Crude Ice

Two hours passed, and Ryoshi emerged from his healing slumber with renewed vigor, shattering the protective bubble of ice with a single punch.

"That was a good nap!" he remarked, stretching his muscles as he surveyed his surroundings.

But his elation was short-lived as he realized Iwi was nowhere to be found. "And Iwi is gone! Great, I guess I can just go into this next room," Ryoshi concluded, his resolve unshaken as he strode across the chamber and pushed open the door before him.

The room beyond was spacious, with walls painted a serene shade of blue. At the center of the room sat Ketori, his presence commanding attention as he lounged in a plastic chair, facing away from the entrance.

"You're here!" Ketori greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of anticipation.

"Hello! I'm ready to finish this, uncle!" Ryoshi declared with confidence, his gaze steady as he prepared to confront his mentor once more.

"Finish this? You're nowhere near finished. You still have a lot to go through," Ketori countered, his tone somber and serious.

"Oh really? There is no more trial and error for me. I'll beat you and get outta here!" Ryoshi retorted, his determination unwavering.

"Have you really abandoned training your blood ice magic?" Ketori questioned, a note of concern creeping into his voice.

"I'll just train it on my own! I'm not interested in training with you anymore," Ryoshi declared, his words ringing with finality.

"What—why?" Ketori exclaimed, taken aback by Ryoshi's sudden decision.

"Because after this, I will probably learn and copy things after you. I will start practicing my blood magic at the Negative Point on my own time, but for now, I don't need another person to teach me what BLOOD ICE magic is again. Since you training me isn't gonna increase my power, I don't see the need to stay here," Ryoshi explained, his resolve unyielding as he laid bare his intentions.

"Power is what you want, huh? The final room will be perfect for you," Ketori remarked cryptically, his eyes gleaming with a hint of intrigue.

"Final room? Isn't this the final room?" Ryoshi questioned, confusion flickering across his features.

"You'll understand soon," Ketori replied enigmatically, his gaze unwavering as he prepared for the impending confrontation.

"Alright then! Surriku No Ha!!!" Ryoshi called out, summoning his weapon with a flourish.

"Let's duel! Magical Weapon: Sori No Poru!" Ketori countered, summoning two skiing poles imbued with a red glow.

"Just gonna warn you, I'm not holding back," Ketori cautioned, his stance poised and ready.

"Bring. It." Ryoshi replied with a steely gaze, his determination radiating like a beacon in the dimly lit room.

As Ketori dashed towards him, launching a relentless barrage of thrusts, Ryoshi moved with effortless grace, dodging each attack with precision and finesse.

Ketori's thoughts raced as he faced Ryoshi's newfound power, a realization dawning upon him that he had no choice but to resort to drastic measures.

He really has grown in power! I really have no choice but to fight dirty Ketori's mind raced with desperation, his resolve steeling as he braced himself for what was to come.

"Sorry..." Ketori murmured with genuine regret, his voice barely audible over the sound of their impending clash.

With lightning speed, Ketori launched himself at Ryoshi, his poles striking with deadly accuracy, puncturing Ryoshi's defenses and piercing his flesh with ruthless precision. Before Ryoshi could react, Ketori summoned two massive spikes of ice, impaling him through the chest and stomach, the agony searing through his veins as his grip on his sword faltered.

"What..." Ryoshi managed to gasp, his senses reeling from the onslaught.

"This was the only way!" Ketori declared, his voice tinged with remorse as he shattered the ice, sending Ryoshi crashing to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"Get up already!" Ketori commanded, his tone betraying a hint of frustration as he turned away, walking towards the edge of the room.

Ryoshi's vision blurred with pain, his body wracked with agony as he struggled to rise from the floor. "Ice... MANA BURST!!!" he cried out, a surge of red aura enveloping him as he summoned every ounce of strength within him.

"Blood ice mana burst! This is the only thing keeping me alive right now. I guess I have to end this in this state!" Ryoshi realized, his voice echoing with determination as he prepared to face his opponent once more.

