Done For

"I see. Your strength is clearly better than mine at this moment. The best way to even out this chaos is to power up myself," Stork's voice was calm, his demeanor calculated as he assessed the situation with a keen eye.

He took a pink shiny cigar out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth, the heat from Hiyoku's flames instantly igniting it with a brilliant blue fire.

"You might have the strength, but..." Stork's words trailed off as his veins began to glow with a faint blue light, a sign of the power surging through his body.

"Do you have what it takes to beat my arsenal?" he challenged, his gaze locking onto Hiyoku with a steely determination before tucking the cigar back into his pocket.

"I'll just burn your arsenal into an ash tray!!!" Hiyoku's voice rang out with confidence, his determination unshakeable as he prepared to face his foe head-on.

With a swift movement, Hiyoku vanished from sight, leaving Stork momentarily bewildered by his sudden disappearance.

"Hiding isn't going to do any-" Stork's words were cut short as he felt a sudden rush of wind above him, his instincts kicking in just in time to see Hiyoku descending towards him with his right leg engulfed in flames.

"PHOENIX FIRE KICK!!!" Hiyoku's voice echoed through the room as he unleashed his attack, his flaming kick connecting with Stork's face with devastating force, sending the villain hurtling through multiple walls.

"That cigar I just smoked... it was enchanted by fairies and used to create new fairy leaders every ten thousand years... Not only did it triple my power and magic output, it made my skin 50 times tougher than diamonds!" Stork's voice was strained, his words punctuated by a grim determination to overcome his adversary at any cost.

"Where did you get it from?" Hiyoku's voice was laced with contempt, his anger boiling over as he confronted Stork with the consequences of his actions.

"I took it after murdering a clan of fairies," Stork's admission sent a wave of revulsion through Hiyoku, his resolve hardening as he prepared to unleash his fury upon the villain before him.

With lightning speed, Hiyoku rushed towards Stork, his fists wreathed in flames as he delivered a volley of powerful punches infused with fire magic. With each blow, he pushed Stork further and further back, until finally unleashing a point-blank fireball that sent the villain crashing into another wall, his body engulfed in flames as he struggled to rise to his feet.

"How are you... hurting me?" Stork's voice was strained, his confusion evident as he struggled to comprehend the source of Hiyoku's power.

"I don't care if you're 100 times tougher than diamonds, YOU WON'T SURVIVE ME!!!" Hiyoku's voice rang out with defiance, his determination unyielding as he faced down his adversary.

"Confidence," Stork replied calmly, his expression unreadable as he produced a gun from his coat pocket and leveled it at Hiyoku.

"What is that gun gonna do?" Hiyoku's voice dripped with contempt, his confidence unshaken as he stared down the barrel of Stork's weapon.

"It's the legendary weapon Foratura. These bullets can hurt anything!" Stork's words were a warning, his tone deadly serious as he prepared to unleash the full force of his arsenal.

"I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY SHOOTING ME WITH THAT!!!" Hiyoku's voice echoed through the air, his challenge ringing out with a fierce intensity as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation.

"Summoning Arts: Secret Service! Human shield," Stork's command cut through the tension, his shadow stretching and morphing into seven shadowy figures that leaped in front of the incoming fireballs, shielding their master from harm.

Ugh, I can end this so quickly! But I don't want to destroy the city now... Hiyoku's thoughts raced as he weighed his options, his desire to protect innocent lives warring with his need for vengeance.

And then, in an instant, everything changed.


A bullet tore through the smoke and chaos, slicing through Hiyoku's wrist with brutal precision, nearly severing his hand from his arm.

"Shit!" Hiyoku's cry of pain echoed through the air, his focus momentarily shattered by the searing agony coursing through his body.

But before he could fully register the pain, Stork was upon him, his brass knuckles gleaming in the dim light as he delivered two swift punches to Hiyoku's chest.

But Hiyoku refused to yield, his determination burning brighter than ever as he seized Stork's arm and delivered a punishing kick to his chin, sending the villain staggering backward before hurling him to the ground with a resounding thud.

But I can destroy everything below the city... Hiyoku's thoughts turned dark as he contemplated the destructive power at his fingertips, his anger threatening to consume him from within.

