
The crackling flames of the campfire cast dancing shadows around the trio seated by its warmth, the midnight hour enveloping them in its tranquil embrace.

"GO TO SLEEP," Ikishu's voice cut through the stillness, firm and commanding.

"NO," Jiomo retorted defiantly, his tone brimming with stubbornness.

"GO TO SLEEP," Ikishu repeated, his patience wearing thin.

"NOOO!!!" Jiomo protested, his voice rising in opposition.

"Go..." Ikishu began, his words trailing off.

"Nooooo," Jiomo countered, refusing to yield.

"To..." Ikishu persisted.

"Noooooooo," Jiomo interjected once more, his resolve unyielding.

"SLEEP!!!!!" Ikishu finally exclaimed, frustration seeping into his tone.

"NO!!!" Jiomo exclaimed in defiance.

"Oh my god!! Can you guys shut up!!!" Manaku's exasperated voice interjected, breaking the tense standoff.

"You go to sleep too," Ikishu suggested, his tone resigned.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep over all of your yelling! Besides, I'm up for the same reason you guys are. I'm hoping a monster decides to pop up, but you dimwits are probably scaring the monsters away!!!" Manaku retorted, her irritation palpable.

A low, guttural growl pierced the night air, sending shivers down their spines.

"GRRRRRR," the sound reverberated ominously.

Manaku's eyes widened in terror as a large set of red glowing eyes materialized behind her.

"YAAAAAAAAA!!!" she shrieked in horror, her voice echoing in the darkness.

"Magical Weapon: Hogo No Tate!!!" Ikishu invoked, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them.

A blue transparent shield with a golden outline materialized in front of Manaku, as Ikishu dashed behind her just in time to block a swipe from a giant claw.

Emerging from the shadows, the monster revealed itself—a ginormous red bear with spiky red and black hair, its intimidating presence casting a pall over the campsite.

"MINE!!!" Jiomo declared with a gleam in his eye, his excitement palpable.

Leaping into the air with a primal roar, Jiomo summoned forth his magical weapon: "Magical Weapon: Bifoa No Ken!!!" he announced.

The strange-looking sword materialized in his hands, its unconventional design resembling a pistol with a muzzle at the tip. With a steady hand, Jiomo aimed the weapon at the towering beast.

"Oh wait, don't do it!!!" Manaku's voice rang out, filled with apprehension.

But Jiomo was undeterred. "Skill 1: Shot!!!" he commanded, pulling the trigger with precision.

A blinding white beam of light erupted from the muzzle of the sword, piercing through the chest of the bear with deadly accuracy.

As the bear reeled from the impact, Ikishu seized the opportunity to act. He's finna take my kill! he thought with a mixture of annoyance and determination.

Throwing his shield with expert aim, Ikishu struck the bear's head, the impact causing it to stagger momentarily, dazed by the unexpected assault.

"Hey guys..." Manaku's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her tone tinged with urgency.

"Nice help!!!" Jiomo's sarcastic remark echoed through the night, his frustration evident.

"Wait, NO!!!" Ikishu's warning came too late as Jiomo pulled the trigger on his sword, activating its devastating power.

"Saber mode!!!" Jiomo exclaimed triumphantly as the blade transformed, a beam of white light extending from it.

With a swift motion, Jiomo cleaved the bear in two, ending its existence in a single decisive strike.

"Gottem!" Jiomo declared proudly as he landed on the ground, his adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

"GUYS!!!" Manaku's alarmed cry interrupted their moment of victory.

Pointing eastward, Manaku's trembling finger revealed a chilling sight—dozens of the same bears, some smaller, some larger, advancing toward them with menacing intent.

"Uh oh..." Jiomo muttered, realization dawning upon him.

"I tried to warn you... These kind of bears hunt in packs," Manaku explained, her voice trembling with fear.

"Are we damned or what?" Ikishu muttered, his gaze fixed on the approaching horde.

"Fools." The disdainful voice cut through the night like a knife.

A figure emerged from the shadows, perched atop a high tree, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the moon.

"It's you!" Jiomo exclaimed, recognition flickering in his eyes.

Descending gracefully, the boy approached the trio, his presence commanding attention. With oyster-white hair framing his face and a birthmark resembling the moon adorning his left eye, he exuded an air of mystique. Clad in pearl violet pants and pastel blue shoes, his attire was as unconventional as his appearance. A burn scar marred the left side of his chest, a testament to battles fought and won. A cross necklace adorned his neck, adding to his enigmatic allure. His eyes, a mesmerizing turquoise green, held a hint of amusement as he regarded them.

This was Zyrae Cyrus Lane, a fourth-year student at the school and the riser of the fire god Prometheus.

"What have you guys gotten yourselves into this time?" Zyrae inquired, his voice tinged with amusement.

"We can handle it ourselves Zyrae!" Jiomo retorted, his pride refusing to concede.

