
Hiyoku, Habiwa, Clover, and Rose stood in front of the imposing black building, Stork's base looming ominously before them.

"One of these days Verte has to come with me! She always sits in the back and does nothing," Hiyoku grumbled, his frustration evident.

(Hiyokuuuuu, I can heaaaaaaar yooooooou)

"Ah, stop doing that weird all-knowing presence thing," Hiyoku retorted, his annoyance palpable.


"Err," Hiyoku muttered, feeling a bit awkward.

"How are we going to approach this building?" Habiwa inquired, his voice calm and composed.

"I would just run in there and blow the place up, buuut I don't want his wife," Hiyoku replied thoughtfully, his mind racing with possibilities.

"We can walk in there and run through the building beating people," Clover suggested eagerly, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"That is an infinitely more entertaining option, LET'S BURN THIS BITCH," Hiyoku exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

With a powerful kick, Hiyoku shattered the door to the building, the group rushing inside with determined strides. As they entered, they were met with the sight of twenty men, all armed and ready for battle, their guns trained on the intruders.

"Nice try," Habiwa remarked coolly, his movements a blur as he darted around the room with blinding speed. With precision and finesse, he incapacitated each of the men with swift, decisive blows, rendering them unconscious before they could even react.

Rose's voice echoed through the cavernous space, vibrant with the thrill of their adventure. "That's what I'm talking about, little bro!"

Hiyoku glanced between the siblings. "I thought he was older than you guys," he remarked, curiosity lacing his tone.

Habiwa chuckled softly. "Clover and Rose are twins. I'm four years younger than them," he explained with a hint of pride.

"Whose genes did you inherit?" Hiyoku quipped, his voice filled with jest.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled and split open, sending them tumbling into darkness.

"Aaaaah!!!" Hiyoku's scream pierced the air, followed by Rose's jubilant yell and Clover's frightened wail.

The group plummeted into a dimly lit chamber. Clover and Rose crashed onto the floor, while Hiyoku and Habiwa landed gracefully on their feet. The room was teeming with armed minions, brandishing an array of weapons.

Clover's voice trembled as he summoned his magic. "Waaaaah... Plant Magic: Clover Boost," he chanted weakly.

A green aura enveloped Hiyoku and Habiwa, but Hiyoku seemed unimpressed. "What? THIS LITERALLY DOES NOTHING!!!" he exclaimed, his frustration palpable.

"It makes your magic stronger!" Clover insisted, his voice tinged with desperation.

The minions advanced, their weapons poised for attack. Without hesitation, Hiyoku ignited his fist and lunged into the fray, his movements a blur as he dispatched his foes with blazing speed.

"Are you sure I didn't do all of that?" Clover queried, his voice a mixture of disbelief and hope.

"No," Hiyoku replied bluntly.

Suddenly, a bullet struck Clover in the abdomen, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Habiwa!" Hiyoku called out, urgency coloring his voice.

Habiwa rushed to Clover's side as Hiyoku prepared to retaliate. "Finally! You do something. I know I can solo this entire building, but I don't wanna be hogging all the fun for myself!!!" Hiyoku exclaimed, his frustration evident.

"Hiyoku," Habiwa interjected, his tone solemn.

"Alright," Hiyoku relented. "I know exactly which one of these losers shot him too, so just in case that was a fatal shot."

With determination blazing in his eyes, Hiyoku unleashed a torrent of flames upon the minion who dared to harm his brother.

"You look like an onion ring now!" Hiyoku taunted, his voice dripping with scorn.

As Habiwa tended to Clover, Hiyoku prepared to forge ahead. "Ok! I'm sure you guys will be fine anyway. These minions aren't even doing anything; they're kind of just standing around..." he remarked casually.

But a voice from the shadows caught their attention. "It... hurts," a minion murmured before collapsing.

Rose's curiosity piqued. "What's going on here?" she inquired, her voice filled with empathy.