With a fierce determination, he charged a fireball in his hand, the flames dancing and flickering with an intensity that matched the fire burning in his heart. And as he unleashed the fiery projectile towards Stork, he couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of his adversary, the heat from the fireball burning away Stork's shirt but leaving the rest of his clothes unscathed.

"I want this one to hurt you where you deserve it the most," Hiyoku's voice was laced with determination, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity as he prepared to unleash his fury upon Stork.

But before he could react, Stork was already moving, his gun flashing as he fired a shot directly at Hiyoku's forearm, causing his arm to jerk upwards involuntarily, the fireball he had been charging suddenly redirected towards himself.

"OH NOOO!!!" Hiyoku's cry of alarm echoed through the chaos, his body engulfed in flames as the fireball collided with him, burning away his coat and shirt to reveal the wounds inflicted by Stork's brutal assault.

"Those brass knuckles..." Stork's voice was grim, his gaze fixed on Hiyoku's battered form as he rose to his feet, a wary look in his eyes.

He shot out almost my entire left arm! I either pull through this and win, or commit a crime... Hiyoku's thoughts raced as he weighed his options, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

With a determined growl, Hiyoku charged towards Stork, his fist aimed squarely at his adversary's face. But Stork was too quick, his movements fluid as he dodged Hiyoku's attack and retaliated with a swift strike from his cape, slamming Hiyoku to the ground and trapping him beneath its weight.

"That cape is another legendary weapon, Ruputa, it has two modes, light mode and heavy mode," Stork explained, a smug grin playing across his lips as he reveled in his advantage over his helpless opponent.

"This sounds... eerily useful," Hiyoku's voice was strained, his mind racing as he sought a way to escape Stork's trap.

"Now, I might as well keep you here for eternity!" Stork's words were a chilling promise of endless torment, his gaze cold and unforgiving as he prepared to leave Hiyoku to his fate.

If I can just destroy the ground and quickly swoop under this cape, I can escape this... Hiyoku's thoughts raced as he summoned all his strength, focusing his power on the ground beneath him with single-minded determination.

The ground below Hiyoku exploded in a shower of debris, catching Stork off guard as Hiyoku seized the opportunity to make his move.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Stork, his entire arm ablaze with the fiery energy of a phoenix as he delivered a devastating punch to his adversary's back.

"PHOENIX FIRE PUNCH!!!" Hiyoku's voice rang out with triumph as Stork was sent hurtling through multiple rooms, his form disappearing from view as he crashed through walls and obstacles in his path.

"How many rooms does this guy need?" Hiyoku's voice was tinged with frustration as he flew through the holes in the walls, determined to track down his elusive foe and put an end to their battle once and for all.

"YOU," Stork's voice was a snarl of defiance, his eyes burning with an intensity that matched the flames of his fury.

"Any last words?" Hiyoku's voice was cold, his gaze fixed on his adversary with a steely resolve.

"YOU WON'T RUIN ME," Stork's words were a desperate plea, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and fear.

"Weird last words..." Hiyoku's response was tinged with confusion, his brow furrowing as he struggled to make sense of Stork's cryptic statement.

"No. Did you see the rock down here yet?" Stork's voice was urgent, his eyes darting towards the massive object looming in the darkness below.

"Yeah, what the hell IS that?" Hiyoku's voice was filled with apprehension, his gaze following Stork's to the ominous shape below.

"If all goes wrong, my plan was to... USE THAT ROCK TO DESTROY THIS CITY!!!" Stork's revelation sent a chill down Hiyoku's spine, his mind reeling with the implications of Stork's sinister plot.

"You're crazy! How?" Hiyoku's voice was laced with disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Stork's madness.

"That rock is twice the size of this city," Stork explained, his voice tinged with a hint of madness as he revealed the true nature of the object below. "Not only is it built to destroy this city and leave only this building and a small part of the city standing, it's meant to roll around our planet and destroy everything in its path!"

"...How?" Hiyoku's voice trailed off, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the puzzle of Stork's diabolical plan.