"No. I need these," Zyrae stated simply, his left hand igniting with grey fire magic.

"Stay back, hooligans," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

With a flick of his wrist, Zyrae unleashed a torrent of grey fire, obliterating every single bear in an instant.

"Your welcome," Zyrae remarked casually, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOU TO HELP!!!" Jiomo protested, his frustration boiling over.

"YEA, THAT COULD OF BEEN MORE KILLS FOR ME!!!" Ikishu chimed in, his disappointment palpable.

"And Zyrae... You need a body left over to count those as kills," Manaku added, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

Zyrae's lips curled into a menacing grin as he reveled in their frustration.

"Then I guess I just messed up all your hopes of getting more hunts," he remarked before shattering into blue pieces.

"Ikishu!!!" Jiomo cried out in dismay as Zyrae reformed behind them, effortlessly grabbing both halves of the slain bear.

"That's mine!" Jiomo protested, his frustration evident as he reached for the remains of the bear.

"Not anymore! Remember this, idiot, anything that the moonlight touches, is mine," Zyrae declared, his tone dripping with superiority.

"Why are you so... spiteful?" Jiomo questioned, confusion clouding his features.

"I'm doing what I can before I become the future fire god, so... watch out..." Zyrae warned cryptically before shattering into blue pieces, his form dissipating into the night.

"Who does he think he is?" Manaku muttered, her irritation palpable.

"A god?" Ikishu suggested half-jokingly, his gaze following the disappearing fragments of Zyrae.

"Aaeeeeh," Jiomo groaned, collapsing onto his back in exasperation. "Can this night get any worse?"

As if in response to his lament, a portal materialized behind the group, sparking intrigue and apprehension in equal measure.

"Where did that portal come from?" Manaku wondered aloud, her brow furrowing with concern.

"It looks like it leads to the school," Ikishu observed, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar gateway.

Jiomo sprang to his feet, his curiosity piqued. "A portal to school? Why, how? Who did this!?"

"I'm the only one of us capable of making portals, and I didn't do this. And this portal isn't one from a book, it's basic magic one..." Manaku explained, her voice tinged with unease.

"So should we go through it?" Jiomo asked, uncertainty creeping into his tone.

"Honestly, it could be fun. Manaku could just portal us back-" Ikishu began, only to be interrupted by Manaku's vehement refusal.

"No! I'm not going!!!" Manaku declared firmly, her fatigue and fear outweighing any sense of adventure.

"What- WHY!!!" Ikishu protested, incredulous at Manaku's sudden reluctance.

"I'm tired, and I don't want to get in trouble. You guys can go," Manaku insisted, her resolve unwavering.

"But how are we gonna get back?" Ikishu countered, concern etched into his features.

"I'll find a way!!!" Jiomo declared with determination, his mind already racing with possibilities.

With a decisive leap, Jiomo hurled himself through the portal. "Come before it closes!!!" he urged, his voice echoing from the other side.

"Ok!" Ikishu agreed, his decision made in an instant. With a graceful front flip, he disappeared into the portal just as it began to close, leaving the night and its mysteries behind.

"The school looks so different when it's night," Jiomo remarked to himself as he navigated the dimly lit corridors, his footsteps echoing softly against the tiled floors.

"So, what are we gonna do here?" Ikishu's voice rang out, his tone filled with anticipation.

"Split up! I wanna get back a pack of cards that Mr. Giggles took from me," Jiomo replied, his determination evident.

"I'll go take a lap around the field!!!" Ikishu declared before darting off in the opposite direction.

As Jiomo raced through the hallways, his senses on high alert, he caught a glimpse of someone entering a nearby room.

Who was that!? Jiomo wondered, his curiosity piqued. Slowing his pace, he cautiously approached the room and swiftly entered, his weapon at the ready.

"Bifoa No Ken!!!" Jiomo invoked, his sword materializing in his hands as he scanned the room for any sign of intruders.

To his surprise, the room appeared empty. "Nobody? But I swore I saw..." Jiomo murmured to himself, his confusion mounting.

Suddenly, a Shinrai materialized before him, causing Jiomo to jump back in shock.

"AAAAAH!!! Skill 1: Shot!!!" Jiomo exclaimed, unleashing a beam of light through the figure's chest.

"Interesting," Shinrai remarked calmly, unfazed by the attack as his body regenerated before Jiomo's eyes.

"Progress..." he added cryptically, his gaze fixed on Jiomo.

"What the hell!!! Who are you? How did you do that?" Jiomo demanded, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

In response, Shinrai unsheathed his katana, his movements fluid and precise.

"Saber Mode!!!" Jiomo shouted, activating his weapon's enhanced form and launching a swift strike at the figure.

However, to Jiomo's astonishment, the attack seemed to have no effect as Shinrai merely stood there, unscathed.