While the boss isn't here, we might as well talk about it," a random minion responded, seizing the opportunity to unburden himself. "We all live here. This room is the living space of all two hundred and fifty of us. Sometimes we go days without food, sometimes we go months without food, and it's been almost a month..."

"Twelve generations of us have lived here just for the sole purpose of serving the family," another minion added bitterly.

"Only the elite get to go deeper," a third minion chimed in.

"And only the best get to live with the boss," yet another minion concluded.

"That's... sick," Hiyoku muttered, his voice heavy with disgust. "Sick in two ways... sick of fate to be twisted like that and... SICK! YOU GUYS CAN REBEL!!!"

"I... Don't have the energy," a minion confessed weakly before collapsing.

As thirty others followed suit, Hiyoku's resolve hardened. "God... I'LL FREE YOU GUYS! And Habiwa, I guess you're safe. Well, it's time for me to GO DOWN!!!"

With a fiery determination burning in his heart, Hiyoku unleashed a fireball at the ground and peered into the abyss below.

"That... actually looks like it goes somewhere! Alright, I'm on a streak!!!" he declared before leaping into the unknown depths.

Stork stood in the corner of the room, a sinister smile curling his lips as he surveyed the chaos unfolding before him. "Oh my," he remarked with a hint of amusement.

Habiwa's voice cut through the tension. "You were here?" he questioned, disbelief coloring his tone.

Stork nodded coolly. "Yes, the entire time. Now I see why they see him as a threat. Well, I have to kill you guys now. This is going to be on the front page of the newspaper, or even better, on the news. Mafioso businessman kills world-famous martial artist! Oh, how my reputation will be ruined!" His words dripped with malice.

Habiwa's eyes narrowed. "You sound... happy? You're creeping me out," he admitted, his voice tinged with unease.

"I'm a broken man with a broken history. It CAN'T get much worse from here. I MIGHT AS WELL EVERYTHING, but not in the way that you're thinking," Stork replied cryptically, his expression unreadable.

"If you wanna fight, I'll easily take you down," Habiwa retorted, his confidence unwavering.

Stork smirked. "You might be stronger than me, but I do have more tricks than you. Now, to deal with these useless scum I call henchmen, and yours too. Fire Magic: Ash Bubbles - Suffocation In Ash," he declared, his voice laced with authority.

Ashen bubbles materialized around the heads of every minion, including Rose, who trembled in panic as they struggled to breathe.

"I'll leave the shot one alone for now, but everyone else should die within the next few seconds. This spell pumps straight ash into their mouth and nose and soon lungs," Stork explained coldly, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Habiwa acted swiftly, kicking the bubble surrounding Rose's head and freeing her, though she slumped unconscious to the ground.

"I guess she survives. She survives if she doesn't succumb to the ash, but for everyone else though," Stork remarked callously, his tone devoid of remorse.

With a clap of his hands, Stork summoned shadowy figures armed with assault rifles. "Summoning Arts: Secret Service," he announced, his voice dripping with menace.

The shadow figures wasted no time, opening fire and mercilessly gunning down the helpless minions within seconds.

But Clover, undeterred by the carnage, whispered a spell. "Plant Magic: Clover Restoration," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the chaos.

A soothing green aura enveloped Clover's wound, knitting it back together, and then spread to Rose's prone form, purging her of the suffocating ash.

"It's your turn now, Habiwa BOKO!!!" Stork bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls.

Habiwa squared his shoulders, defiance burning in his eyes. "You won't get away with this," he vowed, his voice steady despite the danger.

Stork merely chuckled darkly. "I won't. But this will just be another feat on my stat page. FIRING SQUAD!!!" he commanded, his tone chilling.

The shadow figures unleashed a barrage of bullets, tearing through Habiwa's body with ruthless efficiency. And as the firing ceased, leaving behind a scene of devastation, Habiwa's once unrecognizable form lay broken and battered, a testament to Stork's ruthless power.

