
Fuyu and Taiyo stood atop a lofty mountain peak, the crisp mountain air invigorating their senses as they gazed out at the breathtaking vista before them. Three figures stood nearby, their presence commanding attention against the backdrop of the rugged mountain range.

One of the figures, clad only in red shorts, exuded a formidable aura, his muscular physique a testament to his strength. With brown curly hair and piercing blue eyes, he stood tall and imposing, radiating an air of raw power.

The second figure possessed long, wavy crimson hair and was adorned in a striking purple jacket over a red shirt, paired with black spiky jeans. Beside him stood a woman with cascading blonde locks, her attire a black dress adorned with yellow crosses, her pink eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity.

"Getting here early is gonna be a good idea!" Fuyu remarked, his excitement palpable as he surveyed their surroundings.

"Are you sure you wanna waste two days just to do this, shouldn't we be on our mission?" Taiyo questioned, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Have some fun! We need a vacation!" Fuyu insisted, his tone light and carefree.

"Don't like being this high up, it makes me... IT makes me..." the figure in red shorts began, his voice trailing off as a sudden surge of anxiety gripped him.

This was God Body Judith Kristo, a formidable figure among the ranks of the risers—a rare breed born with near-immeasurable strength and the soul purpose of facing off against their godly counterparts. Judith, the riser of Hercules, possessed the means to challenge his godly counterpart but had chosen a different path, rising to prominence as a high-ranking Purotekuta.

"ANXIOUS!!!" Judith's voice boomed, a primal scream unleashing a powerful shockwave that reverberated through the mountains, shattering the tranquility of the landscape in an instant.

As the echoes of his scream faded into the distance, the group stood poised on the precipice of destiny, their paths converging amidst the towering peaks of the mountain range.

"Calm down, Judith, quiet down dude! You might destroy everyone's earlobes!!!" Chiri Ochigawai interjected, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and concern. A former assassin of the spring season turned Purotekuta, Chiri now stood as a formidable presence among them.

"That might have given away this location. The great wizards are totally coming over here now, dude..." Chiri remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"I don't sense anyone coming," Inoru Ochigawai, Chiri's wife and a former mage of the spring season, countered calmly. Now working as a Negative Point school teacher, she exuded a sense of calm assurance.

"They could be just suppressing their mana!" Fuyu suggested, his instincts on high alert.

"Yes, we were," Raitami confirmed, materializing behind the group with a quiet grace that belied his formidable presence.

"Raitami... I've been meaning to talk with you," Taiyo began, his expression serious as he sought a private moment with the physical education teacher.

"Where is everyone? Is it just you?" Fuyu inquired, his curiosity piqued as he scanned their surroundings.

"Fuyu, stop interrupting me," Taiyo chided gently, his focus unwavering.

"Look closer," Raitami urged, prompting Taiyo to reconsider his question for a moment.

Then, with a sudden flourish, a man clad in white armor emerged from behind Raitami, striking a dramatic pose.

"Yes, we're here!" proclaimed Slit Evercern, the royal mage of weapons and the weapon combat teacher at the school.

Another figure, Branden Giggles, the royal mage of silence and the detention teacher, joined the fray, flexing confidently as he made his presence known.

"Our stealth skills are the best!" Branden declared proudly, his demeanor exuding a sense of playful camaraderie.

Finally, Stuntler Pripson, the royal mage of wands and the wand teacher, stepped forward, his unique appearance catching the eye of the onlookers.

"I'm not posing," Stuntler remarked dryly, his tone deadpan.

"Were all three of you just standing perfectly in line with him?" Fuyu queried, his disbelief evident.

"Yes!" Slit confirmed, a grin spreading across his face.

"It was so stupid," Stuntler admitted, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"It was fun!" Branden chimed in, his enthusiasm infectious.

"You guys didn't think you could beat me to something as amazing as this!" Raitami interjected, his voice laced with amusement.

As the group bantered and exchanged jests, a sudden tremor shook the earth, heralding the emergence of a colossal stone hand that dwarfed the surrounding mountains in comparison, casting a shadow over the gathered assembly.

"It's here," Taiyo declared grimly, his gaze fixed on the looming threat.

"There are more of them coming!" Inoru exclaimed, her voice tinged with urgency as she surveyed the horizon.

"Kamigami No Kirisaki-Sha," Raitami intoned, his command echoing across the landscape.

With a thunderous roar, a massive stone being emerged from the earth, its colossal form dwarfing the surrounding terrain. These beings, known as colossi, were ancient giants of unparalleled size and power, their presence heralding destruction on an unimaginable scale.

"These things are called colossi," Fuyu explained, his voice tinged with apprehension. "They are the biggest known creatures in the world, and extremely destructive. For size comparisons, the average size for a mountain on this planet is about 435,435 feet tall. When these things stand up, from their perspective, the mountains look like grains of sand. They can be seen from up to 130,000,000,000 miles away. These creatures live within the planet and sleep for five hundred thousand years straight, and only awaken if someone of great power is in range."

As the group watched in awe and trepidation, six more colossi emerged from the ground, their massive forms casting a shadow over the landscape.