"Ugh, that rock is actually a meteor that landed here ten thousand years before this city was created," Stork continued, his words coming in a rush as he revealed the origin of the deadly object below. "Nobody knows about this because over the ten thousand years of this meteor being alone, land formed over it. When I moved to this city, I was working on a large underground portion of my house and dug into this rock, so I dug and built around it, and even made a plan to destroy the city, forcing kidnapped mages to make a spell that lifts up the rock and slams it down at the command of two simple chants."

"No sane person would do that... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Hiyoku's voice was filled with righteous indignation, his eyes blazing with anger as he confronted Stork with the consequences of his actions.

"NOTHING'S WRONG WITH ME!!! There's never an easy way to get out of anything!" Stork's voice was a defiant roar, his words a desperate attempt to justify his heinous deeds.

"Yes there is!" Hiyoku's voice rang out with conviction, his resolve unwavering as he stood up to his adversary.

"You know what?! I'll activate the meteor here! and if you want to know how big the meteor would be, the city is 2159.2 miles long!!!" Stork's voice was a manic shout, his eyes gleaming with madness as he prepared to unleash his ultimate weapon upon the world.

"You PSYCHO," Hiyoku's voice was a thunderous roar, his anger boiling over as he confronted the true extent of Stork's madness.

"Now, how about I get this meteor moving!!!" Stork's words were a chilling promise of destruction, his voice echoing through the cavernous depths as he prepared to unleash his deadly plan.

With a chant, the ground below them began to shake violently, the very earth trembling beneath their feet as Stork unleashed the full power of the meteor below.

I had all the time in the world to stop that... Hiyoku's thoughts raced as he grappled with the enormity of the impending disaster.

"VERTE!!! Warn everyone in the city, that THE CITY IS GONNA BE DESTROYED!!!" Hiyoku's voice rang out with urgency, his mind racing as he desperately sought a way to avert the impending catastrophe.

"Are you seriously going to destroy this city?" Verte's voice echoed in Hiyoku's mind, her concern palpable even through the telepathic link.

"NO!" Hiyoku's response was swift and unequivocal, his determination unyielding as he faced down his adversary.

"Who are you talking to?" Stork's voice cut through the chaos, his expression unreadable as he surveyed the scene before him.

"A elf. VERTE I CAN'T EXPLAIN, JUST DO IT!!!" Hiyoku's voice was urgent, his plea echoing through the air as he implored his unseen ally to act.

Meanwhile, with Habiwa...

"(YOU GUYS NEED TO EVACUATE THE CITIZENS)" Verte's urgent message reverberated through Habiwa's mind, her telepathic voice filled with urgency.

"Who's that?" Rose's voice was filled with concern, her eyes widening with alarm as she took in the gravity of the situation.

"It's Verte! The elf with Hiyoku. He told me that the entire city is going to be destroyed, and asked me to warn them, I might need your help to do so," Habiwa relayed Verte's message to his companions, his voice tinged with urgency.

"On it..." Habiwa replies, his determination clear as he prepared to assist in the evacuation efforts.

With determination, Habiwa dashed out of the building, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced to spread the word and save as many lives as possible.

"Wait for us!!!" Rose's voice echoed after him, her footsteps quickening as she followed Habiwa into the unknown.

Meanwhile, with Hiyoku and Stork...

"After a while, the meteor will gain speed, and destroy the city in a second!" Stork's voice was filled with a manic glee, his eyes gleaming with madness as he reveled in the chaos he had unleashed.

"We're standing above the meteor right now, you're gonna die along with the city too, genius!" Hiyoku's voice was tinged with bitterness, his gaze locked on Stork with a mixture of anger and contempt.

"Well, I was safe on the other side of this building... UNTIL YOU HIT ME INTO AN ABANDONED ROOM!!! But I give up, I'll survive, and barely survive at that, but you on the other hand will more than definitely die from this!!!" Stork's words were a chilling admission of defeat, his voice tinged with resignation as he acknowledged the grim reality of their situation.

"Wanna test that theory?" Hiyoku's voice was cold, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to face his fate head-on.

"Sure thing, let me just SPEED THIS UP!!!" Stork's words were a grim promise of destruction, his voice filled with a manic determination as he prepared to unleash the full force of his power.

