Yes way

"I had a feeling you were here... Silence magic is one of the most powerful magics there are, but it has no offensive capabilities," Stuntler observed, his tone measured as he sized up the situation.

"That's true, but I can still incapacitate you guys," Branden countered calmly, his demeanor unwavering despite the looming threat.

"I can see. You used movement silencer on Slit. With your powers, you can nullify anything you want, that's what makes you a royal mage," Stuntler acknowledged, a note of respect creeping into his voice as he recognized Branden's formidable abilities.

Drawing his white wand from its holster, Stuntler prepared to retaliate, but before he could act, Branden invoked his own magic.

"Silence Magic: Movement Silencer," Branden commanded, freezing Stuntler in place and enveloping him in a crimson aura.

"Silence Magic: Sleep Silencer," Branden continued, his focus shifting to Slit as the red aura surrounded him, rendering him immobile.

Jiomo, bewildered by the unfolding events, could only watch in stunned silence as Branden took control of the situation.

"Mr... Giggles, what is HAPPENING!?" Jiomo demanded, his voice tinged with urgency and confusion.

"I was investigating a bit around the school and ran into these two doing some shady business. I didn't expect them to be doing this kind of stuff though. Jiomo, what are you and Ikishu doing here?" Branden explained, his tone grave as he assessed the gravity of the situation.

"A portal opened up next to our tent, and I was curious so I..." Jiomo began to explain before Branden cut him off with a stern admonishment.

"Walked through the portal? You kids are so dumb. Let me deal with them first; you take care of Ikishu's body," Branden instructed, his focus shifting to the task at hand.

However, before Jiomo could respond, Shinrai materialized before them, his presence adding another layer of complexity to the already chaotic situation.

"How did you do that? Who are you?" Branden demanded, his surprise evident as he regarded the newcomer.

"Hyper focus energy," Shinrai replied cryptically, offering little explanation for his abilities.

"Hyper focus energy? I heard of focus energy but hyper focus?" Branden mused aloud, his curiosity piqued by Shinrai's enigmatic response.

Before the conversation could progress further, Stuntler's wand transformed into a pistol-like shape, and in a swift motion, he fired a shot that pierced Branden's right calf, eliciting a pained grunt from the royal mage.

"Gruh-" Branden groaned, clutching his wounded leg as blood flowed from the wound.

"Jiomo, take Ikishu and call for help! I'll deal with these guys!" Branden instructed, his voice strained with pain as he struggled to maintain his composure.

With a swift kick, Slit propelled Ikishu's limp body toward Jiomo, who caught him with a sense of urgency before fleeing the scene.

"Z-001, go after him. Let him run, but don't let him run too far," Stuntler ordered, his gaze fixed on the retreating figure of Jiomo as he vanished into the distance.

Meanwhile, Branden invoked his magic once more, seeking to alleviate the pain from his injury and cloak himself from view.

"Silence Magic: Pain Silencer," Branden murmured, his aura shifting to a soothing pink hue as the pain began to ebb away.

"Silence Magic: Visibility Silencer," Branden added, disappearing from view as he prepared to confront his adversaries with stealth and determination.

Slit's declaration reverberated through the tense atmosphere as he conjured two shimmering longswords of orange magic, his challenge echoing across the field.

"Don't be a coward! Come out and fight me!" Slit taunted, his voice laced with bravado as he awaited his opponent's response.

But before Slit could fully process the situation, he was met with a sudden, powerful blow to the face, sending him hurtling through the air and crashing onto the unforgiving ground below.

"Silence Magic: Movement Silencer," Branden commanded, freezing Slit in place mid-flight, his form suspended in a state of motionlessness.

Seizing the opportunity, Stuntler seized his chance to strike, firing his wand and hitting Branden squarely, causing him to become visible once more. In a swift and calculated motion, he aimed and fired again, the shot piercing through Branden's chest with deadly precision.

"You might not have been able to feel it, but that one went right through one of your lungs," Stuntler remarked coolly, his tone devoid of remorse as Branden doubled over in agony, blood trickling from his lips.

Can't- Breathe- Branden struggled to form coherent thoughts as the pain threatened to overwhelm him.

"Suffocate," Stuntler commanded, firing another shot that tore through Branden's body, puncturing his other lung and exacerbating his already dire condition.

"Silence Magic: SUFFOCATION SILENCER!!!" Branden gasped, summoning all his strength to invoke a countermeasure to the suffocating agony that threatened to consume him.

"This should do for now..." Branden murmured weakly, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he fought to regain control over his failing body.

"You have one for everything. The next one will be through your heart and Geji," Stuntler threatened, his voice cold and unyielding as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

"Try your best!" Branden retorted defiantly, his resolve unshaken even in the face of imminent death.