Stork's mocking words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked within the underground labyrinth. As he walked away from the siblings, his sinister presence seemed to cast a shadow over the room, leaving behind an oppressive silence broken only by the labored breaths of the wounded.

"He's dead. You boy will bleed out from your bullet wound, and your sister will suffocate. Hiyoku was right, you guys do just stand around doing nothing," Stork taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

With a final, disdainful glance, Stork turned his attention to a wall adorned with an inconspicuous door. Without hesitation, he opened it and disappeared into the darkness beyond.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the underground facility, Hiyoku found himself plummeting through the void once more. Darkness enveloped him, obscuring his surroundings in a shroud of uncertainty.

Did I just jump into a bottomless pit? Hiyoku mused, his thoughts racing as he sought to make sense of his predicament.

Undeterred by the darkness, Hiyoku ignited his entire body in flames, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the cavernous expanse before him. And there, in the flickering light, he beheld a sight that filled him with awe and wonder—a colossal spherical boulder, its vastness stretching beyond comprehension.

"WOOOOOOOAAAAAAAH!!!" Hiyoku exclaimed, his voice echoing through the cavern as he marveled at the immense structure before him.

As the ground rushed up to meet him, Hiyoku made a split-second decision. "Maybe I can land here!" he thought, tucking in his legs as he hurtled toward the small building below.

With a resounding crash, Hiyoku smashed through the roof, his fiery form shattering a round table in his wake. As he surveyed his surroundings, he realized that the building was more than it seemed—a gateway to the hidden depths of the underground base, with glass windows offering a glimpse into the unknown.

"Is this an observation DECK?" Hiyoku wondered aloud, his curiosity piqued by the discovery.

Dusting himself off with a single swipe, Hiyoku wasted no time in exploring his surroundings. "Maybe I should find that mafia bozo somewhere..." he mused, determination burning in his eyes.

Exiting the room, Hiyoku found himself in a long hallway lined with numerous doors, each one shrouded in mystery.

"Why does he need these many rooms...?" Hiyoku pondered, his gaze lingering on the array of closed doors before him.

Without hesitation, he unleashed a torrent of flames, reducing one of the doors to ash. Behind it lay a moderately sized room adorned with colored cigars and a luxurious hot tub, dominated by a massive statue of Stork himself.

A wry grin tugged at Hiyoku's lips as he surveyed the extravagant display. "Well, well, well... Looks like I'm getting closer," he remarked, his voice tinged with anticipation as he pressed onward into the heart of the underground labyrinth.

Hiyoku crouched behind the imposing statue of Stork, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy and revenge. This room looks like a fun room to hang out in! I might just hide behind that statue, and when he comes to throw it down, I'll jump out like a random cockroach in a clean room, AND TAKE HIM BY SURPRISE! I'll make sure to burn him and his precious base down to a single molecule of ASH he plotted silently, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

With a mischievous grin, Hiyoku skipped into the room, his heart pounding with anticipation. He ducked behind the statue, blending into the shadows as he waited for his moment to strike.

Minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity as Hiyoku remained hidden, his senses alert for any sign of movement. And then, finally, the moment arrived.

Stork, flanked by three of his minions and Albastru, stormed into the room with an air of authority.

"That damn kid broke into my base, and is nowhere to be found! I know he broke through the top of my observation room, and burnt the door down to this room, but he's not here. He must've escaped to spread the news," Stork growled, his frustration evident.

Albastru, his expression grim, interjected. "So, do we get to settle down?..."

Stork's gaze hardened, his resolve unwavering. "No, I'm not done today. Thanks to your incompetence, he got out alive, and soon he will make it even more obvious that we can't be trusted by the government as a safe establishment! So before I activate our doomsday plan, I would like to take care of our second biggest problem. You," he declared, his voice dripping with malice.

