
Ryoshi's mind raced as he processed the revelation, his thoughts spinning like a whirlwind of uncertainty.

"Honhab, that's like a combination of—" Ryoshi began, only to be abruptly cut off.

"I'm gonna cut you short," Honhab interjected, his voice steady and resolute. "I am a part of a nearly extinct race of beings called the Enbetweans. Long story short, Enbetweans are beings made from the mana of the creator of this world, and he tried to kill us, but he didn't kill all of us! I am a type of Enbetwean called the split type, where the only way for me to rest and heal is to divide myself into two people who only hold below one percent of my power inside of them, with the rest of my power being put into this dimension."

"Ok! What?" Ryoshi exclaimed, his mind struggling to grasp the magnitude of the revelation.

"What don't you understand?" Honhab inquired, his tone patient yet tinged with a hint of amusement.

"So you're... Hon and Hab?" Ryoshi ventured, seeking clarification amidst the whirlwind of information.

"Yeah! But not really..." Honhab replied cryptically, his ethereal form shimmering with otherworldly energy. "Those two have a will of their own, and when I first turned into them after the massacre of my kind, they were babies adopted into the Negative Point! Not only did the great ones have no idea I was the babies, but they also didn't know that there was still a member of their kind alive! The great ones instantly saw through the babies though, since they are also split type Enbetweans."

"That is... Interesting??? What are we gonna do now?" Ryoshi asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Imma fight you of course! After I'm done with you, you'll be a dangerous force!!! But not stronger than me-heeeee!" Honhab declared, his voice echoing with an unsettling mix of confidence and amusement.

"Don't be so confident about that," Ryoshi retorted, his determination burning bright despite the odds stacked against him.

"Are you—ARE YOU SERIOUS!? LAYHEHEHAHA!!!" Honhab burst into laughter, his form shimmering with ethereal energy. "Even though you've grown tremendously throughout your time here, you aren't even a smidgen of my power, and you won't grow to my power any time soon."

"I mean, how strong could you possibly be?" Ryoshi questioned, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Kid, I'm not gonna spoil anything for you, but I'm not gonna sugarcoat it either. Have you noticed anything about my body?" Honhab inquired, his glowing form shimmering with otherworldly energy.

"My dude, you are literally a floating silhouette," Ryoshi remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation.

Honhab stood before Ryoshi, his expression a blend of amusement and exasperation. "I guess you don't notice anything. Let me lay it out for you," he began, his voice carrying the weight of ages of knowledge. "There are many types of mana you can have."

As he spoke, the air seemed to shimmer with an unseen energy, each word pregnant with the weight of centuries of understanding.

"Objects have inanimate mana," Honhab continued, his tone steady, as though imparting sacred truths. "Planets have life mana, and people like you have normal mana. And that's pretty much how it goes, in order of weakest to strongest... in terms of weak basic mana, that is."

Ryoshi listened intently, his brow furrowed in concentration, trying to absorb the vast complexities of the magical world laid out before him.

"The twenty royal mages all hold supreme mana," Honhab explained, his voice resonating with authority. "Which gives their magic and spells priority over normal mana, causing their spells to either overpower normal mana or completely go through it."

Ryoshi nodded slowly, his mind struggling to grasp the magnitude of the information being presented to him.

"The four great wizards all own ultra mana," Honhab continued, his words echoing in the chamber like the tolling of ancient bells. "Which is even stronger than supreme mana, and direct descendants from gods who happened to stay as mortals have demi mana, which allows them to completely overpower the previously mentioned mana's."

Ryoshi's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as he realized the sheer power wielded by those who possessed such mana.

"Now, those are all the basic mana's mortals use," Honhab declared, his voice carrying the weight of eons of wisdom. "But the big three powerhouses of mana are dark, divine, and beyond."

Ryoshi leaned forward, his heart pounding with anticipation, eager to learn more about these legendary forces.

"Dark mana is used by demon lords, Satan, and Death himself," Honhab explained, his words tinged with a hint of dread. "This mana opens up a sub-genre of magic called dread magic, dread magic has things like dread fire, dread thunder, dread ice, and more, and all of these magic can directly destroy any sorts of magic, and even directly harm someone's soul."

Ryoshi shivered, the chill of Honhab's words sending shivers down his spine as he contemplated the terrifying power of dark mana.

"Divine mana is used by demi-gods, gods, and even sometimes humans with legendary weapons," Honhab continued, his voice resonating with awe. "Divine mana not only is the second strongest mana, it also deletes dread magic, and deals a hundred times the amount of damage to evil souls, demons, and the undead."

Ryoshi's eyes widened, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the forces at play in the world of magic.

"Finally, beyond mana is the strongest mana," Honhab proclaimed, his voice ringing with authority. "Being the only type of mana to be immune to anti-magic and also have its own version of anti-magic called divine anti-magic that can counter every and any type of magic, plus it also has things such as beyond light magic, beyond dark magic... beyond pure magic... THAT'S RIGHT, THE ONLY ENTITIES TO HAVE ACCESS TO THIS POWER ARE ENBETWEAN'S!!!"

Ryoshi blinked, his mind reeling from the revelation of such incredible power, his thoughts swirling like a maelstrom of uncertainty and wonder.

"Geez, I didn't know I needed to bring a notebook to class," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

Honhab's voice thundered through the air, each word heavy with the weight of his power. "I don't care that I'm dragging on! Not only does the right side of my body hold beyond anti-magic, but the left side of my body holds beyond pure magic! The strongest combination of magic there is! And I have unlimited mana, and if you're immortal, beyond mana has the power to kill the immortal!"