"I know you're in pain right now; you can't have two silence spells on you at once," Stuntler remarked, a cruel smirk playing across his lips as he observed Branden's struggle.

"I can... Survive," Branden replied through gritted teeth, his determination burning bright even as his body faltered under the relentless assault.

But before Branden could muster another defense, Slit broke free from the spell that had held him captive, launching himself forward with a fierce battle cry.

"Silence-" Branden began, but his words were cut short as Slit's attack pierced through his stomach, obliterating his Geji and leaving him vulnerable to the onslaught of pain and despair.

As Branden attempted to shield his eyes from the onslaught of dirt, he realized too late the true nature of Slit's attack. The harmless particles had transformed into deadly daggers, raining down upon him with merciless precision, each strike sending waves of agony coursing through his battered form.

As Jiomo continued his frantic dash through the sprawling halls of the school, the enormity of the institution became increasingly apparent with each passing moment.

The more I run, the more I start to realize how big this school really is! Maybe it's just Ikishu weighing me down though... Jiomo mused silently, his thoughts racing as he pressed on, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors.

No matter how fast Jiomo ran, Shinrai seemed to materialize at every turn, his presence an ever-present reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows. Frustration mounting, Jiomo finally came to a halt, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he confronted his relentless pursuer.

"Ok, are you just gonna keep POPPING UP!?" Jiomo exclaimed, his voice tinged with exasperation as he faced Shinrai head-on.

Shinrai appeared before Jiomo, his expression unreadable as he addressed the bewildered teenager.

"I'm trying to make the illusion of me actually chasing you in a fair way work," Shinrai explained, his tone matter-of-fact as he sought to clarify the situation.

"Why are you doing this? What are you guys even doing? I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Jiomo demanded, his frustration palpable as he grappled with the chaos unfolding around him.

"My job right now is to chase you, and I can't kill you. Dr. Jibun was having a meetup with his work buddy, and Slit, Stuntler, and I are here to lay protection on them while they discuss information," Shinrai elaborated, offering a glimpse into the intricacies of their clandestine operation.

"Why do you guys have to fight me, though? Why are you guys fighting Mr. Giggles!?" Jiomo pressed, his confusion mounting with each passing moment.

"We're just bad guys, and Mr. Giggles just happened to get in the way of bad things. I hardly even call THIS fighting you; you've yet to do anything effective since shooting that hole through me," Shinrai remarked, his tone tinged with amusement as he downplayed Jiomo's efforts.

Before Jiomo could respond, Anata materialized behind Shinrai, his presence casting a foreboding shadow over the encounter.

"Dr. Jibun... IF THAT'S YOUR REAL NAME!!!" Shinrai interjected, his voice laced with suspicion as he confronted the enigmatic figure.

"It is. Looks like you fell for my trap!" Anata declared, his voice carrying a note of triumph as he revealed his true intentions.

"The portal? I used it to lure you here," Anata explained, his gaze fixed on Jiomo as he revealed the extent of his machinations.

"What- Why? What are you going to do to me?" Jiomo demanded, his voice tinged with apprehension as he braced himself for the revelation.

"You're the perfect person for a special experiment. Not only do you have the perfect potential for it, but you are also the perfect puppet for this show," Anata explained cryptically, his words sending a chill down Jiomo's spine.

"I've never seen you without your glasses on; you look like that guy from the Negative Point..." Jiomo remarked, his mind racing as he struggled to piece together the puzzle before him.

"Me and him go... way back- Were you even paying attention to everything I was saying?" Anata retorted, his expression inscrutable as he regarded Jiomo with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

"No, I- I don't understand," Jiomo admitted, his confusion mounting as the gravity of the situation began to dawn on him.

Suddenly, the tense exchange was interrupted by the sound of a violent collision as Branden's body was sent hurtling through a nearby wall, followed closely by Stuntler and Slit. Rising to his feet with a determined resolve, Branden prepared to face his adversaries once more, his determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against him.

Branden's agonized moans echoed through the tense atmosphere as he struggled against the overwhelming odds.

"You're surrounded now, Branden! It's sad everything has to end like this!" Slit taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he advanced on the injured mage.

"We're going to have to kill you for everything to work," Stuntler declared coldly, his gaze fixed on Branden with chilling determination.

"Mr. Giggles!" Jiomo called out, his voice laced with desperation as he watched the unfolding confrontation.

"Jiomo... Stay back... You damn idiot..." Branden muttered, his voice strained with pain as he tried to ward off his assailants.

"Mr. Giggles..." Jiomo pleaded, his heart heavy with fear and confusion.

"That name is so stupid... sigh I'm not making out of this alive but... I know you are. Remember this, Jiomo, remember that I died... because of you..." Branden's words hung heavy in the air, a solemn reminder of the grim reality they faced.