Hiyoku's heart pounded in his chest as he listened intently, his curiosity piqued by Stork's ominous words. Doomsday plan? What could that be? Maybe I should listen in a bit more... he thought, his mind racing with possibilities.

As Stork donned spiked brass knuckles, a chill ran down Hiyoku's spine. With a sinking feeling, he realized the danger that lurked just beyond the statue. As Stork advanced aggressively towards Albastru, Hiyoku knew that the time for action had come.

The scene unfolded before Hiyoku's horrified eyes, his heart aching with a sense of helplessness as Stork unleashed his brutality upon Albastru.

"Please, NO! I'M CARRYING YOUR CHILD!!!" Albastru's desperate plea echoed through the room, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

But Stork's response was cold and merciless. "I never cared about you or YOUR child!!!" he spat, his words dripping with contempt.

With a swift and brutal punch, Stork struck Albastru, leaving a gaping wound in her face as she was hurled against the wall. Hiyoku winced as he watched Stork relentlessly pummel her, each blow inflicting further agony upon the defenseless woman.

As Albastru lay battered and broken, Stork summoned his shadowy minions, their guns trained on her trembling form.

"Please... Don't... Do this..." Albastru pleaded, her voice barely a whisper as tears streamed down her face.

But Stork remained unmoved, his gaze cold and unfeeling. "Brutality," he declared, his voice devoid of remorse.

With a deafening barrage of gunfire, the shadowy figures unleashed their fury upon Albastru, their bullets tearing through her with merciless precision. Hiyoku's heart clenched as he watched her collapse to the ground, her body battered and broken, yet still clinging to life.

"Your pain tolerance is incredible. Too bad I have to kill you," Stork taunted, his voice filled with sadistic glee as he leveled his gun at her head.

"No," Albastru whispered, her defiance unyielding even in the face of death.

And then, in a flash of pink light, her world was consumed by darkness, her life extinguished in an instant.

As Hiyoku watched in horror, a flood of memories washed over him, transporting him back to a time long forgotten—a time of innocence and despair.

"Why... Why did I just let that happen?..." he whispered, his voice filled with anguish as he grappled with the weight of his inaction.

Ten years ago, in a city plagued by violence and poverty, a young Hiyoku found himself adrift in a sea of despair. Robberies and disappearances were a daily occurrence, and the specter of death loomed over every corner.

"Homeless Man: 'Nohope city!!! This city does nothing but ruin a man! I came here expecting awesome job opportunities! Instead, I get my identity stolen, and my life ruined! Kid, when you grow up, I want you to stay away from everyone bad in the city, and get outta here before you die!!!'" the memory echoed in Hiyoku's mind, a stark reminder of the harsh reality he faced.

But amidst the chaos and despair, there was one beacon of hope—his father, Raitami Esugan, the legendary wizard known for his unparalleled strength and prowess. A man who had slain gods and transcended mortal limitations, yet had abandoned his family in pursuit of glory.

"My dad was Raitami Esugan, the god killer... After I was born, he went off to make his name even more known throughout our big world... My mom told me the reason why he left was because 'he didn't want a family holding him back'..." Hiyoku's voice trailed off, his heart heavy with the weight of his father's betrayal.

Up until I was 7 my mom would do dirty deeds with dirty men to get money to feed and take care of me. While she was selling herself out, I was left all alone in an empty dirty dark room all day, and of course I didn't stay put and adventured around of course! Nohope city is like 605.2 square miles of terrain, but one day she made the worst mistake of her life.

In a dimly lit apartment building, nestled within the heart of the city, young Hiyoku stood beside his mother, his eyes wide with curiosity as she explained their evening routine.

"Hiyoku, I can't leave you alone at home today because it's too late at night," his mother gently chided, her voice soft yet firm. "So I need you to sit on the ground and wait for mommy to be done with her job."

"Okay, mommy!!!" Hiyoku responded eagerly, his youthful enthusiasm bubbling to the surface. "But I just want to know though... what is your job?"