With a chant, the meteor broke free from the earth, hurtling towards the heavens with unstoppable force, carrying Hiyoku and Stork on a collision course with destiny.

Hiyoku's thoughts raced as he found himself perched atop the colossal meteor, the gravity of the situation sinking in with each passing moment.

"Damn, he really didn't lie about the size of this thing," Hiyoku muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of his adversary.

Suddenly, Stork crashed onto the meteor behind him, catching Hiyoku off guard.

"Oh," Hiyoku exclaimed, his senses sharpening as he prepared for the next onslaught.

"Err- SUMMONING ARTS: SECRET SERVICE- FIRING SQUAD!!!" Stork's voice echoed through the air, commanding shadowy figures to materialize before him, armed and ready to strike.

As bullets flew towards him, Hiyoku felt a surge of power coursing through him, his fighting spirit growing stronger with each passing moment.

My fighting spirit is growing in power by the second! I feel amazing!!! Hiyoku thought, his determination fueling his every move.

In a burst of flames, Hiyoku unleashed a powerful beam of fire, obliterating the bullets and shadowy figures in an instant, sending Stork hurtling across the meteor's surface.

This kid's strength is remarkable! I might need to kick it up a bit... Stork's thoughts raced as he braced himself for the next round of combat.

With a resounding crash, Stork collided into a nearby building, the force of impact sending it hurtling away from the city. Seizing the opportunity, Hiyoku soared into the building, his resolve unwavering as he closed in on his elusive foe.

"You can't hide," Hiyoku declared, his aura blazing with intensity as he reduced the building to ash in seconds.

Amidst the smoke and rubble, Stork emerged unscathed, a cigar smoldering between his lips, his gaze fixed on Hiyoku with a mixture of defiance and determination.

Stork's proclamation echoed across the desolate landscape, his voice tinged with a newfound sense of power.

"I'm 30 times stronger now," Stork declared, his confidence evident as he faced off against his formidable opponent.

Undeterred, Hiyoku charged towards Stork, his flaming kick aimed true. Yet, Stork evaded with ease, his movements fluid and precise.

"I'm 300 times stronger now," Stork's voice rang out, his words a testament to his growing strength.

"Honestly, I want you stronger, the stronger the enemy, the stronger I'll get after beating you," Hiyoku retorted, his resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

"You aren't winning this, I am now 30,000 times stronger now!" Stork's words dripped with arrogance, his power seemingly boundless.

With a casual puff on his cigar, Stork unleashed a devastating torrent of blue fire, aimed directly at Hiyoku. Yet, Hiyoku remained unfazed, his determination shining through as he walked through the flames unscathed.

"Wow, you really are stronger now!" Hiyoku remarked, his confidence unshaken as he closed in on his adversary.

"You burned my brass knuckles to ash with that punch! So now I have no option but to use my own two fists," Stork declared, his fists clenched in determination.

In a swift motion, Stork delivered a powerful punch to Hiyoku's stomach, sending him hurtling through the ruined cityscape. But Hiyoku's spirit remained unbroken, his excitement mounting with each blow exchanged.

As the pit erupted in a blaze of fire, Hiyoku emerged, his resolve burning brighter than ever. With a flurry of punches and kicks, he unleashed his full strength upon Stork, his movements fueled by a relentless determination to emerge victorious.

Despite Stork's best efforts, Hiyoku proved too resilient, dodging his gunfire with ease and delivering a punishing blow to his opponent.

But Stork refused to back down, his grip tightening as he unleashed a barrage of shots at Hiyoku, each bullet finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

Yet, even as he fell to the ground, Hiyoku's spirit remained unbroken, his eyes ablaze with determination as he prepared to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

Stork's voice rang out, brimming with confidence as he believed victory was within his grasp.

"That should be enough to put you down," Stork declared, his words dripping with certainty.

But Hiyoku's response was unwavering, his determination shining through even in the face of adversity.

"Not even close, dumbass," Hiyoku retorted, his resolve unyielding.

Undeterred, Stork unleashed a cloud of smoke, propelling Hiyoku high into the air before taking aim with his gun. Yet, Hiyoku's reflexes were lightning fast, creating a barrier of fire that incinerated the bullet before it could reach its target.