As Ketori conjured two massive spikes of ice, Ryoshi focused his energy, his mind racing with strategy. With unparalleled speed, he sliced through the incoming spikes, his movements fluid and precise despite the agony that threatened to consume him.

I can't perform any of my ice spells, or else I'd be draining the last bits of my blood. I guess I only have to fight using my skill for now... Ryoshi reasoned, his thoughts racing as he braced himself for the next onslaught.

"Skill 1: Sled!" Ketori declared, summoning a pair of red glowing skiiboards beneath his feet.

"Ice Magic: Ice Hill!" Ketori commanded, conjuring a small mountain of blood ice below him, a smirk playing on his lips as he prepared to engage in his twisted game.

"Time to have some fun!" Ketori exclaimed, his voice carrying a note of sadistic glee as he began to ski down the mountain, his movements fluid and graceful despite the chaotic battlefield.

But Ryoshi was not so easily deterred. "I won't fall to this!" he declared, his determination unwavering as he vanished into thin air.

IMPOSSIBLE!!! How... How did he... I AM SO CONFUUUUSED!!! Ketori's thoughts raced with disbelief as Ryoshi reappeared behind the mountain, his blade slicing through the icy peak with ease.

This growth! Ketori marveled, his mind reeling with the implications of Ryoshi's sudden surge in power.

As Ryoshi vanished once more, Ketori's confusion reached its peak. How can somebody jump in power just like that!? I know he's the son of his mother, but I didn't know that they grew like this!

"You-" Ketori began, his words cut short as Ryoshi slashed him across the chest with unparalleled speed, his poles disappearing, the mountain melting away as Ketori crashed to the ground, defeated.

"Passed..." Ketori whispered, his voice barely a whisper as he lay sprawled on the ground, his defeat complete.

With an elegant landing, Ryoshi stood victorious, his gaze steady as he surveyed the aftermath of their battle.

Ryoshi's voice echoed with disbelief as he processed Ketori's words. "I passed?"

"Yes!" Ketori affirmed, his expression mirroring Ryoshi's incredulity as he rose to his feet, his gaze alight with pride.

"You've grown in strength! You've passed!" Ketori exclaimed, his tone filled with admiration as he regarded Ryoshi with newfound respect.

"Buuuut, weren't you wanting to train me in blood ice magic?" Ryoshi questioned, a note of confusion creeping into his voice.

"Th-That can come another time! Instead, how about you enter the room behind me for your final challenge!" Ketori suggested, his words tinged with excitement.

"Final challenge!? I thought you were the final challenge! What are you gonna do now, jump me with all of your friends?" Ryoshi retorted, his skepticism evident.

"No, no, no, beyond that door is perhaps the strongest person in this building," Ketori explained, his expression serious as he emphasized the gravity of the situation.

"Sounds like I can beat him! But I gotta heal, MAKE SURE TO BREAK ME OUTTA THIS BLOCK!!!" Ryoshi declared, determination burning bright in his eyes as he encased himself in a block of healing ice magic.

With a nod of understanding, Ketori stood vigil over Ryoshi, his mind racing with anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead.

As Beth, Genrugi, and Iwi entered the room, the weight of their defeat hung heavy in the air, their expressions a mix of admiration and resignation.

"Phew! This kid is..." Ketori began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the words to convey the magnitude of Ryoshi's power.

"A lot more than you can handle, I know!" Beth interjected, her tone laced with a hint of awe as she regarded Ryoshi with newfound respect.

"He really showed us that we should train a lot more! We're falling behind in strength," Iwi remarked, his voice tinged with regret as he reflected on their recent defeat.

"The amount of time it took him to overcome that gap in strength is terrifying... I don't think anyone else could grow like that," Ketori admitted, his gaze distant as he pondered the implications of Ryoshi's rapid development.

"How about after all of this, we have a long training session," Genrugi suggested, his tone thoughtful as he considered their next steps.

"Yeah, we need it if we're ever going to be teachers again," Ketori agreed, his expression resolute as he looked towards the future.