A fleeting shadow of hesitation crossed his mother's face, a silent contemplation before she replied, her tone tinged with mystery, "I'll tell you when you're old enough."

With that enigmatic promise hanging in the air, Hiyoku obediently settled onto the ground, his young mind swirling with curiosity and wonderment, eager for the day when his mother would reveal the secrets of her mysterious occupation.

So my mom walked into a bedroom with some ugly fat man, there was a lot of moaning and... A LOT OF MOANING, and of course me being the absolute genius I am, I got curious and opened the closed door...

The evening air was thick with tension as the dimly lit alley provided a clandestine backdrop for a clandestine transaction. Hiyoku's mother, a figure cloaked in shadows, called out urgently, her voice slicing through the silence like a blade.


The words echoed, bouncing off the grimy walls, as if pleading for escape from the murky depths of the alleyway.

A figure, obscured by darkness, responded with a mocking tone, his voice dripping with a sickly sweetness that sent shivers down Hiyoku's spine.

"That boy~"

His words hung in the air like a foul odor, tainting the atmosphere with their lecherous intent.

"What?" Hiyoku's mother's voice crackled with apprehension, a hint of fear creeping into her tone.

The figure emerged from the shadows, revealing a bloated form that seemed to devour the feeble light cast by the flickering streetlamp. His eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger as he leered at Hiyoku with unsettling fascination.

"Is he a part of this deal? Let me have a bit of him too~" The words slithered from his lips like serpents, leaving a trail of disgust in their wake.

Hiyoku's mother recoiled, her features contorting with disgust and indignation. "No, he's not a part of the deal," she retorted sharply, her voice trembling with suppressed fury.

The figure's eyes narrowed, his gaze locking onto Hiyoku with a newfound intensity. "But now I want him more! I'll pay you extra!!!~" His voice rose in pitch, laced with a perverse desire that sent a shiver down Hiyoku's spine.

Unable to contain her rage any longer, Hiyoku's mother lashed out, her hand connecting with the man's bloated cheek with a resounding crack. The sound reverberated through the alley, a sharp punctuation mark to the tense standoff.

"You- YOU'LL REGRET THAT!!!" The fat man's voice thundered with rage, his words a promise of vengeance as he recoiled from the sting of Hiyoku's mother's slap.

With a furious snarl, he turned on his heel, his bulk jiggling grotesquely as he made a hasty retreat. The room seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief as the oppressive presence of the fat man dissipated, leaving behind only a lingering sense of unease.

And then, with a bizarre twist to the already surreal scene, the fat man dashed out of the room in a frenzied panic, his corpulent form bouncing wildly with each frantic step. The sight of his nakedness, exposed for all to see, added a surreal touch to the chaotic tableau unfolding before Hiyoku's eyes.

"Don't ever walk in on mommy's work again, Hiyoku," Hiyoku's mother's voice was firm, tinged with a hint of maternal concern as she sought to shield her son from the harsh realities of her world.

"Yes ma'am, but what was he doing to you?" Hiyoku's voice trembled with curiosity, his youthful innocence grappling with the disturbing scene he had witnessed.

"I'll tell you when you're older," his mother replied cryptically, a veil of secrecy shrouding her words as she sought to protect him from the harsh truths of her reality.

The following day dawned with a foreboding sense of dread, casting a shadow over Hiyoku's young life. Nightfall brought with it a wave of terror as Hiyoku and his mother cowered in their home, seeking refuge from the menacing figures lurking outside, their voices carrying a deadly threat on the cold night air.

"COME OUT, OR WE'LL LIGHT THIS JOINT UP!!!" The words rang out like a death knell, sending shivers down Hiyoku's spine as he clung to his mother's side, his heart hammering in his chest.

"Hiyoku, I want to tell you that. I will always be with you. Even though you can't see me, I will always be there," his mother's voice was a soothing balm in the midst of chaos, her words a promise of unwavering love and protection.