His body is going to give in soon, he can't fight with 20 different wound holes in him for TOO long Stork mused, observing Hiyoku's condition with a calculating eye.

As Hiyoku landed on the ground, he felt his mana rapidly depleting, his body pushed to its limits.

My mana... is disappearing quick, I'm literally BURNING THROUGH IT! I might have to go full power to win this in a last ditch effort... I just gotta hope I win this in the time I'm given Hiyoku thought, his mind racing with possibilities.

Summoning his last reserves of strength, Hiyoku unleashed a powerful transformation, his aura blazing with newfound intensity.

"The last two times I used this form, I lost. I got sliced by Ryoshi, and sliced again by Nagarimu, but please, I embed my dying for this to work, because this time I can't afford to lose... Phoenix Magic: Full Phoenix!!!" Hiyoku exclaimed, his voice resonating with determination.

As the flaming aura enveloped him, Hiyoku felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, his wounds miraculously healing before his eyes.

"The pain hasn't gone away, but that's a good start," Hiyoku remarked, his resolve unwavering.

But Stork's disbelief quickly turned to desperation as he witnessed Hiyoku's transformation.

"Are you not paying attention to me anymore? ARE YOU REALLY THIS CONFIDENT IN YOUR POWER!?" Stork shouted, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Now, time for something my master taught me, something that has been passed down from his master. DRAGON FLAME MANA BURST!!!" Hiyoku declared, his entire being surrounded by a fiery aura in the shape of a dragon.

Hiyoku's voice echoed through the intense heat, his words carrying a weight of finality.

"No mana? That must be one of the downsides to this mana burst, all offense, but no real utility... Hey, you've had many chances to stop me... why haven't you?" Hiyoku questioned, his tone laced with curiosity.

Stork's response was measured, revealing a glimpse of his strategic mind.

"Anything can happen, and I want to be prepared for it, if you're using this as some sort of distraction for something bigger, I won't interfere," Stork replied, his voice tinged with caution.

With a knowing smirk, Hiyoku turned his attention elsewhere, reaching out through telekinesis to communicate with Verte.

"VERTE!!!" he called out, urgency evident in his voice.

(Whaaat) Verte's response came swiftly, tinged with confusion.

"Did you successfully save everyone?" Hiyoku inquired, concern evident in his tone.

(Yes! with the help of Habiwa and his crew, we got all of the citizens out of the city, and on course to the neighboring city of Yoxfell) Verte replied, her voice filled with relief.

"I'll be there. Give me a sec," Hiyoku responded, determination shining through.

As the fiery aura surrounding him shifted and morphed, Hiyoku spoke aloud, addressing Stork directly.

"Am I glad my heat control is good, heat like this make the sun look like the coldest day in winter, I do have to resort to burning everything around me, including myself, to keep the flame from killing potentially everyone here," Hiyoku explained, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and concern.

Stork's curiosity was piqued as he observed Hiyoku's resilience.

"How are you so fire resistant? No normal human being could and would survive being under so much heat," Stork queried, his tone tinged with disbelief.

With a hint of amusement, Hiyoku began to unravel the mystery.

"I get that question a lot. My master himself even asked me that, since he himself has seen the full extent of my flame heat, and admitted that not even he could be this hot for this long. Even though he's stronger than me, he knows not too soon in the future I'm gonna surpass him. He came up with the answer to his own question and told me that I must have been chosen by the gods to inherit the will of the god of fire! But that's stupid, he's a little bit too much into his god praising thing. But my answer to this is simple. I'm just that strong," Hiyoku explained, his words tinged with a hint of defiance.

Stork's attention was momentarily diverted as he assessed his opponent's capabilities.

"That took you a while to answer the actual question, and this entire time you've been EXERTING YOUR HEAT ON ME! The only thing keeping me alive right now is the invisible magical shield I get after smoking that cigar, and the power of the shield only grows by the second! But this cigar does have some drawbacks, like if you destroy my shield, all of the power will overload my body, and virtually crush me. But you won't ever break it so..." Stork trailed off, his words laced with confidence.

"Challenge accepted, but we might need to hurry this up, my mana is burning away by the second," Hiyoku responded, his resolve unwavering.

