
In the heart of the vast continent of Jijilura stood a beacon of knowledge and power, the illustrious Amazacus School. Renowned as the largest educational institution in the world, Amazacus was not merely a place of learning but a crucible where the brightest minds and the most formidable wizards were forged.

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Jijilura, Amazacus boasted a legacy steeped in prestige and tradition. It was the dream of countless aspirants, but only a select few would ever have the privilege of crossing its threshold. For Amazacus accepted only the best of the best, with admission granted to a mere one out of a thousand applicants, and registration opening just once every thirty years.

To gain entry, one must endure a hundred grueling trials, each designed to test the limits of one's intellect, skill, and fortitude. And once within its hallowed halls, the standards remained unforgiving, with students required to maintain a grade point average of 95% or higher at all times. Any lapse, however fleeting, would result in swift expulsion.

But the rigors of Amazacus were not confined to academic pursuits alone. Here, magic was not just a subject but a way of life, and students were pushed to their limits to harness its boundless potential. The faculty spared no effort in ensuring that every student reached their fullest potential, going to extraordinary lengths to cultivate strength and mastery.

Amidst the bustling campus, a towering crimson edifice stood as a testament to the school's legacy. This was the base of operations for the national wizard clan, a bastion of power guarded zealously by knights and the twenty royal mages who called Amazacus home.

Yet, even within the halls of Amazacus, hierarchy prevailed. The four great wizards, revered as paragons of magic, stood above the government itself, their authority surpassed only by Lord Di Lusso, the king of the world and the ultimate arbiter of power.

Within this esteemed institution, amidst the whispers of arcane secrets and the echoes of scholarly pursuits, one individual stood poised on the brink of destiny. And it is here that our journey begins, as we cast our gaze upon a certain someone whose path may soon intertwine with the annals of greatness.

In the labyrinthine halls of Amazacus, a sense of urgency hung thick in the air, echoing the frantic footsteps of a certain teenager with short golden hair. Jiomo Kirataki, a 16-year-old in his third year at the esteemed school, dashed through the empty corridors, his maroon hoodie billowing behind him, adorned with intricate golden swirl designs.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" he muttered under his breath, his brown eyes filled with determination.

His sprint brought him crashing into a much larger figure, a muscular boy with spiked grey hair and piercing green eyes, clad in a white coat and jeans.

"Jiomo!?" the grey-haired boy exclaimed, recognizing his frenetic classmate.

"Ikishu, you're late too?" Jiomo replied, his voice tinged with both relief and frustration.

"I don't know where to go!" Ikishu confessed, his expression a mix of bewilderment and embarrassment.

Before they could ponder their predicament further, a commanding presence made itself known. A girl with hot pink hair and purple eyes, adorned in a purple wizard hat and a maroon wizard robe, stood before them. This was Manaku Lara, a veteran of four years at the school.

"Manaku! How wonderful, YOU'RE HERE TO HELP US!" Ikishu exclaimed, his voice brimming with hope.

"You guys are idiots! IT'S NOT EVEN ON CAMPUS," Manaku retorted, her tone equal parts exasperation and amusement.

"What!?" Jiomo and Ikishu exclaimed in unison, their faces reflecting a mixture of disbelief and chagrin.

"Here!" Manaku declared, manifesting an orange book before them. "I'll make a portal to it..."

With practiced precision, Manaku opened the book and chanted, "TELELOR PORTO!!!"

In an instant, a swirling purple portal materialized before them, its vibrant hues beckoning them forward.

"Oh, Manaku, what would I do without you..." Ikishu murmured gratefully, his admiration evident in his voice.

Without hesitation, the three classmates stepped through the portal, emerging on the other side to find themselves amidst a throng of young people gathered in front of a stage. The sun cast a warm glow over the scene, illuminating a vast grassy field surrounded by towering trees and majestic mountains in the distance.

Jiomo's voice rose above the murmurs of the crowd as he realized their position. "We're at the back of the crowd!"

"Once again, I got this!" Manaku declared with confidence, her fingers already flipping through the pages of her book.

"GROWAS PLATONOWA!!!" she incanted, her words imbued with power.