Slit touched the ground, summoning two sharp spikes that impaled Branden through both of his feet, rendering him immobile and vulnerable.

"I don't understand any of this," Jiomo muttered, his mind reeling from the chaos unfolding before him.

"You will soon," Branden replied, his voice tinged with resignation as he braced himself for the inevitable.

With ruthless efficiency, Stuntler fired his weapon, the shot tearing through Branden's chest and snuffing out his life in an instant. The spikes that had held him in place vanished, and Branden's lifeless form crumpled to the ground.

"Z-001," Anata called out, his voice echoing through the aftermath of the brutal confrontation.

In a swift and decisive motion, Shinrai struck Jiomo, knocking him unconscious and plunging him into darkness.

"Z-007, go ahead and remove all the bad things that happened this night from his memories," Anata commanded, his voice betraying no hint of remorse as he orchestrated the erasure of the night's harrowing events.

Nine hours later, Jiomo awoke in a daze, his head throbbing as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

"Ah! Dr. Jibun!!!" Jiomo exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognized Anata standing over him.

"You're awake now!" Anata responded, his tone calm and composed as he reassured Jiomo.

"What happened? Why am I here?" Jiomo questioned, his memories fragmented and hazy as he tried to piece together the events of the previous night.

"You were knocked out! Probably because of Mr. Giggles..." Anata explained, his words carefully chosen to conceal the truth of the violent confrontation that had unfolded.

Jiomo's brow furrowed in confusion as he struggled to comprehend Anata's explanation.

"Mr. Giggles... Why?" Jiomo queried, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he sought to unravel the mysteries of the night's events.

Anata's expression remained unreadable as he offered his response, his words carefully crafted to conceal the truth of their encounter.

"Well, last night, Mr. Evercern, Mr. Pripson, and I were attacked by him! He had you hostage, so we had no other choice but to kill him," Anata explained, his tone measured as he recounted the fabricated version of events.

Jiomo's mind reeled at the revelation, his thoughts swirling with disbelief and disbelief at the notion that his former mentor had become embroiled in such a violent altercation.

"I... I don't understand..." Jiomo murmured, his voice trailing off as he struggled to reconcile Anata's words with the reality he remembered.

Anata offered Jiomo a reassuring smile, his gaze unwavering as he maintained his facade of calm authority.

"Don't worry, Jiomo. Everything will become clear in time," Anata reassured, his words laden with a sense of finality as he gently guided Jiomo through the tangled web of deception that surrounded them.

Jiomo's eyes widened in astonishment as Anata revealed the truth behind his unsettling dreams.

"That's... why I've been... feeling like this..." Jiomo murmured, his voice tinged with realization as he grappled with the implications of Anata's revelation.

Anata's gaze softened as he regarded Jiomo with a mixture of understanding and reassurance.

"Feeling how?" Anata inquired gently, his tone encouraging Jiomo to share his concerns.

"I had this dream... It was just Mr. Giggles' voice echoing at me, saying that he died because of me... Maybe I did something, but I don't know what I did," Jiomo explained, his words filled with a sense of unease as he recounted the haunting experience.

"You helped us locate you so we could save you and take him down! But because of that, I've secretly installed something in you," Anata revealed, his voice laced with quiet confidence as he unveiled his hidden agenda.

"Wait! What!?" Jiomo exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock at the unexpected revelation.

"Shhh, let's keep this as one of our little secrets. I've been seeing a lot of potential in you, so I decided to give you a little something special. To activate it, you just gotta say 'Kagho'," Anata explained, his words tinged with a sense of excitement as he unveiled Jiomo's newfound abilities.

"Kagho?" Jiomo repeated, his curiosity piqued as he processed the information.

Suddenly, Jiomo's left eye began to glow a brilliant yellow, sending a jolt of surprise coursing through his body.

"Aaaah! Wh-What is this?" Jiomo exclaimed, his voice trembling with awe and wonder.

"It's a special eye that gives you the ability to create constructs of light! The more you use it and train it, the more abilities you unlock," Anata elucidated, his words filled with pride as he revealed the extent of Jiomo's newfound powers.

"Why me?" Jiomo questioned, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions as he grappled with the weight of his newfound destiny.

"Special chance. Your friend Ikishu was also found unconscious, but he's being tended to by the school doctor. Anyway, Jiomo, you're free to go. The special trip was ended early because of this news so school is back to its normal ways," Anata explained, his tone gentle and reassuring as he offered Jiomo a sense of closure.

"Aw..." Jiomo murmured, his heart heavy with the weight of the day's revelations as he reluctantly made his way out of the room, his mind ablaze with thoughts of the future that lay ahead.