"Was this a fail?" Iwi questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"He was too strong for us, but he'll get everything he needs in the next room," Ketori replied, his tone filled with assurance as he reassured his companions.

Two hours later, Ryoshi's ice shattered, startling him from his healing slumber.

"Who did that!" Ryoshi exclaimed, scanning the room for any sign of the culprit, but finding it empty.

"Thank you? I guess I'll be moving on to that final room now!" Ryoshi declared, his voice filled with determination as he prepared to face whatever awaited him beyond the door.

With a steady hand, Ryoshi pushed open the door to the next room, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he stepped inside, his eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him.

In the room stood two men, their presence commanding attention as they regarded Ryoshi with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. One had shaggy black hair that obscured his eyes, while the other sported sleek white hair styled into a long ponytail. Despite their differences in appearance, they shared the same lean physique, standing at the exact same height with identical body proportions.

Ryoshi wasted no time in cutting to the chase, his voice ringing with urgency and determination. "Let's skip to the case, WHAT'S YOUR SACRIFICIAL THINGY!?"

The White Haired Man, known as Hon, responded calmly, his demeanor unwavering. "Sacrificial abilities? We don't have that."

"You don't? I thought this house was only for the people with sacrificial abilities though..." Ryoshi questioned, his brow furrowed with confusion.

"We're here for a different reason. My name is Hon, and his name is Hab," the White Haired Man introduced, his tone steady as he gestured towards his companion.

"Hon and Hab... What do you guys do? He said you guys were the strongest... Actually, he said one of you was the strongest. Which one of you is the strongest?" Ryoshi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Hab is the strongest," Hon stated matter-of-factly, though his companion quickly interjected.

"No..." Hab began, his voice trailing off as he glanced at Hon.

"No?" Hon questioned, his confusion mirroring Ryoshi's own.

"You're..." Hab continued, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"I'm...?" Hon prompted, waiting for his companion to finish.

"Stronger," Hab concluded, his words hanging in the air as the trio exchanged bewildered glances.

"What is—WHAT DO YOU GUYS DO!?" Ryoshi demanded, his patience wearing thin.

"I am an absolute master at pure magic," Hon declared proudly, his chest swelling with pride.

"Pure magic?" Ryoshi echoed, his interest piqued as he awaited further explanation.

"Yeah, I know! It's a very rare type of magic to master. There's only less than a hundred people on the planet who know how to use it!" Hon explained, his tone tinged with a hint of excitement.

"I'm not impressed, I'm just wondering, what does pure magic do? What... Even... is... pure magic?" Ryoshi pressed, his curiosity growing with each passing moment.

"Pure magic is the base of all magic! You need pure magic to cast any type of magic. The closest people get to using pure magic is when people perform spells, curses, and use matter magic! Nobody realizes it, but pure magic can be used, and is factually the strongest magic!" Hon elaborated, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

"But—" Hab attempted to interject, only to be cut off by Hon.

"Ahh, Hab uses anti-magic, which is definitively—" Hon began, before Hab seized the opportunity to speak.

"The strongest magic," Hab asserted confidently, his gaze locking with Ryoshi's.

"Anti-magic not only nullifies every magic, but also can erase any magic. It's similar to sacrificial abilities because it doesn't take mana and doesn't use pure magic, thus not qualifying it completely as magic, but more as energy," Hon clarified, his words carrying a weight of authority.

"So, am I fighting you both at once? Because if I am, I'm in deep shit," Ryoshi remarked, his tone tinged with resignation.

"Let's see!" Hon replied cryptically, his eyes alight with anticipation as he summoned a ball of white magic in his left hand, while Hab conjured a ball of black magic in his right.

As Hon unleashed his Pure Magic in a dazzling display of power, Ryoshi braced himself for the impending impact. But before he could react, Hab countered with his Anti Magic, their combined beams merging into a swirling vortex of black and white energy.

"Tch—" Ryoshi grunted, his instincts kicking in as he leaped over the formidable beam, freezing both his hands in blocks of ice before delivering a swift blow to the back of both adversaries' heads, sending them crashing to the ground.