"Successful," Shinrai declared calmly, revealing his special ability—Adaptation—a power that grants him complete and utter conceptual immunity to anything that hurts him for the first time. It can range from things like being immune to certain magics, all the way to more vague things like being cut, and sharp objects.

"Why are you here?" Shinrai inquired, his voice laced with intrigue.

"I'M ASKING YOU THAT!!!" Jiomo retorted, his frustration mounting.

In a swift motion, the figure slashed Jiomo across the chest before delivering a powerful kick that sent him hurtling through several walls.

Gah- What is happening? Jiomo thought dazedly as he struggled to regain his bearings.

Meanwhile, Ikishu continued his sprint through the hallways, his destination—the field—beckoning him onward with each passing step.

I'm almost there!!! Ikishu's inner monologue echoed as he neared the exit, anticipation coursing through his veins.

Just as he was about to step out onto the vast field, Ikishu's keen eyes caught sight of Anata, causing him to instinctively duck behind a nearby structure.

Dr. Jibun? Ikishu mused silently, his mind racing with questions at the unexpected encounter.

Yoraki materialized before Anata, prompting Ikishu to peer cautiously from his hiding spot, his curiosity piqued.

Who is that guy? Ikishu wondered, observing the exchange between Anata and Yoraki with growing unease.

"How has your progress been, Jibun?" Yoraki inquired, his tone brimming with expectation.

"The Negative Point has been interfering more than I'd like to admit, but once this is all over, they won't stand a chance against us," Anata responded, his voice laced with determination as he removed his glasses, revealing his hollow, empty eyes.

What- That's nightmare fuel!!! What does this all mean? Ikishu recoiled internally, his mind reeling with the implications of Anata's unsettling appearance.

"Good, we're depending on you!" Yoraki affirmed before vanishing into thin air, leaving Ikishu grappling with the unsettling revelation.

I should probably tell this to- Ikishu's thoughts were abruptly cut short as he coughed up blood, his body suddenly frozen in place as an unseen force gripped him with agonizing intensity.

What is... Going on... It's almost like I'm being impaled by invisible spears on all sides Ikishu struggled to comprehend the overwhelming sensation coursing through him before succumbing to unconsciousness, collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Behind him, Slit and Stuntler emerged from the shadows, their intentions veiled in mystery.

Slit Evercern- Z-006: His ability is to turn anything he touches, sharp.

Stuntler Pripson- Z-007: His ability is still unknown

"How sad," Stuntler remarked, his expression inscrutable as he observed Ikishu's prone form.

"We have to wipe his memories!" Slit declared, his voice carrying a note of urgency as he glanced over at Anata, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

Anata's gaze lingered on Ikishu's unconscious figure, his expression unreadable as he contemplated the events unfolding before him.

"Oh dear! Poor Ikishu, he wasn't supposed to be here, but that should mean that Jiomo is here..." Anata's voice echoed with a mix of concern and calculation as he surveyed the scene before him.

"Z-001 should be dealing with him," Stuntler remarked, his tone matter-of-fact as he referred to an unseen player in their game.

"Z-001 better be careful. If he kills Jiomo, then there goes plan A," Anata cautioned, his expression grave as he contemplated the potential consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, Jiomo raced through the labyrinthine corridors, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he sought to evade his relentless pursuer, Shinrai.

I've blasted that thing at least twenty times now! And still, nothing works! I need to get out of here and get to Ikishu!!! Jiomo's thoughts raced as he turned another corner, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.

"Mr. Evercern? Mr. Pripson? What is..." Jiomo's words trailed off as he beheld the scene unfolding before him, his voice catching in his throat.

"Great," Stuntler remarked dryly, his attention fixed on Jiomo's sudden appearance.

"Do we hurt 'em, sir?" Slit inquired eagerly, his gaze shifting between Jiomo and his fallen companion.

Jiomo's eyes darted past Slit and Stuntler, widening in disbelief as he spotted Anata amidst the chaos.

"Mr.... JIBUN!?" Jiomo exclaimed in astonishment, his mind reeling with the implications of Anata's involvement.

"Knock him out," Anata ordered before vanishing from sight, leaving Jiomo to confront his approaching adversaries alone.

"Alright! Jibun has some great plans for you!" Slit declared with a sinister grin, his aura tinged with malice as he advanced menacingly toward Jiomo.

"The less you resist, the less it will hurt," Stuntler added, his voice low and menacing as he closed in on Jiomo, his intentions clear.

But just as Stuntler and Slit moved in for the attack, a sudden interruption threw their plans into disarray. Slit froze in place, his form enveloped in a crimson aura, as Branden descended from the ceiling with a determined expression.

"I know everything now!" Branden declared boldly, his presence disrupting the tense standoff.

"Branden!?" Stuntler exclaimed, his surprise evident as he registered the newcomer's unexpected appearance.

"Mr. Giggles!?" Jiomo echoed in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the unfolding chaos.