"Mommy?" Hiyoku's voice quavered with fear, his eyes wide with uncertainty as he watched his mother slip away into the darkness, leaving him alone in the dimly lit room.

Outside, Hiyoku's mother stood tall and defiant, her hands clasped behind her back as she faced down the menacing figure of the fat man.

"Where's the boy at!" the fat man's voice was a low growl, dripping with malice as he demanded Hiyoku's whereabouts.

"I won't let you have him. He's too young!" Hiyoku's mother's words were a fierce declaration of maternal instinct, her resolve unshakable in the face of danger.

The fat man's response was swift and brutal, a gunshot shattering the night as Hiyoku's mother cried out in pain, her shoulder stained crimson with blood.

"I said, where's the boy at," the fat man's voice was cold, devoid of remorse as he pressed for answers.

"Lets just run through the house!!!" The random man's suggestion cut through the tension, his voice tinged with urgency as he urged his companions to action.

"Good idea, but first," the fat man's words hung in the air like a death sentence, his gaze shifting to Hiyoku's mother with malicious intent.

With a swift motion, the fat man struck Hiyoku's mother, sending her stumbling backward as she dropped a hidden gun to the ground.

"You were gonna shoot us? Guy's after I step out of the way, shoot her down until there's no more ammo left in your guns," the fat man's command was met with chilling compliance, his accomplices moving to carry out his orders with ruthless efficiency.

Hiyoku, frozen in terror, watched helplessly from the safety of the window, his heart pounding in his chest as he bore witness to the unfolding tragedy. But just when all hope seemed lost, a figure descended from the heavens like a guardian angel, his presence a beacon of hope in the darkest of nights.

And there he stood, Raitami Esugan, the wizard of strength, clad in his signature attire of black robes and baggy pants, his towering form a testament to his formidable power. As Hiyoku gazed upon him in awe, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer strength and courage embodied by this man

"HEY!" Raitami's voice boomed like thunder, cutting through the tension with a commanding presence that demanded attention.

"Is that..." The random man's voice faltered, his gaze fixed on the imposing figure before them.

"RAITAMI ESUGAN!?" The fat man's words were a mixture of disbelief and fear, his voice trembling as he recognized the legendary name.

"The god killer Raitami Esugan?!" Another voice chimed in, filled with awe and reverence.

"The great wizard Raitami Esugan?!" The echoes of admiration reverberated through the air, mingling with the palpable sense of anticipation that hung thickly around them.

"That's my name," Raitami's voice was calm, his demeanor collected as he acknowledged his identity without arrogance or boastfulness.

"W-Why are you here, sir?" The fat man's question was hesitant, his eyes darting nervously between Raitami and his companions.

"Well, I was issued by the global committee to tell you to not damage buildings," Raitami's words were a stern reminder of the consequences of their actions, his tone brooking no argument.

"Well, we can do that, sir!" The fat man's response was eager, a hint of relief creeping into his voice as he sought to appease the powerful wizard.

"Magical Weapon: Kamigami no kirisaki-sha." With a flourish of his hand, Raitami summoned a formidable weapon, a massive blade that gleamed with an otherworldly light, its razor-sharp edge poised for battle.

"In my words. Scram," Raitami's command was simple yet authoritative, his gaze piercing as he issued his ultimatum.

"Well, can we finish this quickly?" The fat man's plea was tinged with impatience, his desire for a swift resolution evident in his tone.

"You're in the middle of a murder? Go ahead," Raitami's response was curt, his attention already turning away as he dismissed their plight with a disinterested wave of his hand.

"Raitami?" Hiyoku's mother's voice broke through the chaos, her eyes wide with surprise as she recognized the legendary wizard standing before her.

I ran out of the house, of course, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination as I rushed to my mother's side.

"AREN'T YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING!?" My voice cracked with desperation, pleading for Raitami to intervene and save us from the impending danger.