"You guys should be easy!" Ryoshi declared triumphantly, his confidence unshaken by the sudden turn of events.

But Hon's smirk hinted at a deeper truth. "You don't know the half of it!" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he and Hab seemingly vanished into thin air.

Ryoshi tensed, ready for whatever came next. "So the fight's on, I guess! Surriku No Ha!!!" he exclaimed, summoning his weapon with practiced ease.

But before he could make a move, Hon and Hab reappeared behind him in a flash of magic, their forms morphing into vertical beams of white and black energy respectively.

"Alright, Ice Magic: Insta Freeze!" Ryoshi called out, preparing to counter their unexpected transformation.

Yet, before he could even take a step, Hon and Hab began to rapidly spiral around each other, their movements creating a powerful shockwave that sent Ryoshi hurtling across the room, his attempts to intervene thwarted by the sheer force of their combined magic.

As Beth voiced her uncertainty about the situation, Ketori remained resolute. "He needs it," he affirmed, his gaze fixed on the door behind which Ryoshi faced his greatest challenge yet.

Meanwhile, Ryoshi found himself engulfed in confusion as the swirling vortex of magic condensed into a small, enigmatic ball of grey energy.

"What the hell?" Ryoshi muttered, cautiously approaching the peculiar orb.

As he tapped the ball, it exploded in a blinding flash, leaving Ryoshi momentarily disoriented.

"AAAAAAAH!!! Wait, my eyes don't hurt but... Everything is white? AM I BLIND NOW!?" Ryoshi exclaimed, panic rising in his voice.

"No!" echoed a mysterious voice, cutting through the disorienting haze.

Turning around, Ryoshi's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld a floating figure before him. The left half of the individual's body emitted a radiant white glow, while the right side shimmered with an intense black hue. Glowing red and arctic blue eyes pierced the ethereal veil, while long, flowing hair cascaded down the figure's back. Strikingly, the entity's mouth lacked flesh, teeth, or lips, glowing with a vibrant purple hue. Clad in olive green pants and snow boots, the enigmatic being appeared ethereal, devoid of conventional features such as a nose, ears, or eyebrows.

"AAAAAAAH!!! What the hell... Who the hell are you!?" Ryoshi exclaimed, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"I'm Honhab! And you are in a different dimension," the figure declared calmly, crossing his legs as if seated on an invisible chair, exuding an air of otherworldly tranquility.

As Beth voiced her uncertainty about the situation, Ketori remained resolute. "He needs it," he affirmed, his gaze fixed on the door behind which Ryoshi faced his greatest challenge yet.

Meanwhile, Ryoshi found himself engulfed in confusion as the swirling vortex of magic condensed into a small, enigmatic ball of grey energy.

"What the hell?" Ryoshi muttered, cautiously approaching the peculiar orb.

As he tapped the ball, it exploded in a blinding flash, leaving Ryoshi momentarily disoriented.

"AAAAAAAH!!! Wait, my eyes don't hurt but... Everything is white? AM I BLIND NOW!?" Ryoshi exclaimed, panic rising in his voice.

"No!" echoed a mysterious voice, cutting through the disorienting haze.

Turning around, Ryoshi's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld a floating figure before him. The left half of the individual's body emitted a radiant white glow, while the right side shimmered with an intense black hue. Glowing red and arctic blue eyes pierced the ethereal veil, while long, flowing hair cascaded down the figure's back. Strikingly, the entity's mouth lacked flesh, teeth, or lips, glowing with a vibrant purple hue. Clad in olive green pants and snow boots, the enigmatic being appeared ethereal, devoid of conventional features such as a nose, ears, or eyebrows.

"AAAAAAAH!!! What the hell... Who the hell are you!?" Ryoshi exclaimed, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"I'm Honhab! And you are in a different dimension," the figure declared calmly, crossing his legs as if seated on an invisible chair, exuding an air of otherworldly tranquility.