shhhh" I say quietly.

I start sneaking away with Penny hugging me and Wade link onto me. We need to be quiet and find somewhere safe. We have no choice but to hide in a bush and wait.

The fog clears, but it was still dark. We sit silently inside a bush. How are we going to get back home? Are we going to get out alive?

"What now?" Penny asks.

"Well, the visibility is clear now so we can re-track our steps back to the car." Wade explains.

"Let's go then." I say whilst putting my rucksack on my shoulders.

Wade stands up and grabs his equipment. Penny grabs her rucksack and throws it over her shoulder.

I quietly push through the twigs in the bush to get a look around. It was quiet; too quiet.

"I think we're clear guys" I say with a smile.

"Great! Let's go!" Wade says excitingly.

I walk out first and look around with my torch and head light. All that can be seen are trees, leaves, branches, twigs and logs.

"Let's find our way back then," I say.

I start walking straight as I remember running straight. Penny and Wade follow close behind. We find the grass path where we run from; it is clear. We quickly follow it in the car's direction. Suddenly something came over me, I didn't feel right. I stop and I feel I can't move. I watch as Penny and Wade walk on. I start walking back into the direction of the trees until I lost sight of the grass path and Penny and Wade.

"Kil!" Penny shouts.

I can't see her and I can't hear her well. I sit down beside a tree and reach for my phone inside my hoodie pocket.

I grab it and open the back. I grab a razor blade and look at it. I feel nothing.

I press it into my wrist until it bleeds, I can't feel it I just see blood. I pull it towards me then I do the other wrist. Still it feels numb. Then I put it to my neck and drag it across, blood follows. I just sit and wait. I can hear Penny and Wade shouting me but I can't answer. I close my eyes and waited.