Raitami turned away, his indifference a bitter pill to swallow as I watched helplessly from the sidelines.

"I'll be here when you guys are finished," his words were a cold comfort, leaving me feeling abandoned and alone in the face of danger.

"DON'T IGNORE ME!!!" I shouted after him, my voice tinged with frustration and despair as I grappled with the harsh reality of our situation.

"GET BACK IN THE HOUSE, HIYOKU!!!" My mother's voice pierced through the chaos, her words a desperate plea for my safety as she sought to protect me from harm.

"Fire! Extra points for the kid," the fat man's words were a sinister promise, his intentions clear as he signaled for his companions to attack.

I slid back into the house, my heart pounding in my chest as I huddled in the safety of the shadows, the sounds of violence and chaos echoing in my ears.

I didn't see what happened, but I heard it all. The screams, the gunshots, the laughter. And when the silence finally fell, I emerged from the safety of the house, my heart heavy with dread as I beheld the lifeless form of my mother lying on the ground, a tragic casualty in the senseless violence that had engulfed us.

"Now. Scram," Raitami's voice cut through the tension like a blade, commanding obedience from the retreating figures.

"Yes sir!" The fat man's response was swift, his crew dispersing into the darkness with haste, leaving behind a trail of dust and uncertainty.

"Why didn't you do anything?" Hiyoku's voice trembled with frustration, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and confusion as he confronted the enigmatic figure before him.

"Who are you, kid?" Raitami's gaze bore into Hiyoku with a penetrating intensity, his expression unreadable as he sought to unravel the mystery of the young boy's identity.

"I-I'M YOUR SON!!!" Hiyoku's words hung in the air like a revelation, the truth of his lineage laid bare for all to see.

"Wait, you're my son?" Raitami's tone softened slightly, a flicker of recognition crossing his features as he regarded Hiyoku with newfound interest. "You sure have grown. I have no time for hugs though, where's your mother.... oh sorry for YOUR loss."

"My loss... SHE WAS YOUR WIFE," Hiyoku's voice cracked with emotion, his words laced with accusation as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of his mother's death.

"My wife? My ex-wife. Which reminds me, you have no mother anymore, let's see how long you'll survive on the streets," Raitami's words were callous, his indifference to Hiyoku's plight sending a chill down the young boy's spine.

"ARE YOU HEARTLESS? I'M YOUR SON!!! DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME?!" Hiyoku's voice rose with desperation, his eyes pleading for some semblance of compassion from the father he barely knew.

"The only son I'll accept is a strong one. If your mother is dead, that just means you failed to protect her. You aren't strong, if you aren't even strong enough to take on one small group of gangsters!" Raitami's words were a harsh reality check, his assessment of Hiyoku's worth cutting deep with their brutal honesty.

"BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER!!! YOU'RE A GREAT WIZARD," Hiyoku's voice wavered with disbelief, his mind reeling from the revelation of his father's true power.

"Who said I had to be a hero? Look kid, we're on the edge of this city, and this city is abandoned by the government, this city has no laws, no nothing, so to get my point across I'll do the both of us a favor," Raitami's tone was matter-of-fact, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to demonstrate the extent of his power.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, reappearing behind Hiyoku with unsettling speed. And then, with a single swing of his weapon, he unleashed a devastating blast of wind that tore through the city with terrifying force, leaving destruction in its wake.

"Do something like that, and you'll have my attention," Raitami's words hung in the air like a warning, their implications weighing heavily on Hiyoku's conscience.

"W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? WHY DID YOU EVEN COME!?" Hiyoku's voice was a desperate plea for answers, his mind struggling to comprehend the senseless violence he had just witnessed.

"Honestly, I came out of boredom, and sensed some random danger," Raitami's response was chilling in its casualness, his indifference to the lives he had just ended sending a shiver down Hiyoku's spine.