"Alright, go for it, try to beat me," Stork challenged, determination flashing in his eyes.

With a swift motion, Hiyoku vanished from sight, leaving Stork to anticipate his next move. But before Stork could react, his possessions began disappearing one by one, leaving him bewildered and vulnerable.

"You're invisible!!! Come out of hiding!!!" Stork shouted, his frustration evident.

But as Hiyoku reappeared, holding both Stork's cigar and gun, the tide of battle seemed to shift in an instant.

As the battle reached a crescendo, Hiyoku's determination burned brighter than ever.

"It's all in the legs," he declared, his voice carrying a hint of triumph.

A portal materialized behind Hiyoku, revealing Verte standing within.

"Give me the items," Verte requested, her tone firm.

With a swift motion, Hiyoku tossed the items into the portal before obliterating it with the intense heat of his aura.

"Now this fight is a little bit more fair... HAHA, who am I kidding, i'm gonna kill you either way," Hiyoku proclaimed, his confidence unwavering.

Stork's inquiry about weapons was met with a cryptic response from Hiyoku.

"Go fish," Hiyoku retorted before launching a devastating punch at Stork, sending him hurtling across the vast expanse of their battleground.

For minutes on end, Hiyoku relentlessly pummeled Stork, his blows fueled by a relentless determination.

"Is your shield broken yet?" Hiyoku questioned, his voice laced with anticipation.

Despite the onslaught, Stork refused to yield, launching a desperate counterattack against Hiyoku. However, his efforts proved futile as Hiyoku effortlessly absorbed the impact and delivered a punishing blow of his own.

"Did I really need to go this far?" Hiyoku mused, his tone tinged with a hint of regret.

In a final act of defiance, Stork threatened to unleash the destructive power of the meteor, his words laced with desperation.

"And I've got a way to stop it," Hiyoku declared, his aura surging to unprecedented levels of intensity.

With his entire being enveloped in a fiery aura, Hiyoku prepared to deliver the decisive blow, his fist wreathed in flames that mirrored the hybrid dragon-phoenix aura surrounding him.

As Stork summoned his shadowy defenders, Hiyoku prepared for his final onslaught.

"This here is all I got... Take it as your last gift from me," Hiyoku declared, his voice resolute.

Undeterred, Stork unleashed his shadowy minions, but Hiyoku charged forward, his determination unyielding.

"Alright. Time to burn you straight to hell!" Hiyoku exclaimed as he dashed through the shadows, incinerating them with his fiery aura. With a mighty punch, he sent Stork hurtling away at incredible speed.

But Hiyoku wasn't finished yet. The flames from his fist coalesced into a magnificent flaming dragon-phoenix hybrid, which seized Stork and carried him aloft toward the looming meteor in the sky.

As Stork and the fiery creature made contact with the meteor, a cataclysmic explosion erupted, engulfing the celestial object in flames and reducing it to nothing but ashes.

"Have a good holiday!" Hiyoku called out triumphantly as he watched the destruction unfold.

With his task complete, Hiyoku's strength finally gave out, and he fell into unconsciousness, his body still standing as a testament to his indomitable spirit.

Four hours had passed since the chaos of the escape from the rock. Hiyoku lay still, bandages swathing his chest, arm, and leg, his body a testament to the violence of the recent events. Across from him, Habiwa and Verte watched over him with worried eyes.

"He's awake," Habiwa announced, breaking the silence that enveloped the infirmary.

"Hiyoku!" Verte's voice was filled with relief and concern.

Struggling to comprehend his surroundings, Hiyoku's voice rasped out, "Why am I... in bandages?"

Verte confessed, "I'm not so good at casting healing spells..."

Habiwa chimed in, "Clover was healing anyone who got injured while trying to escape the big rock."

Accepting the explanation with a nod, Hiyoku attempted to rise, his determination undeterred by his injuries. "Ok... I guess I won... Hey Verte!"

In a sudden burst of energy, Hiyoku leaped from the bed onto a nearby desk, his movements surprisingly agile despite his wounds.

"Are your wounds healed???" Verte inquired anxiously.