In response, a platform of vibrant greenery sprouted beneath their feet, lifting them into the air above the sea of heads. Now elevated, they had an unobstructed view of the stage, where four figures sat in floating seats above the crowd.

"Who are they?" Jiomo asked, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious quartet.

"They go by the seasons, they are the elitist warriors of their continent, the Negative Point," Manaku explained, her tone filled with a mix of reverence and caution.

"I've always heard about the Negative Point being a wishing area, but excuse me, A CONTINENT!?" Jiomo exclaimed, his disbelief evident in his voice.

"Yep," Manaku confirmed simply, her attention already drawn back to the unfolding spectacle before them.

Suddenly, a burst of pink dust erupted on the stage, signaling the beginning of the event.

"We came at the perfect time!" Ikishu remarked, his excitement palpable.

"WELCOME ALL MY WONDERFUL STUDENTS!!!" boomed a voice from the stage, commanding the attention of the crowd.

With a snap, the dust dissipated, revealing a man with orange hair and blue sunglasses, clad in a flamboyant ensemble of blue and orange.

"My name is Chad, and I am here to proudly announce our forty-seventh MONSTER HUNTING EVENT!!!" he proclaimed, his voice resounding with enthusiasm.

Great Wizard Chad Overgrown: The Strongest Influence in the World(and the school counselor)

Beside him materialized a venerable figure in a grey wizard robe, his bald head crowned by a bushy beard.

Great Wizard Forrest Guillotine: The Strongest Magic User in the World(and the school spell teacher)

"We are here today to get rid of all of the destructive monsters that plague this area!" Forrest says, his voice firm with resolve.

"We're doing this too!" Raitami interjected, his presence exuding strength and determination.

Great Wizard Raitami Esugan: The Physically Strongest Magic User in the World(and the school P.E teacher)

"And whoever brings back the most monster bodies will get a prize," another figure chimed in, his spikey brown hair and confident demeanor marking him as a force to be reckoned with.

Great Wizard James McYoner: The Best Potential in the World

"But of course, we're doing this too!" Raitami added, his voice carrying a hint of challenge.

"What's the prize?" Chad inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's a surprise! Tohohoho!" Forrest chuckled mysteriously.

"We also have competition! We've invited the seasons of the Negative Point to compete against us! They've even invited three of their own guests, but we've got three of our own guests too!" Raitami announced, his words setting the stage for the impending showdown.

"But let's get this train on the move! Forrest, do it!" Chad commanded, his excitement reaching a fever pitch.

With a flourish, Forrest conjured a massive ball of black magic, casting a shadow that engulfed the sky and the sun, signaling the beginning of the epic event.

"On the count of me destroying this, you all go!" Chad's booming voice echoed across the field, his words setting the students' hearts racing with anticipation.

"This is gonna be fun," Fuyu remarked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Are you sure this will help with our investigation, Fuyu?" Taiyo inquired, his expression thoughtful.

"I'm pretty sure he's here somewhere... Haru, how have you been, I haven't really talked to you since we left," Fuyu directed his attention to a figure standing nearby.

"I'm... Fine..." Haru replied quietly, her gaze fixed on the ground.

"Awesome!" Fuyu exclaimed, his enthusiasm undeterred by Haru's subdued response.

"With the strength of a billion of my followers!" Chad announced, his right fist enveloped in a dazzling pink aura.

With a swift leap, Chad soared into the air, his fist colliding with the black ball of magic and shattering it into oblivion.

"You all can go!!!" Chad declared, his voice ringing with authority as the remnants of the spell dispersed into nothingness.

With a surge of energy, the students sprang into action, scattering in all directions in pursuit of their quarry.

"Oh no! We gotta get going!" Ikishu exclaimed, leaping off the platform and darting into the forest with determination.

"Ikishu, WAIT FOR ME!!!" Jiomo shouted, racing after his friend with single-minded determination.

"Don't leeeaaave meee!!!" Manaku wailed, her voice echoing across the field as she chased after Jiomo, her determination matched only by her desperation.

And with that, the hunt began, each student driven by their own motivations and goals, united in their quest to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.