"We gotta—" Fuyu began, his words cut short as Raitami vanished from sight.

"Beat him..." Fuyu murmured, his voice filled with determination.

Suddenly, with a swift and decisive movement, all of the colossi were cleaved in half, their massive bodies rent asunder as the upper halves soared into the air, their destruction wrought in an instant.

"He's quick!" Chiri exclaimed, his admiration evident as he watched Raitami's swift movements.

Both upper and lower halves of the colossus were cut into many small pebbles, the sheer force of Raitami's attack reducing the massive creature to rubble.

"His strength is amazing!!!" Slit marveled, his eyes wide with awe at the display of power.

"Such precise cutting..." Stuntler added, his voice tinged with admiration as he observed the aftermath of Raitami's attack.

"CHEATER!!! You didn't leave any for us!" Fuyu protested, his playful tone masking a hint of envy at Raitami's prowess.

Raitami appeared on a separate mountain, his presence commanding attention as he prepared for the next phase of the battle.

"This is where the fun starts!" Raitami declared, his voice ringing with anticipation.

All of the pebbles came together and fused into one gigantic colossus, seven times the size of the previous ones. The colossal creature turned around to face Raitami, its massive form dwarfing the landscape.

Raitami's weapon disappeared, his confidence unwavering as he prepared to face the formidable foe head-on.

"Bring it!" Raitami challenged, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

The colossus launched a barrage of punches at Raitami, who countered with a ferocity that matched the creature blow for blow. Each clash sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, obliterating mountains and sending trees flying in all directions.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" Raitami laughed triumphantly, his exhilaration evident as he unleashed his full power.

With a powerful stomp, Raitami sent the colossus and everyone else hurtling into the sky, the sheer force of his attack leaving no doubt as to his formidable strength.

"That was enough fun for me," Raitami declared, his tone casual as he surveyed the aftermath of his handiwork.

"Let's do this! I will slay this monster!!!" Slit proclaimed, his determination unwavering as he flew towards the colossus.

"Does it even feel pain? IT'S ALL ROCK AND STONE!!!" Slit exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he unleashed a barrage of attacks against the colossal creature.

"No," Stuntler confirmed, his voice calm as he observed the futile onslaught.

"Dammit! Weapon Magic: Knife Storm!!!" Slit exclaimed, conjuring hundreds of miniature knives that exploded upon impact with the colossus, their detonations echoing across the battlefield.

"Probably affects that thing as much as a white blood cell being destroyed!" Slit remarked wryly, his frustration evident as he assessed the impact of his attacks.

"I can help. Silence Magic: Defense Silencer," Branden announced, his voice calm as he cast his spell.

The colossus gained a dark blue aura, its defenses weakened by Branden's magic.

"There you go, it should be softer than a pillow," Branden quipped, his lips quirking into a smirk.

"Thanks!" Fuyu responded gratefully, seizing the opportunity to strike.

"What!" Branden exclaimed in surprise as Fuyu's weapon materialized in his hand, the young warrior wasting no time in leaping into action.

"Skill 1: Gyrate!" Fuyu declared, his spear swirling around at amazing speeds before he launched it towards the colossus. In a flash, the spear severed the colossus's arm, causing it to fall softly to the ground as the aura dissipated.

"That was meant for me!" Slit protested, his frustration evident as he watched Fuyu's swift maneuver.

"Should have acted faster!" Fuyu retorted, his confidence unwavering as he prepared for the next phase of the battle.

"It's our turn to show off now! Magical Weapon: Kaminari No Batto!!!" Chiri exclaimed, summoning a black baseball bat with transparent spikes on it.

"Infuse!" Chiri commanded, his voice brimming with determination as the spikes began to glow purple with electrical energy.

"Batter up!" Inoru cheered, conjuring a ball of light yellow magic and tossing it into the air.

Chiri swung the bat with precision, sending the ball hurtling towards the colossus at incredible speed.

"Holy home run!" Chiri exclaimed triumphantly as the ball struck the colossus directly in the head, burrowing through its massive form and disappearing into the sky beyond.

"AND IT'S GONE!!!" Chiri proclaimed, his excitement palpable as he watched the ball vanish into the distance.

"I don't like this thing..." Judith muttered uneasily, his discomfort evident as he observed the colossus's relentless advance.

As sweat dripped uncontrollably from Judith's body, each drop burrowed into the ground like a powerful drill, a testament to the immense pressure of the battle unfolding before them.

"This is..." Judith began, his voice trailing off as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Too much for me to handle..." he whined, his distress evident as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Cheer up, big guy," Chiri urged, his tone gentle as he attempted to comfort his friend.

"What's up with him!?" Raitami inquired, his confusion evident as he observed Judith's emotional state.

"This is normal for him. He's always in this state of concern and sadness. Judith! Wanna have the finishing blow on this thing?" Chiri explained, his voice tinged with compassion.

Judith's tears vanished as he sniffed and nodded. "Sure~" he replied, his voice trembling with emotion.