"Somehow you managed to put bandages around the parts of my body that were hurting, but I'm pretty fine. I move pretty well, and my mana is coming back," Hiyoku reassured them, his voice tinged with determination.

"Ok, we can start traveling again, but I have a small gift for you," Verte announced, producing a grey cape from her belongings.

"What the..." Hiyoku's confusion was palpable.

"I found the legendary weapon Ruputa just sitting somewhere on a rock, but it's still owned by someone. We can probably find the owner somewhere on our journey—" Verte began, but her words were cut short by Hiyoku's sudden outburst.

"He's still alive?!?" Hiyoku exclaimed in shock.

"What?" Verte's confusion mirrored Hiyoku's.

"TH-THAT'S STORK'S CAPE, THAT'S HIS LEGENDARY WEAPON!!!" Hiyoku's voice was filled with disbelief.


"HE'S HERE!!!" A citizen's panicked cry interrupted their conversation.

Hiyoku rushed to the window, his heart pounding as he surveyed the chaos outside. Amidst the frantic crowd stood a shirtless, disheveled figure, and beside him, a mortally wounded Stork, his once-proud demeanor shattered.

"This isn't the end of me!!!" Stork's defiant proclamation echoed through the chaos.

"No way..." Hiyoku muttered, his mind reeling with the implications of Stork's unexpected appearance.

With determination burning in his eyes, Hiyoku punched through the window and leaped into the fray.

"Hiyoku!" Verte's voice trailed after him, filled with worry and urgency.

Hiyoku landed before Stork, his gaze unwavering despite the gravity of the situation.

"You... YOU DID THIS TO ME!!! YOU BROKE MY SHIELD!!! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!" Stork's accusations rang out, filled with bitterness and rage.

"You ruined your own life," Hiyoku retorted, his voice steady despite the tumult around them.

"NO! I HAD IT GOOD!!! A FEW RUMORS, BUT I STILL HAD MY SHIT TOGETHER!!! YOU, YOU RUINED MY LIFE, I HAVE NOTHING NOW!!!" Stork's voice cracked with desperation and despair.

"Well, I'm almost back to full strength, how are you gonna beat me?" Hiyoku's challenge hung in the air, a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play between them.

With trembling hands, Stork reached into the depths of his torn garments and withdrew a silver amulet, a silent testament to his resolve to confront his past demons.

"This is it, this is my final resort!!!" Stork's voice reverberated with desperation, his last-ditch effort to turn the tide of the confrontation.

"What now?!" Hiyoku's response was tinged with a mix of surprise and defiance.

"Is that... what I think it is?" Verte's voice quivered with uncertainty as she beheld the ominous object in Stork's grasp.

"What?" Habiwa's confusion mirrored Verte's, his eyes darting between the unfolding scene before them.

With a determined grip, Stork crushed the amulet between his palms, unleashing a swirling mass of smoke that coalesced into the form of a grim reaper.

"Oh, you have one of those?" Hiyoku's nonchalant remark belied the gravity of the situation.

"What IS that!?" Habiwa's voice trembled with fear and disbelief.

"Long ago, during the creation of magic types..." Verte began, her voice filled with the weight of ancient history and forgotten legends. She recounted the tale of a conflict between gods and demons, of powerful beings forged from pure magic, and of amulets containing imprisoned creatures of unimaginable power.

"Yeah, my master has the sun... god... angel? Thing," Hiyoku interjected, his tone casual despite the gravity of Verte's revelation.

"Hiyoku might be in danger then!" Habiwa's concern was palpable, his eyes darting between his companions as the reality of the situation sank in.

"Don't worry, the reapers are the weakest of the amulets, but they do have the most lethal way of fighting..." Verte's reassurance did little to ease the tension that hung in the air.

"Now... Kill him in under a minute!" Stork's command was laced with desperation and malice as he unleashed the reaper upon Hiyoku.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Hiyoku dodged the reaper's swinging scythe, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. As the scythe sliced through the air, it severed a nearby tree in half, turning the severed portion into wisps of smoke that dissipated into the ether.

"WOAH, HEY, I NEED YOU NOT TO DO THAT!!!" Hiyoku's voice rang out, a mixture of surprise and urgency as he narrowly evaded the reaper's relentless assault.