"You... killed... so many people... BECAUSE OF BOREDOM???" Hiyoku's voice was barely a whisper, his shock and disbelief threatening to overwhelm him.

"If you ever make it out of here alive, you'll see why destruction is the best way to entertain yourself," Raitami's words were a cold comfort, his back turned to Hiyoku as he prepared to depart.

"Now..." Hiyoku's voice trailed off, his emotions roiling within him as he grappled with the enormity of what had just transpired.

Something inside me... opened, all these emotions... anger, sadness, shock, they all built up inside of me.

"IF YOU WANT TO BE SO RANDOM!!!" Hiyoku's voice cracked with fury, his words a desperate cry of defiance as chaos erupted around him.

His house was engulfed in flames, the crackling fire licking hungrily at the walls, consuming everything in its path with relentless ferocity.

Raitami turned around, his gaze falling upon Hiyoku with a mixture of surprise and indifference as he witnessed the devastation unfolding before him.

"IS THIS STRONG ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" Hiyoku's voice trembled with emotion, tears streaming down his face as he confronted the legendary wizard with a newfound resolve.

"Fire destiny magic? You really are one generic boy," Raitami's words were a dismissive taunt, his tone dripping with condescension as he brushed off Hiyoku's display of power.

Hiyoku threw a fireball at Raitami, his anger fueling the flames as they surged towards the unflinching wizard. But Raitami simply stood there, his expression unchanged as he took the fireball head-on, emerging unscathed from the inferno.

"If that's all you have, you can't even beat a raccoon in a fight," Raitami's words cut through the air like a knife, their sting leaving Hiyoku reeling with frustration and humiliation.

And then, in the blink of an eye, Raitami disappeared, leaving Hiyoku alone amidst the ashes of his shattered home.

That was the last time I saw him. After that, I was determined to push myself to get stronger. I couldn't bear being a burden to be watched over. I didn't want to be... the weakest. I will become the strongest. I will fight the strongest possible enemies, and I will surpass the gods, and soon him!


"All of the cigars in the room were burnt to ash," the scene shifted to a different time and place, where Hiyoku faced off against another adversary, his rage simmering just beneath the surface.

"What the..." Stork's voice faltered, his surprise evident as he bore witness to Hiyoku's unleashed power.

"All of the water in the hot tub instantly evaporated," Hiyoku's control over the elements was absolute, his mastery over fire and water a testament to his growing strength.

"YOU JUST KILLED TWO INNOCENT PEOPLE..." Hiyoku's voice thundered with righteous fury, his eyes blazing with anger as he confronted his enemy head-on.

"The statue of Stork melted, and behind it stood an enraged Hiyoku with a blazing aura around him that touched the ceiling, and covered the entirety of the wall behind him," Hiyoku's power surged forth, a torrent of raw energy unleashed upon his enemies with devastating force.

"TO HELL YOU GO, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!" His words were a battle cry, a declaration of war against the forces of darkness that sought to oppress him.

"Get him!" Stork's command was met with swift action, his minions rushing forward to confront Hiyoku in a desperate bid for survival.

"Boss..." A note of hesitation crept into the minion's voice, a fleeting moment of doubt as he faced the unstoppable force before him.

"Do it," Stork's voice was cold and commanding, his resolve unwavering as he watched his minions charge into battle.

The three minions ran towards Hiyoku, their weapons drawn and their faces set in grim determination. But Hiyoku was quicker, his movements a blur of speed and precision as he dispatched them with ruthless efficiency.

"THREE MORE LIVES YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING," Hiyoku's voice was a thunderous roar, his rage boiling over as he confronted Stork with righteous fury.

"I also killed the three you came with," Stork's admission sent a shockwave of anger through Hiyoku, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

"YOU... YOU DID!? OH, I'M GOING TO ENJOY KILLING YOU!!!" Hiyoku's words were a promise of vengeance, his eyes burning with an intensity that matched the flames of his wrath.