Ryoshi's eyes widened in shock, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Honhab's declaration. "What does all of this mean?" he managed to stammer out, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"It means that you don't stand A CHANCE AGAINST ME!!!" Honhab roared, his voice echoing like thunder through the chamber.

Ryoshi took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the true extent of the danger he was in. "I kinda forgot that we were even supposed to fight," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and resignation.

"Alright, attack me," Honhab commanded, his tone dripping with confidence.

"Gladly!" Ryoshi replied, his voice firm with determination.

With a swift movement, Ryoshi charged forward, his sword raised high as he prepared to strike. But before he could land a blow, his weapon bounced off of Honhab's body, sending it flying from his grasp.

"What the-" Ryoshi exclaimed, his confusion turning to disbelief.

"Not strong enough," Honhab remarked casually, his voice betraying no hint of effort.

As Honhab floated to the ground, Ryoshi watched in awe, his mind racing to comprehend the true extent of his opponent's power.

"Let me show you something," Honhab said, his voice calm as he gestured towards the sky.

High above, a white ball appeared, its surface shimmering with untold energy.

"This dimension has an infinite size," Honhab explained, his words resonating with a sense of awe. "That up there is a ball of pure magic the size of our universe, and since our universe is different from others because of some of our planets being the size of multiple universes, and even our planet is somewhere in that ballpark."

Ryoshi listened intently, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing sight above.

"Now," Honhab continued, his voice tinged with excitement, "the ball is four times the size of our universe."

The ball grew larger still, its brilliance illuminating the entire chamber.

"Now it is a million times larger!" Honhab exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "I had to send it farther up."

Ryoshi's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what he was witnessing.

"What is the point of this?" he managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'mma drop it on you," Honhab replied, his tone casual as though discussing the weather.

"WHAT!?" Ryoshi cried out in shock.

"Yep, take this!" Honhab declared, his voice ringing with authority.

The ball in the air disappeared, leaving Ryoshi and Honhab standing in the center of the chamber, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"I'm going to very slowly teleport it though," Honhab added, his voice calm as he prepared to unleash his devastating attack.

Suddenly, Ryoshi and Honhab were caught in the center of a large white explosion, their forms engulfed in a blinding light as the sheer power of Honhab's magic unleashed its fury upon them.

Ryoshi's cry echoed through the chamber, a mixture of pain and confusion twisting in his voice. "GAAAAAAaaaah... Wait, this doesn't hurt..."

In response, Honhab swiped his hand, and in an instant, everything disappeared, leaving nothing but a void of darkness.

"Yes, I'm so strong that I can nerf my own power to not hurt you! How wonderful, right?" Honhab's voice rang out from the darkness, his tone laced with a strange mix of amusement and superiority.

"That's scary! But I still think I can beat you!" Ryoshi declared, his voice filled with determination despite the uncertainty gnawing at his heart.

"After seeing that? You're an idiot," Honhab retorted, his words cutting through the darkness like a blade.

"No, I'm not," Ryoshi protested, his voice defiant.

"Yes, you are," Honhab countered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Suddenly, there was a second Honhab standing behind Ryoshi, his presence looming like a specter in the darkness.

"AH! WHY ARE THERE TWO OF YOU?" Ryoshi exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.

"That is an afterimage," the original Honhab explained, his tone condescending. "You are literally so predictable! Everything down to how you talk! How does it feel to be a walking trope?"

"That's it! Surriku No Ha!!!" Ryoshi cried out, his voice filled with determination as he summoned his magic.

But instead of a powerful spell, Honhab manifested a glass cup full of red juice, his mocking laughter echoing through the darkness.

"Ice Magic: Ice tip!" Ryoshi commanded, his frustration mounting as he tried to regain control of the situation.

Yet, to his dismay, nothing happened to Ryoshi's sword, but Honhab's glass of juice suddenly had cubes of ice floating in it, mocking Ryoshi's failed attempt.

"Thanks for the ice!" Honhab quipped before taking a sip of the juice, his amusement evident in his voice.

"What did you do!?" Ryoshi demanded, his frustration boiling over.

"When you have enough control over mana, you can literally do anything you want to anyone else's magic, and that includes redirecting their spells into something else," Honhab explained calmly, his voice dripping with superiority.

"No way all that ice magic can turn into ice cubes!!!" Ryoshi protested, his disbelief evident in his voice.

"I cut down on the amount of mana you used," Honhab replied smugly, his superiority shining through his words.

"Alright then, TAKE THIS!!!" Ryoshi roared, his frustration fueling his determination as he unleashed a gigantic surge of ice to block off Honhab.

sigh Honhab sighed, his exasperation evident as he instantly appeared on Ryoshi's side of the ice surge, his presence unwavering amidst the chaos.

Honhab's voice cut through the air, its tone both challenging and incredulous. "You don't believe me?"

With a swift motion, Honhab grabbed the ice, his movements fluid and precise, as if performing a practiced ritual. Seemingly effortlessly, he tore a chunk of ice off, the shards breaking away like wrapping paper torn from a present.

"What- Now you're just not being fair! How does that even work? It's ice, NOT FOIL," Ryoshi protested, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Pump enough magic into it and it's possible," Honhab explained casually, his tone betraying no hint of effort.

"You know what, I give up, you win, I WANT TO TRAIN UNDER YOU!!! I needa learn some new things," Ryoshi declared, his voice filled with a mixture of resignation and determination.

"You sure are a mentor whore," Honhab muttered under his breath, his words barely audible.

"What?" Ryoshi asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Nothing," Honhab replied dismissively, his attention already shifting elsewhere.