The reaper continued its rapid swings, but Hiyoku effortlessly dodged each one, his movements fluid and precise.

Sigh "The only thing that makes them lethal is that they turn whatever they cut into the element they are," Verte explained, her tone resigned to the grim reality of the situation.

"But seriously, stop," Hiyoku implored, his voice tinged with frustration.

To his surprise, the reaper halted its attack.

"Oh wow, thanks!" Hiyoku's relief was palpable as the threat momentarily subsided.

"WHY DID YOU STOP!?" Stork's voice echoed with panic and rage as he witnessed the unexpected turn of events.

Ignoring Stork's commands, the reaper turned its attention towards its creator, floating ominously towards him.

"KEEP ATTACKING HIM!!!" Stork's desperation was evident as he watched the reaper's betrayal unfold.

With a swift slash, the reaper severed Stork's right shoulder, causing his entire arm to vanish into thin air.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Stork's cry of anguish filled the air as the realization of his fate dawned upon him.

"All the amulets come with a price though..." Verte's voice carried a note of solemnity as she explained the consequences of the reaper's actions. "If they don't fulfill their task, they will take something from the user. And with reapers they..."

"Turn them into the element," Habiwa finished Verte's explanation, his expression grave as he witnessed the tragedy unfold.

With a final, decisive stroke, the reaper sliced Stork in half, reducing him to wisps of smoke that dissipated into the ether. In an instant, the reaper vanished, returning to its amulet and leaving behind a scene of devastation.

"What just happened to the reaper?" Habiwa's voice broke the silence that followed the reaper's departure.

"It put itself back into the amulet and back into the shrine," Verte explained, her voice tinged with a mixture of relief and trepidation.

"EASY WORK!!!" Hiyoku's triumphant proclamation cut through the tension that hung in the air.

"Hiyoku! You should probably get more clothes on..." Verte's admonition brought attention to Hiyoku's disheveled appearance.

Fifteen minutes later, Hiyoku and Verte emerged from the hospital, their attire slightly altered. Hiyoku now sported a maroon buttoned-up jacket over a black t-shirt, paired with black baggy pants and dark green boots. Around his neck, he wore Stork's grey cape like a scarf, a silent reminder of the events that had transpired.

"Wow, you have a legendary weapon now!" Verte remarked, her eyes filled with admiration.

"I won't be using it much, my own power is already good enough," Hiyoku replied casually, his demeanor unchanged despite the newfound power he possessed.

Wait if he has a legendary weapon, how does he have a fighting spirit? Does he even have a fighting spirit? Verte pondered silently, her thoughts drifting to the mysteries surrounding Hiyoku's abilities.

As Hiyoku and Verte made their way outside, they were greeted by the arrival of Habiwa, accompanied by Rose and Clover, their expressions a mix of concern and relief.

"Though the city won't admit it, they would like to tell you thanks. Though they all lost their stuff and valuable possessions, this city is more than big enough to give them homes. Anyways, thank you, Hiyoku. I hope to meet you in the future. I have to continue the tour," Habiwa expressed his gratitude before turning around and walking away.

"No handshake?" Hiyoku's voice carried a hint of disappointment as he watched Habiwa's retreating figure.

"He doesn't want one!" Rose interjected defensively.

"He doesn't take handshakes from idiots like you!" Clover added with a touch of disdain.

"Heh, what they said..." Habiwa's response was laced with amusement as he continued on his path.

"WAIT!!!" Hiyoku's desperate cry fell on deaf ears as Habiwa had already distanced himself from Hiyoku's reach.

"Aw. Verte, where to next?" Hiyoku's voice held a note of curiosity as he turned to his companion.

"Well, our next location will merge us with another training group! We are heading to Javarahoo," Verte revealed with excitement.

"Java what now?" Hiyoku's confusion was evident as he struggled to comprehend the unfamiliar name.

"It's a huge island that is home to many non-human species. Below the island is Atlantis, and above it is Heavalley," Verte explained, her words painting a vivid picture of their next destination.

"Sounds like a lovely location! Let's go!" Hiyoku's enthusiasm was infectious as they prepared to embark on their next adventure.