In an instant, Judith disappeared, leaving his companions stunned by his sudden disappearance.

"He- VANISHED!?" Slicer exclaimed, his disbelief evident as he scanned the area for any sign of Judith.

"He's too fast for us to comprehend!!!" Stuntler marveled, his awe evident as he struggled to make sense of Judith's swift movements.

Suddenly, Judith reappeared below the colossus, delivering a powerful uppercut that shattered the massive creature into small pebbles.

"Finish the job! Holy Magic: Holy Grace!!!" Inoru commanded, her voice resolute as she infused Chiri with a bright yellow aura.

"Battering up! Skill 1: Practice Shot!" Chiri declared, swinging his bat at the air and unleashing a powerful beam of purple electricity that obliterated the pebbles in an instant.

"AAAAND THAT'S HOW YOU TAKE CARE OF A COLOSSUS!!!" Chiri proclaimed triumphantly, his excitement palpable as he surveyed the battlefield.

"You guys stole our kill! Raitami, why didn't you finish it off?" Slit demanded, his frustration evident as he turned to Raitami for answers.

Raitami shrugged nonchalantly, his expression unreadable as he responded to Slit's accusation.

"I could've easily sliced it in half!!!" Slit protested, his tone laced with irritation.

"Why didn't you? You had lots of time to take your kill back!" Fuyu interjected, his confusion mirroring Slit's frustration.

"It would feel wrong to interrupt such a beautiful moment..." Slit admitted, his voice trailing off as he struggled to articulate his feelings.

"Now you've got me confused..." Fuyu remarked, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of Slit's unexpected admission.

"Raitami..." Taiyo began tentatively, his expression grave as he addressed the powerful wizard.

"What?" Raitami replied curtly, his attention shifting to Taiyo.

"Your son, he's..." Taiyo hesitated, unsure of how to broach the sensitive topic.

"Dead!? Finally..." Raitami interrupted callously, his indifference shocking his companions.

"WHAT!? No, you're a horrible person..." Taiyo exclaimed, his shock turning to outrage at Raitami's callous response.

"Look, I only asked you to become his teacher because I didn't want to seem like a bad parent. Do you know who you're talking to? I try to care about that kid, but that's hard to do! I'm a great wizard after all," Raitami explained dismissively, his words dripping with disdain.

"That doesn't really explain anything," Taiyo retorted, his frustration evident as he confronted Raitami's indifference.

"Fuyu!" Raitami snapped, his patience wearing thin as he redirected his attention to the young warrior.

"Uh geez, I was just gonna ask. The science teacher of the school, Anata Jibun," Fuyu replied sheepishly, his discomfort palpable as he shifted the conversation away from the tense exchange between Raitami and Taiyo.

Slit and Stuntler both glared at Fuyu, their irritation evident as they silently reprimanded him for changing the subject.

Raitami's gaze wandered over the horizon, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. "What about him?" he asked, turning to Fuyu.

Fuyu's "eyes" searched the distance, contemplating. "Did he come on the trip?" he inquired.

"No, he's back at the school working, why?" Raitami responded, curiosity lacing his tone.

Fuyu shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Nothing! I was just wondering, because me and him have been pals for a good while now, and I wanted to give him congrats on making it as a teacher!"

"Oh. I'm bored. Imma go fight some more strong creatures now!" Raitami declared before vanishing into thin air.

"Stuntler! You wanna go hunt for some monsters!" Slit called out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Stuntler sighed, his demeanor resigned. "Why not," he muttered before fading from sight alongside Slit.

Chiri smirked mischievously as he observed the scene unfold. "Your buddies left you!" he teased, pointing a finger at Branden.

Branden's expression remained impassive as he replied, "Nobody at the school really likes me. I only came along just to keep some of the students in check. One of the students being a kid named Jiomo, he's a... trouble maker to say the least, he even came late to the field trip! I see him in detention all of the time."

"I have three of my own! They are pretty chaotic, sometimes. But I wish I could teach them more, I don't really get to see them all too often, and they learn more from other people. Honestly, I'm a failure of a teacher," Fuyu confessed with a heavy sigh.

"Don't say that Fuyu! You're doing your best! You can't help it if the great ones don't let you teach your students all too much!" Taiyo interjected, offering words of encouragement.

"I just wish that... I could do more.... BUT THAT'S WHY I'M HERE!!! You know what guys, let's head back to the Negative Point. We needa talk about some things," Fuyu declared with newfound determination.

Judith materialized behind Fuyu, his presence a silent reminder. "We're... Leaving?" she questioned softly.

"Yup!!!" Fuyu confirmed, his resolve unwavering.

Inoru raised a hand, invoking a spell with practiced ease. "Holy Magic: Holy Split," he intoned, creating a shimmering portal that beckoned with unknown possibilities.

"See you later Branden!" Fuyu called out cheerfully.

"Bye," Branden replied quietly as the five of them stepped through the portal, disappearing from sight before it sealed shut behind them.

Branden's thoughts lingered on the departure of his companions. Where did those two actually go? he mused, the question echoing unanswered in the quiet solitude of the landscape.